
Transmigrator And Regressor

It's a story about a main character that reincarnated to a novel world. At first he was seeking for a nice happy life but unfortunately the fate said otherwise. In the end he awakened a cheat like power that changed everything. No matter how many times he tried, there's always one more person to be saved until the only person he can't saved was himself. But that's not only it, when there is transmigator, there exist a regressor.

Orange_car · Fantasía
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8 Chs

Chapter 3: Reunion

' Bus horn signaling that the bus has arrive to another stop '

" Hey do you see that."

" What? "

" That person, isn't that.... Luna Everdale. "

" What! Where... "


" Wow, so pretty. "

[ There's a loud chattering inside a bus.]

[ While Hares still asleep on the back of the bus even though there's a commotion outside. ]

" Excuse me... mister, here the fee. " Said Luna to the bus driver.

" Oh yees yes.. "

[ The passenger keep chattering about how beautiful and elegant Luna Everdale was ]

" Don't you know that she famous with a certain nickname."

" Yes i know that, they called her ice queen. She always give a cold shoulder to others and futhermore because of her family that specialises in ice magic. "

[ Whisper two female students at the front seat.. ]

[ Every passenger keep whispering about her and a little bit scared to talk with her to be exact scared of her family. ]

[ Out of all that, there seems like there's a man still enjoying his nap without any care what happened around him. ]

[ Why they don't stop whispering, is there something happen. Well not my problem. But suddenly...]

" Hmm, hello... "

" Haluu... "

[ Am i hear it right, did someone callout to me.]

[ Hares open his eyes only to be met with a lady with a charming eyes and sparkling eyes. Looking at him with care and... ]

" Oh sorry did you just talk to me...? "

" Ah, sorry if i disturb you but.. Can i sit at the seat next to you? "

" Hmm it's ok.. sure take it."

" Hehe, thank you. "

[ Why she ask me that, it's not like that there someone else sit beside me though. ]

[ But isn't she is Luna. Why is she here? Anyways can't waste my time, let's continue napping. ]

[ Hares stopped thinking about it and continued to nap. ]

[ In someone else mind, there a girl who can't hide her excitement. ]

[ Fuufu you still look the same as before. Still got that attractiveness. But still i need to take it slow. ]

[ Waaa his face when he asleep look so cutee.. ]

[ Made me want to pinch his cheeks. ]


' Did you see that, that guys talked with the ice queen. '

' And the ice queen response to him. '

' Just because his quite good looking, he thinks he can talk with her. '

' Hmph, I look more handsome though. '

' In your dreams. '

[ The other students continue chattering with each other. ]

[ Well let's wait until they arrive to the academy. ]

[ Wait, i think i saw that Luna trying to talked with Hares. Lets see how they doing. ]

" Anu hello, hello... " Luna calling out Hares while shakes his shoulder a little.

" Haa. Hah " Hares startled.

" Oh hi, is there anything wrong? "

" Ahh, no. It's just.... feels awkward to sit next to stranger so i thought...." Luna fidgeting and blushing....

[ Why is she blushing. And I don't remember the daughter of Everdale family been taught to converse with others.]

[ No wait, does she.... Mesmerized with my charm. ]

[ Hoho, well in my past live. This also happening. ]

" Well I'm Hares. Hares Louis. "

" Aah. I'm.. I'm Luna, Luna Everdale. "

[ Hehe seems like he still the same. So charming and understanding.]

" Never ever I thought, to meet with one of the Everdale family inside a bus like this. Maybe i have used all of my luck. " Chuckles hares talking with Luna.

" Maybe it's me who are lucky. "

" Well anyways, seems like we almost there. "

" Wait, Hares. "

" What is it. "

" Can i... follow you. I don't really familiar with academy layouts. "

" It's fine sure i don't mind it. "

[ They chatting until the bus arrive to the academy. ]


' bus horn to signal the passenger to step down the bus '

" Shall we, Hares. "

" After you. "

[ Both of them continue walking together to the assembly hall. ]

" Have you been here before, Hares. "

" Not really. Why? "

" Ah no, it's just you quite familiar with this place. "

" Haha well before this, i already see the map. "

" Anyways there's the hall. Let's go. Dont want to be late huh. "

" Okay. "

[ Both of them walking untik they meet a huge hall. They enter the hall only to be meet with an empty hall. ]

" Are we too early, Hares. "

" Not really, faster we need to take a best seat. "

[ Suddenly there's an announcement.]

[ Announcement, announcement.]

[ To all students, please follow the instructor to the hall for our briefing. Thank you. ]

" Is that an announcement..."

" First come, first serve. Well let's sit there Luna. The best place inside the hall. "

" Follow you. "

" Faster ~ "

[ After a few minutes, once the empty hall filled with a thousand students and teachers. ]

[ They are waiting for the principal to give his speech but there is no sight of him anywhere. ]

[ While inside a huge office, there is a young man and a old man discussing about certain business. ]

[ Principal, seems like this year we have much more students than last batch. ]

[ And to add it, there's more talented students this year principal. ]

[ Great, seems like our future can be trusted to our new generation. ]

[ Ah one more principal. While i was organising students id, I found something interesting.]

[ What is it? ]

[ Here take a look. ]

[ The assistant give the principal a tab contain an information of a person. ]

[ Oho...seems like this year really a golden year. ]

[ To see the descendants of Saint Louis here. ]

[ If i remember right, his parents not affiliated with the Saint family. ]

[ Can't blame him principal, the custom of that family quite weird to be said. ]

[ It's ok, let's meet him later. Empty my schedule too. ]

[ Okay principal, let's quickly go to the hall. You need to give a speech. ]

[ Return back to the hall. The students were focusing on instructor speech. ]

[ What happened next. ]

[ To be continued. ]