
Transmigration.... At when Japan 1970?!

Sushil, a 26-year-old from East India, undergoes an extraordinary twist of fate. His soul transmigrates into the life of Hiroshi, a 15-year-old billionaire orphan in 1976 Japan. But is this world just your typical Japan, or is there something more beneath the surface? Embark on a riveting journey as Hiroshi and discover the secrets of this intriguing new world. { A/N- Get ready for a story that moves at a steady pace, keeping things interesting without dragging on. I'm not a fan of slow stories either, so don't worry about getting bored. And guess what? Our hero won't bump into famous anime/manga characters until we hit the 10-chapter mark. As for the world-building, I'm playing around with the idea of creating a whole immersive world, but who knows? I might change my mind. It's a bit up in the air, so let's see where the adventure takes us! }

Guardian_Of_Nexus · Cómic
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8 Chs

Chapter 5 - The Garden Of Words.

After finishing the snacks and finding himself with nothing to do, Hiroshi decided to take a walk in his garden. He enjoyed the peaceful surroundings, the colorful flowers, and the fresh air.

"Nature can be inspiring. Maybe I'll get some ideas for my story from the beauty of the garden."

As he walked, the sound of leaves rustling and birds singing filled the air. Hiroshi appreciated the simplicity and calmness of the garden, letting it influence his thoughts for the unfolding narrative.

While strolling through the garden, Hiroshi's eyes danced over the blossoming flowers. Suddenly, a thought struck him.

"Garden... flowers... romance. Why not write my own version of Makoto Shinkai's 'The Garden of Words'? The answer was right here all along, and I didn't realize it."

The real-world beauty, with its colorful flowers and sweet scents, inspired him to create a story that captured the essence of nature and the subtle emotions of human connection.

"Sometimes, the best stories are found in everyday moments."

After deciding to write 'The Garden of Words' as his first novel in this world, Hiroshi left and walked towards his room.

Reaching his room. He grabbed a pen, and started writing. Since he had watched Makoto Shinkai's movies many times in his past life, he remembered every scene. The room felt full of inspiration as he brought "The Garden of Words" to life on the pages before him.

As the sun dipped below the horizon, Hiroshi felt a sense of accomplishment. Ten pages of story, "The Garden of Words," were now alive with the beauty of his imagination. The room glowed with the warmth of the fading day, a perfect canvas for his creative endeavors.

"Halfway through, capturing the essence just like in a Shinkai film." Hiroshi softly whispering himself.

Choosing brevity for his short novel, Hiroshi aimed to complete the story within twenty pages. The room embraced the inspiration, and Hiroshi smiled, letting the words weave their magic.

Hiroshi (smiling): "Let the words be the frames of a cinematic masterpiece."

Four hours of inspired writing came to a close. Hiroshi packed his tools, leaving an air of anticipation for the tale's conclusion the next day.

Hiroshi glanced at the clock. "It's 7:30. Time to leave the story's journey for tomorrow."

Deciding to keep the exciting part for the next day, Hiroshi closed his study and headed for a relaxing bath, the smell of ink still hanging in the air.

The bathroom resonated with the rhythmic symphony of water droplets as Hiroshi immersed himself in contemplation. Each drop carried the untold essence of his narrative.

Hiroshi, reflecting: "Every story dances to its own beat, and tonight, 'Garden Of Words' discovered its rhythm."

Submerged in the calming bath, thoughts of the unfolding tale swirled around him. Characters, the clandestine garden, and unspoken tales urged him to bring the journey to fruition.

Hiroshi, determined: "Tomorrow, the remaining pages will carry the weight of resolution."

Dinner awaited, the aroma of a home-cooked meal wafting through the mansion. Enveloped in the anticipation of literary completion, Hiroshi left the bath with a renewed sense of purpose.

During dinner, Priya informed Hiroshi that she had already purchased some of the latest and trendiest novels for him, and they were waiting in his room.

"Thank you so much, Priya," Hiroshi expressed his gratitude.

As he thought, 'Even though I've decided on Garden of Words, new stories are always welcome, especially the ones from this world that I've never read before.'

After dinner, Hiroshi retired to his room, ready to sleep early. With an unfinished novel awaiting completion tomorrow, rest was essential for the creative journey ahead.