
Transported to a parallel fictional world[Hiatus]

https://www.patreon.com/Totherwindow1 Ekko Makena Afia was a normal teenager boy, but that all changed what he completed a survey that mey or may not have been made by a Rob. Now in a completely New Earth from his own how will he deal with Boob robbing Ninja, aliens from space, a gloutonus dragon and a apartment hot spring that seems to attract women from all walks of life. ( This story will contain manga, anime some hentais and some Manwhas as well. The story setting is in modern Earth but with a few magical twists.) Update schedule: Whenever I have time as I work.

TotherWindow1 · Cómic
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Note: Future Fanfiction

Hey guys, happy that you're here still reading and also welcome new readers who have just caught up.

I'm writing this note to just announce that by the end of the school year or maybe October I'll be writing a new fanfiction but don't worry I won't be dropping this one.

In my spare time ive come up with a few ideas and stories that I really want to write about but I just don't know which one I want to start writing.

So I'm asking you the readers for help. I'll write the options down below and I need you guys to plus one or comment, I'll also put up a suggestion comment so if you have any ideas for future projects.

Thanks for your time.

Option one {Dc AU}: A story about the son of Poison Ivy and Harley Quin in the dc universe.(Hint: The main characters powers will be inspired by the last of us. He will have control over the Fungal kingdom.)

Option two { TOG}: A story about a fire force character entering the Tower of God universe.(

Hint: The character will either be Ogun or Charon.) I have a lot of ideas for this one.

Option three{ Lol}: A story about a normal teen who does a survey only to be transported to the League of legends universe with the Gengi character class card and a few other boons.( Hint: His main base of operations will be in Zoan.)

Option four{ Dc}: A story about a boy born from the Union of a devil and an angel. His main role is that of a demon hunter.( Hint: The presence/Lucifer.)

Option Six{ Danmachi}: A story about a boy born with lancers memories and abilities.( Hint: He will join the Demeter familia as I've never seen anyone join her before.)

Option 5: A suggestion from the reader of a fanfiction you might want to see or read about.( Hint: Be creative.)

That's all, Thanks.😊

Any comments and votes would be appreciated.

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