
Chapter 1, part 2.

A small village located on the outskirts of the kingdom's territory, but currently the villagers are holding a meeting with representatives of nobles around the village.

"So what you mean is, you want to take some children who are old enough to do military service?"

"Yes, landlord, No. Duke Cellentino has sent me to this small village to convey his orders. He said 'Children who have reached the age of 16 and over must take part in mandatory military training. This is all done for the sake of this kingdom who will soon hold an annual war against the empire."

"But, we are just ordinary villagers. We won't be able to-"

"What about that, they will be given training later." The messenger replied again with a faint smile on his face.

The village head and the village officials there were surprised by the order from their landlord. Even more so after they saw the cynical smile on the envoy's face.

"Duke Cellentino also really insisted that we bring at least ten people from this village." The messenger continued.

"Eh, wait a minute, Mr. Messenger. It's not for that reason that we have sent more taxes to avoid conscription. Why now?"

One of the men from the village residents said loudly in his opinion, because he is the person who manages all the village supplies as well as the taxes that must be paid to the landlord.

The villagers and the landlord had previously entered into a written agreement, in the agreement it was written that the villagers had to pay more taxes than usual in exchange for not participating in military service.

The agreement is still being implemented to this day and no one has ever violated it on either side, but now why is the noble's envoy trying to violate the agreement.

"That's your business. We are now only carrying out orders to bring at least ten people to join this military service. If you still do not comply, then in accordance with the applicable law, we will consider you as rebels!"

The messenger said firmly and raised his tone. , the envoy's narrow eyes glanced slightly at the Knight who was standing behind him to give a signal.

"We really don't believe this, why are you forcing your will on us. Even the landlord respects our opinion more, why and-"



The village head who protested the envoy's unreasonable declaration was immediately slashed by one of the Knights in

Likewise, the villagers who witnessed the meeting were immediately killed one by one on the spot.

A commotion broke out when other residents screamed in fear at the sight of the massacre and immediately ran out of the room to tell everyone.

"I told you, the Duke's orders are absolute. If you had obeyed calmly, then an incident like this would never have happened," the messenger shook his head and stepped on the head of the village leader.

"Kill all the residents of this village down to their roots, and also take all the young women in the village here and send them to my room," he ordered the Knight captain.

There was no doubt in his eyes that he was ready to slaughter all the residents of that small village.

Not long after, one by one the villagers were brutally murdered by the Knights.

Because the villagers did not have the strength to fight, they could only accept that they would die at the hands of the Knights.

However, not all the Kings there were cruel, there was a small part of their group who did not move because they still had hearts. conscience within them.

Those who did not accept the envoy's decision tried to fight back and fight with their own comrades.

In military strategy, tricks like this were not something good to do. Because it can damage the morale of the soldiers.

Their feeling of guilt will definitely cause their morale to decrease when fighting later.

Small-scale wars in the village are increasingly breaking out and there are many victims there, but because the rebel soldiers are only a minority . They were easily paralyzed by the messenger's followers.

However, because of the war, the villagers managed to escape and have moved away from the village.

After the rebellious Knight was finished off, the Knight captain immediately ordered his subordinates to chasing all the residents who had fled out of the village.

The Knights just obeyed and followed what was ordered by their superiors to chase all the villagers.

The scene moved to one of the houses built on top of the trees. very high.

In the house there were five children who were playing together happily, but their joy was extinguished when they heard a commotion coming from the direction of the village where they lived.

The children consisted of 3 boys and 2 girls around 16 to 18 years old.

One of the children who was curious about the noise in his village immediately prepared his long-range binoculars to find out what was happening.

"Oh, it's serious,"

"Why ?"

"Look at this,"

A boy with blonde hair gave his long-range binoculars to a girl who was also curious about the sound of the commotion.

"What is this, why are the villagers running away -" the brown-haired girl's words were cut off by something that shocked her.

The girl dropped her binoculars and vomited out the window because she saw the terrible scene with her binoculars.

She was shocked and frightened after seeing the cruel scene of the Knights against the villagers.

"What, why Tina?" The white-haired girl in that place immediately approached her.

Luna immediately approached the girl named Tina who was vomiting on the window and immediately patted Tina on the shoulder and calmed her down.

Not long after, the man who had only seen Tina vomiting immediately took he dropped the binoculars.

When the boy saw what was happening in the village and immediately panicked.

"Oh no mother!!!" The boy shouted when he saw his mother being dragged away by Knight.

His mother looked young and had a charm that attracted the opposite sex, that's why he was taken by Knight.

Not only his mother, there were also several other women aged 15 to 30 years were brought by them.

"I have to save my mother," said the boy.

"Lukter! It's best not to act rashly!"

Children Another man tried to stop Lukter from saving his mother.

"What do you mean Arc! My mother was captured by them! Do you mean I should just leave her like that, huh?!" Lunter replied to the child Arc who forbade him from saving his biological mother.

"No no, you won't be able to save him. They are the Royal Knights you know. They are very strong and no match for us."

"Shut up Arc! " Lukter then grabbed Arc's collar as hard as he could and continued his words. "What right do you have to forbid me, huh?! I will still save my mother, even if my life is at stake!"

Lukter released his grip then got down from the tree house and immediately ran towards the village.

Now in the tree house That only left the four children who were in a bad mood.

Luna was helping to calm Tina who was vomiting due to shock, Arc who received Lukter's words was a little silent because he had never seen the cheerful Lukter become angry like that.

Meanwhile another boy is racking his brain to think about what he will do in the future.

"Tina, are you okay?" Asked Luna who was at Tina's side who was very shocked.

"Yes, thank you Luna," replied Tina.

Meanwhile the two remaining boys were discussing what the four of them should do.

"Natan, do you have a plan. You are the most intelligent person among us."

"Arc, this is a very chaotic situation more than any we have been through until now. So I can only stimulate it right, "

Natan then began to explain what was in his mind to Arc, Luna and Tina about what they would do next.



Yes, if you remember the background of Luna's character. I really created a very tragic situation for him.

Just imagine when you were 16 years old, you had to see your hometown village being genocided by the nobility from your own country.

You would be very shocked, wouldn't you?

If the person carrying out the genocide was a neighboring country, that's normal, because that must be some kind of strategy for them to overthrow their opponents. But this is a party from its own country. Who would you ask for help if it was their own country that carried out the massacre.

Yes, maybe because of the trauma. I previously felt disgusted when I was with Eliza, the daughter of a noble family.

Yes, for now let's throw that thought away. And focus on my new life journey in Luna's character's body.

Even though I am now a woman, I have to keep my male thoughts in check so that I don't get easily fooled by the words of men I might meet in the city.

Hm, as I ride my looted horse and lead to the rest. I felt that someone was going to greet me in front.

I looked at the map and saw a red dot that might be blocking me from the front.

There were five red dots and one of them was a red dot. looks a little bigger than the other four red dots.

He might be the leader or maybe the bandit leader who has a grudge against me, that's what I'm thinking right now.

"Oy, little miss. What are you doing bringing so many horses like that?" Said one of the men in the group of five people who approached me with an arrogant attitude.

"You yourself? What are you doing waiting for me here? Is uncle a pedophile who will prey on young girls like me?" I replied while accusing him of being a pedophile.

The men looked to be around 30/40 years old, while Luna's character was still around 16/17 years old. So I'm not wrong to call him a pedophile, right?

I also don't want this to be a problem that will hamper my life in this new world, maybe I'll end this series of problems right now.

The man I call uncle He raised his eyebrows slightly because he didn't accept my words, but soon his alertness increased and he immediately took out his sword.

"You guys get ready! Don't think that she's just an ordinary girl! She's the one who slaughtered Captain Corad."


Captain Corad?

Who is he?

Is he the bandit I killed earlier?

If that's true, Corad or whatever. Maybe he's a fugitive, and I'll make a profit by handing over his head. Hehe.

Huh, they immediately drew their swords at me. This will probably be my first step to solving this problem forever.

Maybe I will fight it with my beloved sword, but I'm too scared to see what will happen when I use it in a place like this.

Who would have thought that my sword would absorb blood from the victim, no. Rather than absorbing blood, it's more like absorbing the life essence of the victim.

The trees I tested before immediately dried up, which is why I finished off the bandit yesterday. I only used my hands which were strengthened by dark magic from my second skill.

"Stop your cowardly actions!"

As I fell into my long thoughts, I heard a man's voice behind the bandits.~

~I looked in the direction where the voice came from and saw a man with dark brown hair wearing white clothes, a brown leather vest and long black training pants.

His face was quite handsome with a wound on his left temple, but that wound covered by her bangs which were left long forward.

When I looked at the map to identify her identity, she seemed to be on the neutral side with a white dot.

Maybe she was an adventurer from the city I wanted to go to on my map, I must make a good impression in order to get in touch with him and use him to take me to the city.

My current position is in the north and the male adventurer is in the south, while the five bandits are in the middle between me and the male adventurer.

~ ~His chest, elbow and knee armor shows that he is not an ordinary Knight or soldier.

"Oh yes, apparently there is a stray adventurer in this place, huh. You two take care of that lowly adventurer. "Me and the other two will take care of the little girl over there," said the boss of the bandits and ordered his subordinates to divide the troops to face me and the male adventurer.

I saw a small magic box in front of the adventurer and then he Putting his hand into the box, the adventurer pulled something out and it looked like a long iron spear.

Maybe it was more like a trident because at the end there were three very sharp green horns.

The size of the spear was not in sync. with the size of the magic box, I speculate that the magic box is called an item box.

The item box in the game is something similar to an inventory but its capacity is too small, so not many players learn about it.

Continue to the battle .

In front of me right now there are three men who are very old and ugly, not to mention the look on their faces is so disgusting that I want to kill them straight away.

"Boring," I said in a lazy tone towards the boss the bandit.

Two of his men moved to my side and tried to surround me from various directions.

"Why little girl? If you surrender without a fight, then I will kill you painlessly," he said in a mocking tone towards me.

"Yes, please do it quickly," I replied because he was annoyed with talking a lot.

He then ordered the two His men went first, but when his men were three meters around me, they immediately fell silent and couldn't move.

"Hey, what's wrong with the bandit boss?!"

Not long after, the bandit boss jumped at me and tried to attack me from the front. However,

Just like his two subordinates, he immediately fell silent in front of me.

Their body resistance was weaker to the point. they can't escape the effects of my passive skill.

Depending on how durable the bandits are, if they are very weak maybe my passive effect can immediately stop their brain function and kill them instantly.

"How boring," they muttered three of them.

I took equipment such as swords and scabbards and checked whether he had an item box and searched the contents.

"Yes, it's not bad to get drops from enemies for free like this."

After looting all the property belonged to that bandit.

I immediately looked at the battle of the adventurous man with slightly curious eyes.

Of course I was a little curious about the fight that the people in this new world were fighting.

So their fight will definitely be very different than in the game world.



For now, Luna hasn't realized that it's not only she was sent to a new world.

Especially someone who is currently in a place very far from Luna now.

That figure looks like a little girl in general and now she is sitting sweetly on a throne that made of diamonds.

In front of the girl, many of her subordinates were kneeling as if worshiping her.

The girl smiled then gave off a very frightening aura and made her subordinates tremble.

A large scythe hovered above Beside him and behind the girl's throne was a very scary monster. The figure of the monster behind him could not be seen because of the darkness of the room.

"Are the preparations complete?" The girl asked two of her subordinates who were the most advanced among the others.

A figure who had long ears and a very wide mouth that reached all the way to the tip of her cheeks.

The creature opened its mouth and all of its sharp teeth and teeth were visible. can tear anything that enters its mouth.

The creature didn't answer but just nodded its head slowly.

The other subordinate was a middle-aged man who looked like a human, apparently he was someone who had previously eaten his own clients .

Not far from where they gathered, there were lots of men and women who they had detained and locked up in very damp cells.

Disgusting fluids pooled everywhere and a rancid smell could be smelled all over the prison cell.

"Yosh, we have to get more to be able to resurrect my long-lost King. Now get ready to look for more prey than this."

The little girl's order was received cheers from his followers.