
Transmigration into a Cultivator who Only Levels by Ruining Girls

A rough highway bandit is transmigrated into the body of a handsome cultivator living in the mystical lands, following his slaying at the hands of a high spirit rank warrior, whom he vows to to exact his revenge on. Only, his new lease on life comes with a catch: He can only level up by breaking girls' hearts! This leads him down a dark path of self-discovery: as each new heart he shatters brings him one step closer to godhood, while also tearing away a piece of his karmic soul...

Buella_1553 · Oriental
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10 Chs

Flower 1: Forest Path of Lovers and Cobras, Pt. 2

Fook Yu follows his senses through the leafy maze, chasing little sounds: of leaves rustling and twigs snapping; an inhumanly-paced, soft treading of feet across the loamy forest floor; the musty smell of wild fur; all underlined by a distinct, primal intuition that something was near, but constantly fleeing--always remaining several steps ahead of him.

He knows he is being led far astray from the camp, and thereby potentially placing Su Wang in danger, but does not care.

Presently, Fook Yu is solely and maniacally driven by a desire for a challenge; to find whatever beast or bandits are prowling the woods at night, against which he might further test his cultivator strength: in combat.

And, should something happen to Su Wang, besides…

'I could always find another girl, right?'

'As a Pale Orchid cultivator, women are just disposable tools to me now, aren't they?'

'Best to not grow too attached…'

Eventually, the densely packed trees and shrubbery give way to a small clearing, lit by the somber glow of the crescent moon.

Fook Yu strolls into the center.

He does so bearing a harsh stare, glancing all around him.

A low, guttural growl could be heard...

Not a sound a Cobra would make.

'Come on then, show yourself!' Fook Yu thinks with his heart pounding--not from fear, but sheer adrenaline, as he draws forth his saber with a satisfying hiss of its sharp steel passing through the sheath.

Suddenly, a creature pounces at his back--

As Fook Yu, feeling the subtle shift in the air, rolls to dodge its glaring fangs and swiping claws--

He looks up from where he lands--

To be faced with a hunkered and violently hissing Spirit clouded leopard, judging by its increased size--of 2 meters at least, from head to tail--when compared to a regular clouded leopard--

If not for the fact that it spoke, in a deep, sagely voice like rumbling earth:

"Transmigrated man!"

"Why is it you pursue in my own forest?"

Fook Yu points his blade.

"To try my new abilities, against a worthy opponent."

The leopard gives a resounding laugh.

"A foolish man fights only for the thrill--risking his life for no worthwhile gain, but rather to feed his own pride!"

Fook Yu charges.

"I don't need your lectures, old leopard!"

He slices his sword through the air several times at it, but the dignified beast continually swerves and backs with utmost smoothness to evade each strike.

Fook Yu turns and swings again, but--

The leopard leaps over him--

Planting its paws on his shoulders and head to overtake him--

Landing neatly unto his other side.

"You're only toying with me!" Fook Yu growls through his gritted teeth.

"I am." Admits the spirit clouded leopard.

"Because this fight is only a game; as much to you, as it is to me."

Its gaze sharpens--with killing intent.

"I know 1000 ways to kill a man--"

"Though, do not fear: if I had perceived you to be an irredeemable evil, I would have vanquished you immediately--oh bearer of the cursed Pale Orchid method!"

Fook Yu attempts another charge--

The leopard rearing back, before it then unexpectedly kicks him away.

Fook Yu flung away, falling to his knees.

"Sagely beast...you know of my cultivation method at a glance?"

"Yes, I see it." The leopard sits, though its gaze remains dead open, staring with unbroken alertness. "We spirit animals can glimpse directly into a mortal's spirit, as well as their heart, beyond all barriers."

Fook Yu nods, panting for breath.

Realizing now, that he cannot hope to defeat the leopard, as well that it does not hold any desire to kill him--

Fook Yu bows his head, accepting defeat.

"Tell me, please...wise being…"

"As you are there, looking upon me now--"he lifts his head, showing the twinkle of desperation in his eyes--"how blackened is my soul, really? How wicked and damned am I?"

The leopard rises off its haunches.

"I see the darkness of Yang's corruption…like a fog over a bay, almost fully enveloping you..."

It squints, like it's struggling to clearly see.

"However...I see glimmers of Ying."

"Like a beacon's light, that only pierces through the fog in thin streams."

"I know...it is where your heart is hidden--"

"Though, even my eyes cannot see it."

Fook Yu was surprised by this revelation: to think that he, after all the wickedness he had committed, might still have a chance at spiritual redemption.

What of all the lives he'd claimed?

Did they not mean anything?

Is justice, as it is known by the divines, simply beyond mortal comprehension?

Fook Yu wanted to ask more questions--

However, the leopard was going.

"The woman, Su Wang" said the saintly beast as it was striding away, to disappear into the trees again, "she is soon to be in peril at the hands of the bandits..."

Turning its head back one last time--

Its mouth almost seemed to grin.

"Hmm! I see the Ying in you shine a little brighter, as I mention her..."

Fook Yu startles. "Really?"

It nods. "Yes, young transmigrator…"

"I advise that you seek to cherish all those you cross paths with in life, no matter how fleeting your time together might be."

"The journey of the Pale Orchid method…"

"However lonely, need not be paved in blood and misery."

I heed the leopard's warning and retrace my way back to the camp, back to Su Wang, at once--being the skillful navigator of forests that I am.

The sagely beast...just now…

He said my true heart was obscured by fog, and yet he still saw right through me!

Truth be told...

I thought if I left Su Wang…

That is, if something happened to her while I was gone--

NO! It's far too sick and cowardly, to even confess it to myself! I am a loathsome worm of a man--to have ever even considered such a thing for a moment!

I just hope...I don't make it there too late.

I arrive in short time, with my saber already drawn, to find Su Wang seated on a rock by the fire. She is draped in only a bed blanket, holding it against her bare chest with one hand while stirring a ladle through a simmering pot of food with the other.

She is startled--almost jumping at my appearance.

"Fook Yu! What happened?"

"You're breathing so harshly, and sweating!"

Without a second spared, she worriedly drops all that she's doing to come to my relief as she's pulling my robe off over my shoulders, with her dainty little princess-like hands--

Inspecting my body, like she's looking to see if I was injured in a fight just now--

All the while, I'm grinning to myself...

Only, it's one of those sad types of grins.

So...this is what it's like…

Returning "home" to a woman that worries her ass off over you.

Feeling relief, I place my saber away.

"Sorry if I worried you, while I was gone for so long."

"I had to go chase a leopard off."

"It's alright." She says in a timid, sweet voice that melts my heart, taking me by the hand to sit us together by the fire.

"I...started cooking dumplings…"

"Using ingredients I saw you'd brought." 

She winces. "Is...that okay, Fook Yu?'

My God, is this woman cute.

I look between her and the bubbling pot that smells real nice, wearing a straight face like I'm about to stab her.

"No." I tell her flat-out. "It's not okay."

Oh, but to see how her expression sinks! 

That adorable, terrified look!

Laughing, I grab hold of her by the neck, rocking us back and forth.

"You bastard!" She yells, hitting me; as then she breaks into laughter too; and we kiss, as I run my hands under that blanket to touch her like it's my Gods' given right; and it's easily one of the happiest moments of my shitty life so far--

Only for it to be RUINED, and cut short:

By a fired crossbow bolt, loudly landing its mark on a nearby tree.

Su Wang shrieks and I rise up as a group of men dressed in all-black wearing facemasks come slinking out of the shadows and foliage like spirits of the forest come to haunt us.

One grabs ahold of Su Wang, hooking his arm around her neck--

Enraged, I reach for my saber at my side--

But it's gone!

I glance over, to see one of the bastards running off with it!

A fist connects with my face--

Someone is trying to choke me from behind.

"Fuck...ers!" Is all I can get out.

They're all laughing.

One tries to pull off one of my sandals--

I cave his head in with a single kick, like it's soft as clay.

Only the one guy is still choking me while the others back away, now, whispering like cowards to each other--they see I'm a cultivator, so they're all afraid to come anywhere near me.

I was already pissed, but now as I'm hearing Su Wang break out into frantic screams--

And I see the blanket she was wrapped in:

Left laying there, on the log beside me: probably dragged off of her during the earlier struggle--

I completely lose my head.