
137. A happy family

[Yes, Viksha was Thyra in disguise. Similarly, Thyra will be denoted as 'he' till she changes back.]

Thyra just stood there, carrying a child. He had already accepted this world as her reality. Even if all of this just turned out to be her dream, he wouldn't mind living in the world of magic, where he could use the power of electricity.

However, such a weird coincidence occasionally makes her wonder if he was just a character in a smut novel. After all, the first time he shapeshifted, he became a male prostitute and had sex with a princess of the kingdom. 

Then he became a father-in-law who wanted to fuck his own daughter-in-law on the very day Thyra had shapeshifted. 

Now, he had shapeshifted into a man with three children whose wife could redirect blood to the organ that was supposed to be resting in public places.

Thyra didn't hate it. After all, if you have something good, why wouldn't you share it with others? 

Thyra also had a few unsatisfactory night outings in the previous world. If anything, he wanted to share his love with as many people as possible.

However, the coincidences were too many. After annihilating the targeted villages, Thyra made his soldiers attack many villages close to Thynor.

However, unlike some generals had expected, he had no intention of attacking the city or pulling some soldiers out of it. 

Most of his soldiers might have already returned to the main camp, about ten kilometers from Luxor. If Thyra doesn't return in three days, they will leave without him.

Only Mia and Fragner are waiting for him outside the city. But Iktas guessed one thing correctly: he wanted to hit the food storage units in the city.

That was why he had morphed into a refugee that no one would suspect. He was Forfalske, the grandson of Tunark. He didn't expect the city to be ruled with such an iron fist. Although most refugees couldn't enter, he had an easy entry thanks to Tunark.

He ditched the group the first chance he got. Still, he stuck to the place, hoping to gather information about the food supply. After all, all the important characters of the city had gathered there.

Lucky for him, Tunark and others were soon escorted out, and one of the soldiers came looking for him. And that's how he became Viksha. 

Although he was curious about what plan Iktas was talking about, he wasn't idiotic enough to think he was the protagonist of the novel he was in. 

He was sure it was a world of smut novels, even if he was an unimportant side character. Otherwise, he had no way to explain how he could have such a hot wife.

No matter how much sleep he got, his plan would remain unchanged because he knew he could locate the third food storage the following morning. 

"Father, let's go." The child in his arms had no idea why his father stood like a statue in the middle of the restaurant. He urged, "Father, let's go and play."

Thyra smiled and put the child down on the floor. He bent before him and patted his head, saying, "You go and start playing. I will join you later."

The child, being four years old, never realized that his father's eyes had never met him. Still, he was happy. 

"Come quickly." The boy smiled and took the wooden stairs to the second floor. Thyra slowly walked towards the kitchen. It was as expected.

There was not a big area in the kitchen, but it was clean, and the foods were divided up into parts. 

The wine barrel was closest to the entrance, while the slightly warm loaves of bread were piled on the other side.

On the small fire, there was a big pot and a few big, black iron skillets with meat cooking in them. 

The dinner menu was uncomplicated. Meat, hot soup, and bread. And some people would rather have inexpensive wine with it.

Even though the food looked simple, Thyra couldn't help wondering how expensive this food would become in a few months. 

"Do you need something to eat?" Thyra heard her give the customer sharp and loud answers, but when she talked to Thyra, her voice was soft and calm.

Before Thyra could say anything, the woman gathered a few pieces of meat from different skillets on a plate and put it on the only table in the kitchen, saying, "Sit here, brother." 

'Could it be that the women call their man 'brother' in their culture.' Thyra couldn't help wondering. 

Even though it was uncommon, it was not unheard of in his previous world. Thyra sat down as the woman quickly pulled out two relatively warm breads and handed them to him.

Next, she got out a clean bowl, used the ladle to mix the soup, and poured it into the bowl. As she put the bowl down, Thyra saw that it was full of big pieces of vegetables. 

"It is good to have a wife who loves you." Thyra sighed deep in his heart. Such thoughts reminded him of Hure's face. Thyra shook her head and mumbled, "Let us just enjoy what is important right now." 

When the woman looked down, she saw Thyra staring at her. Unfortunately, his voice was too soft for her to pick up. "Sorry?" She inquired.

"It is nothing." Thyra came here to help her, but he was given something to eat. 

Even though he did not want it, the food looked delicious. And the fact that he did not have much to eat because he was acting like Tunark's grandson didn't help either.

"Brother, do you want some wine?" Thyra gave a quick nod. The wine was served quickly. 

But to her surprise, it was not coming from the barrel on the front of the door. Instead, it was coming from a hidden ceramic bottle on the side. 

She also brought a cup for Thyra to drink from. "Brother, I will get the water for the bath ready soon."

"Do not worry about that. This place has more customers. First, take care of them." This is what Thyra said.

Even though she was serving him food, the girl, who was almost a teenager, came in to relay some orders for food. Her mother was quick to give her food and send her away.

"Do not worry, brother. The rush had decreased a lot. I will close soon. Please eat first." She did not even wait to hear what Thyra had to say. Instead, she went to make more food. 

Thyra slowly relished the food. It wasn't prepared with high-quality products. 

However, considering that Thyra had eaten boiled grain, fruits, and brief meat over the last couple of weeks, it was like the finest cuisine to him.

Thyra relished the food as he watched the woman busy herself. It was as she had said. The rush had died down a bit. She would go back to the restaurant's main floor and go out to the back of the kitchen.

Soon, the number of plates going out of the kitchen decreased, and the number of empty plates that came in continued to increase.

Thyra was already full. The plate in front of him and the wine bottle were empty. 

Despite the fact that it had almost no effect on him, Thyra didn't like to drink. However, the fruity scent of the wine went well with the food. As a result, he couldn't help it.

She returned from the back of the kitchen, only to notice the plate was empty. She said, "Brother, the warm water is ready. You can take a bath."

She didn't expect Thyra to grab her suddenly and pull her onto his lap. She struggled to get up as she said, "Brother, you are drunk." 

"Yes, your beauty has me drunk," Thyra told her as he kissed her. She kept fighting, but Thyra was not just bigger than her; he was also more robust. Naturally, she couldn't get herself free. 

And Thyra had no intention of letting her go. 


Thyra heard something heavy fall as he let her go.

"What are you doing?" He only realized the girl was bringing an empty plate into the kitchen. 

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