
Transmitgrated into blue lock

vrg523 · Cómic
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4 Chs

chapter 3

After Kira went crazy and started yelling at ego because he said That he was expelled And he couldn't come back. After He yelled I'm Japan's soccer jewel in the Crown, I snapped and walked up to him with a delete ora Surrounding me And a expressionless 😑 face. I said "nobody cares if you were the queen the England. in blue lock when your not good enough you get kicked to the curb. you think I don't know that your a two-face stabbing bitch.i know that already this is your karma now leave before I make you. and I promise you won't like what I'll do."

after 1 minute of me staring him down and him trying to find something to say he shivered and ran out. when he left I looked at everyone and they were all staring at me in awe and surprise, even ego was which was surprising even to me. bachira broke the silence saying "I believed you would kick him but not without hesitation. you surprised me isagi-kun. I don't get surprised often." he was looking at me in lust and I'm not gonna lie it was hot, but I had to hold back so I won't get a boner in this skin tight outfit.


Everyone was in the workout room. I was on the Chattanooga doing better than the original esiggy did when shark teeth yelled " How can you become the world's Greatest striker looking like that?" towards the monk who looked like he was gonna throw up any minute now. and I knew he was so I walked off the treadmill just in time for him to get two words out "shut up" before he throw up and fell off the treadmill. I then walked towards the jumping area where kuon was about to do. 'I'm only going near him to keep an eye on him. he's a traitor.' I then did my highest jump and almost hit the ceiling. as I was falling down I saw kuon look at me with shock in his eyes that were finally open.


as I was getting my meal in the cafeteria like everyone else. I got rice, and miso soup with and omelet. 'hmm this is weird I'm getting better food then the original isagi from the cannon.' I was looking over at The guys with high ranking and saw the one started eating with his fingers. He was eating dumplings with his fingers when a Brown headed boy popped Up taking his dumpling and eating it talking about "I'm stealing your dumpling." The other guy with dead eyes said "Hey pipsqueek give it back."

timeskip ....

Everyone Was in The sleeping chamber. I had the monk right next to me sleeping in weird position. I also couldn't sleep and wanted to speak to The redhead otherwise known as chigiri. I got up and left the sleeping chambered. I was going to walk to the training area when a soccer ball hit me in the back of my head. i look back to see bachira Smiling at me. "isagi. training alone." I told him "yeah I am wanna come train with me."

We met back up in the soccer field and with I was stretching and warming up I thought maybe he has something to say but I wanted to follow the plot line for this part so I said "when we player tag, you passed the ball to me." he murmed "yep" I then remembered what to say next, I said "why die you think I'd aim for kira?" he was in thought and said " well.. I guess it's because.. there is a monster inside of me." After he said those last few words his eyes turned black with swirls in the and a gold pupil. "a monster?" I asked even though I already knew what he was talking about.

"what do you mean?" After I asked my second question he was smiling and had his right foot on the soccer ball. "When I'm playing soccer, the monster comes out and talks he me." he said with a smile on his face with kicking the ball and dribbling it toward me. "score a goal. weave about more." After he was trying to shake me off I kept to his side with little difficulty. I kicked ball away from him and he got close enough to my face to kiss and said "but in that moment, the monster said to me : pass the ball to isagi. there is a monster inside him to, it said" he then ran towards the ball but it went into a goal for me and said "when I play, I listen to its voice. that's all there is to it. you hear it to right the monster voice."

I looked at him with a serious face and said "I am that monster, I listen to no one but myself." I walked up to Hi I'm and decided to warn him about kuon. so I said "just to warn you I have a bad feeling about kuon so don't tell him Any valuable info like what your good at or your weaknesses." he was dribbling the ball and said " isagi I'm happy I came here and got to meet you." he caught the ball on his foot and said " ne isagi let's play again." I had a smile on my face and said "sure" After that the speakers said "the results of th3 fitness tests have been assessed.please return to your rooms and confirm the latest rankings."