
Transmigrator And Regressor

It's a story about a main character that reincarnated to a novel world. At first he was seeking for a nice happy life but unfortunately the fate said otherwise. In the end he awakened a cheat like power that changed everything. No matter how many times he tried, there's always one more person to be saved until the only person he can't saved was himself. But that's not only it, when there is transmigator, there exist a regressor.

Orange_car · Fantasía
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8 Chs

Chapter 5: Flashback

" Do you see that? There's something on sky. "

" Isn't that a crack? Is it some kind of portal? "

" But didn't that too big? "

" Yes you're right. "

[ The day when the pretend gods start their moves. ]

[ There's a crack on a sky. A crack that so big that make all corners of world feel threatened. ]

[ Some said it's a S rank portal. Some said it's the end of the world. ]

[ But these entities don't like to give humanity a time to get prepared. ]

[ Who knows just in a day the crack will be forcefully opened by a huge hand. That's the moment when the world fall in chaos. ]

[ When the crack opened, the first thing to be seen was a dark black space and huge dim light looked down upon humanity. Yes, these lights were the pretender. ]

" Run!!!! "

" Move, don't block my way!! "

[ Chaos filled the surface of earth. ]

[ Everyone running from reality. They only care about themselves not others. ]

[ Even the high ranked awakened. ]

[ But in darkness will always exist a light. ]

" Everyone!!! Every awakens, don't be weak! "

" This is our world, and we should take care of it. "

[ Bla bla bla, its a speech from the so called protagonist and I don't know why but it's able to motivate other hunter to fight the gods. ]

" Awakens assemble. Oraaaaa "

[ Nah they lose. The moment one of these entities raise their finger. A beam of light shot from it. And destroyed half of everything on earth but the planet didn't get destroyed. ]

[ Only a being on top of it like a human, trees, water and something else. ]

[ That moment, the beam made all awaken fall on their knees. ]

[ The absolute power. Humanity can't fight them. Even the protagonist give up. ]

[ This is the time where our mc comes in. ]

" Are we going to die here ? "

" There's nothing we can do. "

[ The gods raise their finger again to shoot the light beam. ]

[ Everyone accepted their fate but not our mc. ]

[ Hares who was laying down on his bed confused what just happened. ]

" Who the fuck are these things? "

" What the hell is that light? "

[ Then that light destroyed half of earth. ]

[ It made Hares shocked and flabbergasted.]

" Faster.. Hares. "

" Faster!!! "

[ Hares run as fast he can to see who shoot that light beam only to be meet with another light beam. ]

[ Unconsciously his power adaptability, block the light beam and reflect it back to these gods.]

[ Not only our mc shocked even the gods. ]

[ The things that Hares had done unconditionally saved all awaken who fell on their knees. ]

[ The only problem was at that time the mc wasn't strong enough. ]

[ Even with adaptability, he can't fight them. The only obstacle for Hares was time. Time for growth. ]

[ They fight continuosly, until the earth had nothing on it. ]

[ These fight start from earth and went to space. Finally after so long, Hares able to kill these gods. ]

[ When he went back to earth, there's nothing except a hundred survivals.]

" After all these years, with this cheat like power, only a 100 person survive. "

" Why.. why... Why all of these happened? "

" I just wanted to have a peaceful life. "

[ Unfortunately all the things happened made Hares mentality shaken. Once a calm person suddenly stressing out. ]

[ When Hares at the lowest, there's a hand reach out for him. She is Luna. A hope. The person who travel, company and be with him from first run until the last.]

[ It's a long story. How they met, their experience, adventure and everything you want to know.]

[ Until one day a word across Hares mind. ]

[ If ]

[ This word give Hares the power to Restart everything. The beginning of suffering.]

[ Back to our current timeline. ]

" Have you choosen what classes you want to attend, Luna? "

" Done, don't worry I already put your name right after mine. "

" Well then, how about a lunch. My treat. "

" Sure, please. "

[ Both of them went straight to academy cafeteria. While Sophia who stalked them, secretly write her name in all exact same classes with Hares. ]

[ They choose combat, general knowledge, magic and voyager. ]

" Have you tried Chicken curry, Luna? "

" Curry?? Is it some kind of steak? "

" Kind of, nevermind. I will order chicken curry for both of us then. "

" Okay,please."

[ Not gonna lie but Luna looks so happy. Is it butterfly effects. This is the first time she looks happy in early years of academy. Even the time we know each others even earlier. ]

[ I hope it's for the best. ]

" Wow, so this is Chicken curry. "

" How is it? "

" Ehmm wow, such delicacy. Why I don't know about this dish before. "

" Well it's not some exquisite meals. Maybe that's why. "

[ Both of them are enjoying their meal. While there's a person who is jealous with them. Especially Luna. ]

' If I was earlier, maybe the one who eat with him was me. '

' No no no, you can't be like this Sophia. Not this cowardice. '

' What should i dooo.... '

' ah I know. '
