
Transmitgrated into blue lock

vrg523 · Cómic
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4 Chs

chapter 4

we walked back to the rooms together with bachira really close to me but I didn't mind cause I like him. me and bachira then decided to head back to the main room where the others were. when I walked in next to bachira I saw everyone looking at there ranks. "Hey isagi. look at this. I shot up from my old rank of 300. see? I'm at 275 now." the monk said as soon as I walked in. I decided to stay to the plot line for this part and said "what? That's amazing." the monk said "oh, you did, too. look. yours till one above me.ypur my rival huh?" After he told me to look I was looking at my rank and thinking of what was going to happen in the upcoming game.

when he said I was his rival I looked att him with a serious face and said "yes your my rival and I'm yours." he looked at me with a shocked expression on his face and then smiled. then ego showed up on the screen and said "hello there, diamonds in the rough. how are you enjoying life at blue lock?" shark teeth then said "cut the crap!did you really expect us to improve in this crummy environment?!" the mushroom was agreeing and said "yeah what he said. I want better food." ego said "the environments crummy because your soccer skills are crummy, duh. idiots." After he said that I just looked at him with and impassive face and started remembering what would happen next.

I only zoned back in 2hen ego said "l3tw begin the first selection." Everyone was trying to decide what position they would play for the first game. "listen up. soccer was originally a sport all about scoring. You've been stupidly imprinted with the notions of positioning and tactics, but all those roles have evolved over time. soccer initially started out with every player being a striker. so play soccer as it was originally. create soccer from zero with your brains." ego said. he was spouting a lot of famous soccer players that haven't even won the world cup. I was looking ar the screen with a bored expression on my face then I felt someone looking at the side of my face. I looked to the left to see bachira looking at me like I was his puzzle to undo and figure out. I smiled at him but stopped when I looked away.

I was playing rock, paper, Scissors with three other players including bachira and won so I got to pick which position I ww gonna play. kuon the traitor said "then, starting with isagi-kun. we'll each say with position we want to play in." I just glared at him and Said "I'm gonna be the forward." while daring anyone to say something. I was putting my jersey over th3 skin tight outifit when kuon made a whole bored in the changing room to explain our formation. I already knew what was gonna happen so I didn't listen and just waited for everyone to be done. I was walking out with everyone to the field going over what would happen in the game and decided that I wasn't gonna follow the plot. I'll change it.

I was stretching my legs when carrot top said " here they come. team x." I saw all of then and the only one that looked like he had skill was the king as he likes to call himself. 'how much gel does he have to put in order for his hair to stand up like that' I thought with a smirk on my face. as I was getting ready for the kick off bachira then said "you scared isgai?" I looked at him and smirk with a crazy look in my eye. "not one bit." I said with a smirk on my face. he smiled and said "leys have fun! otherwise. well lose. that's how soccer is." I looked at him said "mom let's have fun." I don't think he expected me to sat that because he had a shocked look on his face. he passed the ball to me I then thought 'let's show them who the emperor of soccer is.

I ran forward to see three others coming my way. as I got closer to them I dribbled better than bachira and got pas the three of them like it was nothing. after I made it pass them I saw shark teeth coming my way so I looked at him and Said "don't even think about it I am the emperor. you will listen and don't oppose me." I was still running and looked away from his scared face and ran towards the king who was running towards me and thought 'I am the emperor. a mere king like you should kneel.' he must've seen what I thought through my eyes cause he got mad and a virn was bugging in his head. I did a nutmeg faster than he did in the original plot line and ran past then made a goal in the left top corner faster than anyone could stop.