
Transmigrator And Regressor

It's a story about a main character that reincarnated to a novel world. At first he was seeking for a nice happy life but unfortunately the fate said otherwise. In the end he awakened a cheat like power that changed everything. No matter how many times he tried, there's always one more person to be saved until the only person he can't saved was himself. But that's not only it, when there is transmigator, there exist a regressor.

Orange_car · Fantasía
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8 Chs

Chapter 6: The Greatest

[ Hares and Luna are enjoying their meal suddenly there's someone talk to them. ]

" Anu sorry but can I sit here? "

[ Sophia talk to Hares while pointing to the chair next to Hares. ]

" Oh, I don't see any problem. Sure take a seat."

" Thank you. "

' yahoo first step done '

" I'm Sophia. Sophia D'Flores. Nice to meet you. "

" Ah I'm Luna Everdale. Nice to meet you too Sophia. "

[ Luna answer to Sophia greeting with a glare. ]

" Hares Louis. "

" Pardon me if I have disturb your guys. "

" No worries. "

[ They continue eating while having a short conversation in between. ]

" So Hares, which classes had you chosen? "

" Magic and voyager. "

" Ah really. It's a coincidence. I choose that classes too. "

" Maybe it's fate. Who knows. "

" By the way, it's really pleasant to meet you. So see you later, Hares and Luna. "

" Sure then. See yaa. "

[ After they finished ate their meal. Sophia went straight to weapon warehouse. While Hares and Luna were having a short conversation. ]

" You looked happy talked with her. " Luna said while pouting.

" Why? Are you jealous. "

" No why should I? Hmmph. "

" Well you know, the one who should be jealous should be my girlfriend. So... "

" Hah... What you talking about? "

" Hhaha, guess what? "

" What? "

" That expression of yours look cute though. "

' Luna blushing '

" Hmmph who d..... "

[ Announcement Announcement ]

[ All students,please go to weapon warehouse for next session. ]

" Seems like we need to go. Shall we, cutie. "

" Who's your cutie?! "

' hahahah i will never be bored with this expression '

" Come on... "

" Hmmph okay. "

[ After 30 minutes, all students finally at the warehouse. ]

[ Both of them was walking then came across with Sophia. ]

" Ah we meet again. "

" We meet sooner than I thought. "

" Like you said, maybe it's Fate. "

[ Three of them having a conversation even though there seems like a tension between Luna and Sophia. However their small gathering attract others students as Luna and Sophia are the daughter from famous families. ]

" Wow two beauties at the same time. "

" Who's that guy. "

" Errr why he's there and not me. "

" Wait didn't that guy look good. "

" You're right, he's good looking. "

[ Two beauties and a guy.]

" Ehem pardon to all students. "

" I'm Jason Mayer. "

" Nice to meet you. "

" As you know, all of you here will receive a weapon. One for all of you. You can choose any weapon you liked but make sure you choose carefully. "

" One more, inside this warehouse. There are all kind of weapon with different kinds of rank. "

" It all depends on your luck whether your choice are good or not. "

" I give you guys 1 hour. So please come in. "

[ Everyone was excited. Academy will give new students a free weapon for the first time. If they want to change or their weapon broke. They need to use their own points to buy it. And it's expensive. ]

" Have you thought what weapon you going to use Luna, Sophia? "

" I'm going for a sword though. "

" I use a wand. " Said Luna

" I use a sword too. " Said Sophia while smirk to Luna

' this b*** '

" Then Luna, i will meet you here later. Let's go Sophia. "

" Coming....."

[ Sophia turn her head back and tease Luna. ]

' herrrrrmph How dare you Sophia. '

[ Luna was mad and going to make sure,next time she will be the one to laugh. ]

' Sophia walking next to Hares while soft humming. '

' hmm hmm walked next to him made me remember my past. '

[ It all started on the academy. ]

[ The day to determine our ranking. ]

[ Everyone were nervous because of the test. But for us who already had a training were so confident. Usually for high rank family. ]

[ The test were Fight with monsters and fight with another student. ]

[ For the first stage. A student need to defeat as much as possible wolfs in 10 minutes. ]

[ And for second stage. A student need to defeat other student in one on one combat. ]

[ I was confident I able to reach top 1 or 2. ]

[ But he overwhelmed feats. ]

[ Leaves a huge gap between first and second place. ]

[ That's how I know him. ]

[ He exceed everyone expectations. He did everything you can think off. ]

[ Everyone called him a prodigy. A genius.]

[ In five years, he became the strongest awaken. The gaps between us. There's no chance to surpass him. ]

[ In that five years, I never have a close conversation with him until the day of the end. ]

[ I always had my suspicions. Why he always grew stronger. So I stalked him. The only thing i knew were he never stop. ]

[ He never did anything except training, eating and sleep. I thought he was a robot but that's all changed when the crack appeared. ]

[ These fake gods overwhelming power. ]

[ Even though I one of the strongest awaken but I'm nothing in front of these gods. ]

[ But him. ]

[ He fight them. ]

[ The moment the crack appeared. ]

[ He waited directly there. ]

[ And when it opened. He went straight to it and fight them. But there were many gods out there. ]

[ Even though we able to defeat the gods with Hares help but the casualties... ]

[ I still remember his face. Desperate. ]

[ He never stop. Even there all kind of injuries in his body. ]

[ We helped him. But most of us become a burden. ]

[ Still he desperately saved us. He even saved me and that act moved my heart. ]

[ It may sound cringe but his face made me feel sad and sympathy. ]

[ Face of someone who take all the burden alone. ]

[ It made me want to give him everything. ]

[ After 1 years, all that bloody fight, I confronted him. The problem was it's not only me who went to confront him. ]

[ Luckily, i was able to give him everything i could. ]

[ I wish, in this life everything will be different. ]