
Transmigration: President Wang, Your Wife Is An Assassin!

"President Wang, your wife just issued a threat to the manager of Zhao Company. He's en route to file a report at the—" "Did she at least leave him with all his limbs intact?" Sebastian raised an eyebrow, his expression reflecting astonishment. "Color me surprised." Another individual entered his office. "President Wang, your wife has just dismissed the Senior Director. Regrettably, it's led to quite a chaotic situation and—" "I was planning to let him go anyway." _____ Olivia Shang, once an assassin, fell victim to her colleagues' jealousy and was murdered. Through an otherworldly occurrence, she found herself transmigrated into the body of Jolene Yu, an unattractive young woman within the pages of a comic book. Jolene Yu, an expendable character, grapples with a terminal illness and endures harsh treatment from everyone around her. Her stepsister even goes to the extent of arranging for her life to be cut short by hired hands. However, before any harm can befall her, a mysterious man intervenes, claiming to be her husband. Upon awakening in this feeble form, Olivia realizes she cannot endure the torment and resolves to confront those who have bullied her. With her past assailants nowhere to be found, she seizes the opportunity to rectify her past mistakes. Yet, the sudden appearance of a stranger insisting to be her husband baffles her. And he wasn't just a stranger, he was the fifth young master of the Wang Family, a ferocious man known as the Devil's first son and also the CEO and founder of a very famous tech company. After enduring untold suffering in her previous life, having been exploited as a tool, Olivia swears not to squander the new lease on life she's been granted. Even if it means eliminating the story's designated female lead to ensure her survival, she's prepared to do so. Even if she must manipulate her family's wealth to fund her surgery, she's resolute! All for the sake of rewriting her unfortunate fate. But is there not a popular say that an assassin is always an assassin? FL: Stubborn and Smart. ML: Caring and Cruel. Excerpt* Jolene smirked, "Can't even help your own wife?" Sebastian's brows furrowed seeing her change in countenance. Wasn't she the one begging that she would pay him back for his care? How could she change all of a sudden like she was demanding from him? "I have things to do right now. I'll sort this out when I'm back from work," Sebastian replied, his expression blank. Jolene shook her head in wonder before saying, "The last time you came back from work, you were drunk. And that was yesterday. Today you are off to work without seeing me? We have only shared one or two words for the past two weeks." Sebastian was startled at her confrontation but Jolene wasn't done yet. "Mr. Wang, is that how to treat your wife?" Sebastian swallowed, looking down at Jolene. He said, "Are you going to cause a scene here, Miss Jolene?" "You mean Mrs. Wang? I am Mrs. Wang for christ's sake. Your wife." Jolene folded her arms before saying, "I think there is a need to complete the documents signing. I want to sign it completely and then we will perform a grand wedding to let everyone know that you are married to me. Don't worry, after the contract has expired, we can announce that we have divorced. I won't take a penny from you, it is written that way in the agreement, right?" "Miss Jolene, you must understand that legally you can not fulfil the signatures since you aren't mentally stable. It may be termed that you signed it under manipulation or anything related, so we have to ensure that you are medically upright before you can sign any legal documents." Jolene chuckled before releasing her arms, "Is this young man trying to say that I'm crazy?" Jolene shook her head, knowing what she was doing was dramatic. Actually, she needed the drama to confirm something which she had for 57% be assured of.

Yangyang17 · Ciudad
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66 Chs

An Old Woman's Present III

Olivia regarded the old woman with a skeptical look, her eyebrows raised in suspicion as her attention fixated on the weathered book that the old woman was offering to her.

However, Olivia didn't immediately reach out to accept the gift.

Instead, Olivia simply observed the old woman in silence, attempting to unravel the hidden intentions and secrets that seemed to be shrouded in the old woman's cryptic gestures.

"Please, take the book, my dear. It contains all the guidance you need to survive in this new world and find your way back to Xi Village," the old woman urged, her words carrying a touch of uncertainty that didn't escape Olivia's notice.

Reluctantly, Olivia took the book from the old woman's hands, her demeanor respectful yet cautious.

Olivia couldn't help but ask, "If this book truly holds the key to escaping this world, then you must have read it. Why haven't you returned to your own reality?"

A heavy sigh escaped the old woman's lips upon hearing the question.

The old woman withdrew her back slightly in her seat, as if contemplating to leave.

"That is a long and intricate tale. But understand that I had no desire to meet my end in this world," the old woman explained, her breath labored as she continued, "However, I soon realized that the narrative was unchangeable. The rules had already been established."

"Which narrative?" Olivia pressed, her mind spinning with the jumble of scenes and information she had gathered from the enigmatic old woman.

Try as she might, Olivia struggled to piece it all together.

"Why keep me in suspense, madam? You possess knowledge, yet you withhold it," Olivia implored.

"I truly wish I could share more," the old woman replied, a hint of regret in her voice. "But I am bound. It's a matter of abiding by the rules, or else you'll meet the same fate as me—trapped in this world, unable to return or live the life you desire."

As Olivia absorbed this revelation, her attention drifted to the cover of the book in her hands.

Upon closer inspection, Olivia noticed the small inscription at the top, reading 'Red Fireflies.'

The book cover depicted a young and beautiful lady holding a bouquet, with a young man standing behind her, both adorned with smiles that seemed to tell a story of their own.

'Had I not taken a proper look at it, I would never have guessed this is merely an entertainment book. A romance? How could a book like this possibly offer any guidance to lead me back to my own world?'

Olivia contemplated whether she should express her disinterest in such novels to the old woman, but she opted for politeness instead.

Olivia accepted the book, albeit with no expectations whatsoever.

'Once she's gone, I'll probably just leave it behind. It seems quite weighty, and I can't afford the luxury of reading right now.'

"Considering you're alive within this vessel, Olivia, I believe it signifies your ability to alter it all—the outcomes. You're a resilient woman; you won't be crushed easily."

Olivia brushed off the old woman's words, taking them as a generalized compliment, while remaining indifferent to the woman's persistence about her potential to change some unknown outcomes she had no idea of.

Olivia then inquired, "I understand you won't give me a direct answer, but madam, who are the ones observing m—"

"They're the tutelary. By now, they've recognized you and will be observing you closely. They appear in your vicinity, though you'll never suspect their presence or decipher their identities. Their role is to ensure the narrative unfolds as prescribed. If they become aware of your intentions, they might take action against you."

'None of this is making any sense. Who or what are these tutelary, and why would they be pursuing me?' Olivia mused.

As this puzzling thought settled in her mind, another pivotal question arose.

'Even if someone is pursuing me, who exactly are they pursuing? Are they after me as Jolene or as Olivia?'

Finally, Olivia addressed the woman once more, "You mentioned the guide to Xi Village is within this book, but... I believe you're mistaken because this is simply a romance novel."

To Olivia's astonishment, the old woman rose from her seat.

"My time here draws to a close, my child. Regrettably, I fear my presence might bring you trouble if I were to meet my end in this place. Please heed all that I have shared with you."

A surge of irritation coursed through Olivia.

'Old woman, should I consider silencing you by cutting off your tongue to end your false promises? Do you truly think you can deceive me without consequence?'

'You possess knowledge, and yet you persist in concealing it. If you truly know my identity, you'd be wise not to toy with me.'

Allowing the book to slip from her grip onto the settee, Olivia stood up. "Madam, it's late into the night now. Please allow us to serve you hot tea and provide you a comfortable rest until dawn arrives."

The old woman, clutching her weathered bag, was already making her way towards the exit as Olivia offered her invitation.

However, at Olivia's invitation, the old woman turned back, her pace deliberate.

"No, my dear. I am destined to pass away in the hours of this midnight, and I do not wish to burden you further. I shall depart at once."

Pausing briefly, the old woman inquired, "Where is the woman who initially brought me here?"

Olivia couldn't help but scoff before she strode over to the old woman, positioning herself directly in the woman's path.

"Where do you think you're going, old hag?" Olivia's icy tone sent a shiver down the old woman's spine.

"The sooner you delve into that book, my dear, the clearer your path may become. There is nothing more I can offer that will aid you,"

Olivia folded her arms, absorbing the old woman's words.

When she had heard enough, Olivia firmly grasped the old woman's arm and deftly twisted it to reveal the wrist.

Olivia's eyes fixed on the arrow-like scar tattoo adorning the old woman's wrist.

Releasing the old woman's arm, Olivia showed no concern for the tremors that seemed to rattle the old woman's frame, making her appear breathless and frail.

"You do bear the marks of someone who has been transmigrated, that much is undeniable. However, do you truly believe I would simply release you once I discover you hail from Xi Village as well?"

Small slits formed in Olivia's eyes, giving her gaze a cutting intensity.

Frost seemed to emanate from her, encroaching upon the old woman.

The frost seemed to constrict around her, and the old woman's grip on her bag faltered, causing it to slip from her grasp.

"My child, it's crucial that you compreh—"

Olivia's lips compressed into a knowing smirk. "I have a tendency to silence those who deceive me—especially when their tongues are involved."

Turning her attention to the old woman's bag, Olivia unzipped it, only to find it held nothing of value.

With a purposeful glance over her shoulder, Olivia called out to Sebastian in a cheerful tone, "Young man, could you assist me by fetching a dagger? A lesson needs to be taught."