
Transmitgrated into blue lock

vrg523 · Cómic
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4 Chs

chapter 2

as I got on the bus It finally settled in my mind that I was in the anime I wanted to be in and experience since it can out. I thought to myself 'the hot guys are a bonus tho.' After the long ride I had the same uniform and number in room z from the first episode. 'I can't wait to finally meet my crushes in person.' After five long minutes of walking I finally found the room and said " here it is finally this building is like a maze."

the door automatically opened and I walked in to see all the original players and thought 'this is gonna be like a roller-coaster, isn't it?' everyone w a s staring at me as I was lost in my thoughts when u heard a familiar voice that I was not fond of, seeing as I k own how he really is from the anime. "isagi-kun, I'm so glad I'm sharing a room with someone I know." I just put on my professional fake smile and said "kira-kun. I'm relieved too. I guess." although I whispered the last sentence u Der my breath I'm pretty sure everyone but him heard what I said under my breath from their reactions.

after I said that a shirt almost hit me in the face but I dogded it with reflexes that sem better than in the cannon. after that I caught the shirt and started walking to him after he said " sorry I through it too hard." before I was half away from I'm someone said "watch where you walking." I looked down and saw my first from canon Bachira and smile with blush on my face.i The shirt back to lemonhead. I then Leaned down and softly caressed his head while he was sleeping While grinning to myself.

I then got up and acted like nothing happened to all walking Away. I heard him murmur in his sleep "Hey Vico pass. Passed the ball we go." I walked up to my locker Taking off my clothes. I felt them all looking at me and realized That this boy body had a slimmer waste Than usual but I still had muscles. I was finishing up and putting on the top of the Skin tight uniform that they provided us. I heard the bald headed monk Say "Wow it's really you" To Kira.

As I was looking at the bald monk he turned to me and said "nice to meet you." He then introduced himself as Igarashi gurimu. I didn't want to seem rude so I said "oh nice to meet you too." Once I finished my sentence he started rambling about how his family runs A temple and he doesn't want to take over the family business. As I expected eagle sun then appeared from his screen in the changing room. Hey still calls us diamonds in the rough just like in the cannon anime. He then started explaining how all the people in the room were our roommates and rivals who will help us improve. 'He basically did that to show off his technology and the money that he wasted say anything' so I stayed silent while he explained. I thought that with a unimpressed facial expression on my face.

I didn't have to worry about my ranking cause I knew I was stronger than I seemed in the cannon. And then I would definitely get higher Well. no way That there was not 300 people in the building. Everything went the same way as the cannon Except for when bachiwa woke up and started passing the ball to me after causing a Rockus. But this time I kicked the soccer ball without hesitation towards Kira. I watched everything happen with an indifferent facial expression. When I saw but Bachira kick Towards the monk I was more impressed because he definitely hit him harder than you see in the episode of the anime.

He was mumbling about that being a foul. When the monk charged put me in the way I threw Him off and put him in Instead So i wouldn't get hit.