
Transmigration into different world just for YOU!

Wei Feng and System006 bond to get the revenge for cannon fodder who die miserably from the protagonist halo. But who is this man who keep following Wei Feng in every world. First World - Entertainment World Tofu eater : Baby, I am hungry (hug Wei Feng waist) Wei Feng : Go get yourself food and don't call me baby. Tofu eater : But I want to eat you! (pounce on him) Wei Feng : (punch him down) It isn't enough for you to eat my tofu & you want to eat me too? I am gonna kill you today! Second World - Beast World Beast : Baby, Let's hunt! Wei Feng : What do you want to hunt? Rabbit or pheasant ? Beast : You! (pounce on him) Wei Feng : (kick him down) Oh my my! It's look like you got injured, then I am gonna hunt big bad beast. Third World - Mafia World Wei Feng : Where do you think you're touching? Pervert : (touching Wei Feng ass) Hmm? My Baby! My Wife! My Person! Mine! Mine! Mine! Where I touch is my choice. Wei Feng : (touch his little brother) Do you mind if I crush it? Husband & Wife share everything. (devilish smile) Pervert : (let go his wife's ass & sweating a lot) Baby Wife let go! Don't do anything! It is also your lifetime partner! Wei Feng : Oh! I don't mind (Stunning smile) living without it with the rest of our lives. This is my own creation. If anyone think there are some similarities then it is just coincidence. I love BL so much that's why I try to write my own story. There will be lot of mistakes such as grammar so bear it.

ashmita450g · Acción
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4 Chs

Prologue 1.2

System006 [Don't worry! I didn't lie to you. We are Righteous System Management. We never do injustice to hosts. It's just that the number of cannon fodder in many small and higher worlds are rapidly growing that we, System Management decided to add "Save the Cannon Fodder from Protagonist's Halo". Well I am one of this system. There are also "Save the Protagonist ", "Save the Villain's life" and many more. We recently received many complaints from those Cannon Fodder's soul that they are tired from being cannon fodder and have to die again and again. They are ready to reincarnate. But to reincarnate they first have to let go of their resentment then, they can be free. They can't do it on their own so they want hosts like as you who died recently to avenge them in exchange for their own body

As for the mission, If you fail in your mission the penalty will be your already weakened soul being perish. As you can see, your whole body is just transparent so if you fail your first mission then you will completely be eliminated from the world and disappear forever. But if you succeed in your mission then, not only your physical spiritual power will increase but even the point reward you will get would be generous.

From reward points, you can exchange items such as sleeping pill, beauty pill, healing pill or many more than you can think are all available in the system mall. This system mall contains everything you need but right now you are weak so only a small number of items are available for you. Upgrading your physical spiritual power will help you unlock locked items. Do you understand? Do you want to bond with me or go to the Soul Department directly?]

Wei Feng concludes two things : first, that this system can read his mind and second, he can understand every single word System006 have said. He answered without hesitation, "Yes, But can you stop reading my mind? Its awkward when someone could hear your thoughts."

System006 [Ok. No problem. From now on take care of me] The star shape metal thing bow slightly.

Wei Feng showed surprised expression but calmed down quickly. He said "Me too" And bow.

System006 [Okay! Now will you rest or take the first mission world immediately?]

Wei Feng "I will take mission first"

System006 [Okay! Before taking the first mission world, here are some rules you should know.

First : For beginner host, you get 500points as starter. You can exchange items with it from system mall. You will earn more points, the more mission you could complete.

Second : If you ever fail in a mission, you will get a penalty.

Third : To beginner host, we have some skills that will be given for free. If you can pass the world successfully you can unlock more skill.

So here are some beginner skills please choose one:

1. Art skill

2. Painting skill

3. Acting skill

4. Cooking skill]

Wei Feng choices acting because he knows his acting skills can't beat down his enemies. Wei Feng said "Acting skill"

System006 [Bye, host.]

Before Wei Feng can understand what he meant, underneath him the ground opened a black portal entry hole. He was caught off guard and fell down instantly. He doesn't remember the last time he swore at anyone but right now he really wants to, especially when he saw that this bastard star shape moon metal thing waving imaginary hand to him from entry hole. Before he could say anything the portal closes itself.

Wei Feng lands upon classroom looking scene but only with one desk & chair where he is seated. Standing before him is one A.I. robot who oozes the vibe of a strict teacher.

45years later he returned back, he really don't want to remember that hell like experience where he spent 45years to master his acting skills perfectly. He glared at System006 who have been enjoying himself watching TV dramas on a couch with some snacks. He approached him, picked him up and threw him as far as he could. He then sits on couch himself and enjoys the dramas with some snacks.

System006 is so drowned on dramas that he was caught off guard and flew far away hard. It returned to attack the attacker but seeing it was his host who threw him he just silently floats but 3meter away from him, afraid that he might try to throw him again for punishing him for throwing him on another place without his consent. It just wanted some fun, nothing else.

Half an hour later, a person and a system are seen together, enjoying the dramas sitting on couch with some snacks, chatting and having fun. Just like that, they enjoyed 4 to 5 dramas and rested enough that they didn't notice time moving fast.

Just when they were starting a new drama, a notification messasge pop on the TV screen that they should just start mission first and not to mess around, from higher ups. Both were so startled they instantly stood up. After a while, laughter echoed throughout the space. After spending time with each other they become good buddies.

System006 [Choose your first world from surrounding star]

Wei Feng looked around him and saw some distant planet starting to float around him just like saying "choose me first". He was amused and smiled. He is already handsome but with his bright smile he looked more stunning. System006 also smiled.

Wei Feng randomly grabbed a green planet in his arm and the planet flickered like it was happy to be chosen. System006 saw it and said [Entertainment World]

Sysyem006 [These are one of the smallest world. Moving from smallest world to highest world, your soul will get stronger and stronger, then you could easily return to your world. Are you ready to transfer?]

Wei Feng "Ready"

System006 [Initiating Soul Transferring Process......10%.......30%.......65%.....100%......complete]