
Transmigration In Cursed Worlds

A guy who used to be a famous transmigrator in past has decided to become active again. Let's see his adventures in various worlds, doing missions and making a name for himself. ~~~~~~~~ I am using ChatGPT to write so some things might appear weird. ~~~~~~ One chapter a day if I managed to write one. ~~~~~ There will be only 1 or 2 chapters of smut (Depending on the number of FMC) in one arc. Every arc(world) will be 8 to 10 chapters long.

DarienDragonheart · Cómic
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17 Chs

The Regret- Finale

With this chapter, I hereby declare the end of this arc.


Do share your thoughts in the comments and leave a review as I am going to take a break from uploading.

Yes, I plan to take a break after every arc. Don't worry, I'll keep writing in the meantime.


And since I am almost done with Otomedori, you guys can choose one world from below;-

1. I've always believed in you.

2. Himawari wa Yoru ni Saku.

3. Your suggestions.

(Only limited to this chapter)


In the upcoming months, Ryuuma's fame soared, reaching incredible heights. His rise to stardom wasn't a solitary journey; Emi, his devoted wife, was by his side every step of the way.

Whether it was interviews, fan meetings, or business meetings related to his light novel, Emi's presence was constant. Her unwavering support became an integral part of his public image.

As the public became more familiar with Emi's identity, they embraced her with open arms. Fans adored the couple, showering them with love and admiration.

Fan art featuring Ryuuma and Emi began to flood social media, much to their delight. The couple often shared these artworks, expressing their gratitude and deepening the connection with their audience.

When the second volume of Ryuuma's light novel was released, it quickly became an international sensation.

Readers from around the globe were captivated by the story, discussing it passionately on various platforms. The light novel's popularity transcended borders, making it a global phenomenon.

This surge in popularity caught the attention of major players in the entertainment industry. Numerous companies approached Akari Publishing, eager to acquire the rights for animation and manga adaptations.

Akari, the President of the company, saw the potential and after thorough discussions with Ryuuma, decided to move forward with the contracts. 

The deals were signed, and the publishing company's name soared to new heights. The success of the light novel not only solidified Ryuuma's reputation as a talented author but also established Akari Publishing as a powerhouse in the industry. 

As the months turned into years, Emi discovered the truth about her sensei's imprisonment. Contrary to what Ryuuma had expected, her reaction was one of relief and anger towards her former teacher.

She openly cursed him, declaring that prison was the right place for someone like him. Little did she know that Akari's father had ensured Toyama-sensei's time in prison was far from comfortable, sending multiple criminals to harass him daily.

Amidst these revelations, another piece of joyous news arrived: Emi was pregnant. Overjoyed, Ryuuma immediately put all his professional engagements on hold to focus entirely on caring for his wife.

He bought a new, larger home to accommodate their growing family, considering their current house too small for their needs.

One evening, as they sat together on the couch, Emi gently placed her hand on her growing belly and smiled at Ryuuma. "Can you believe it, Gatou-kun? We're going to be parents."

Ryuuma's eyes sparkled with joy. "I can, Emi-chan. And I can't wait to meet our little one." He leaned in and kissed her forehead. "You're going to be an amazing mother."

Months passed, and the day finally arrived. Emi gave birth to a healthy baby boy, whom they named Takashi. The couple received an outpouring of congratulations from friends and fans alike. Ryuuma, fully devoted to his family, balanced his time between caring for Emi and their newborn son and continuing his writing career.

One afternoon, as Ryuuma cradled Takashi in his arms, Emi watched with happiness in her eyes. "You know, Gatou-kun, I always knew you'd be a great father."

Ryuuma chuckled softly. "And I always knew you'd be the best mother, Emi-chan."

As the family settled into their new home, Ryuuma continued to produce bestsellers. His subsequent works, such as "Sword Art Online," "Classroom of the Elite," and "Code Geass," became massive hits, cementing his status as a literary genius.

Their family grew once more when Emi became pregnant again, this time giving birth to a beautiful baby girl they named Ryumi. As the years passed, the love between Emi and Ryuuma only grew stronger, their bond deepening with every shared experience.

One evening, as they tucked the children into bed, Emi turned to Ryuuma with a contented sigh. "Gatou-kun, our life is more wonderful than I ever dreamed it could be."

Ryuuma nodded, wrapping his arms around her. "It's because we have each other, Emi-chan. And we always will."

Takashi grew up to become a successful actor, while Ryumi pursued a career in music, becoming a celebrated singer.

However, the public didn't know that Ryuuma had a significant hand in their success, providing them with the guidance and opportunities that helped launch their careers.

At a family gathering, Takashi looked at his father with admiration. "Dad, I wouldn't be where I am today without you. Thank you for everything."

Ryumi nodded in agreement. "Yes, Papa. You've always believed in us and supported us. We're so lucky to have you."

Ryuuma smiled warmly at his children. "You both have made me incredibly proud. Just remember to follow your dreams and always stay true to yourselves."

Through the ups and downs, the laughter and tears, Ryuuma and Emi's love remained a shining example of devotion and resilience. Their story, filled with trials and triumphs, became an inspiration to many, proving that with love and support, anything is possible.

As they sat together one evening, reflecting on their journey, Emi took Ryuuma's hand in hers. "We've come so far, Gatou-kun. And I wouldn't change a single moment."

Ryuuma kissed her hand gently. "Neither would I, Emi-chan. Here's to many more years of happiness together."

Their eyes met, and in that moment, they knew that no matter what the future held, their love would always be the foundation of their family's strength and joy.

Their son, Takashi, soon married a talented fashion designer named Alice, and two years later, Ryumi also found happiness, marrying a bank manager named Hisashi. Ryuuma and Emi celebrated their children's weddings with grand ceremonies, filled with joy and surrounded by loved ones.

As the years passed, the family grew even larger. Alice gave birth to a son and a daughter, while Ryumi had two daughters. The once small and quiet house was now filled with the laughter and energy of grandchildren, bringing immense joy to Ryuuma and Emi.

At the age of 65, Emi's health began to decline. One evening, she was admitted to the hospital, her family surrounding her bedside. Tears filled the room as everyone realized she didn't have much time left.

"Please, don't cry," Emi said weakly, her voice filled with warmth. "I've lived a wonderful life, thanks to all of you."

She turned her gaze to Ryuuma, who sat beside her, holding her hand tightly. His eyes, now aged and tired, were filled with sorrow.

"Gatou-kun," she whispered, "thank you for everything. Your love and support made my life complete. If there is an afterlife, I would love to meet you there."

Ryuuma's voice trembled as he replied, "I feel the same, Emi-chan. I will always love you." A tear slipped from his eye as Emi smiled, closing her eyes for the last time.

A year after Emi's passing, Ryuuma completed the final volume of his light novel "Naruto." The story concluded as beautifully as his life had, filled with adventure, love, and resolution.

Soon after, Ryuuma too succumbed to death, a peaceful smile on his face. He had achieved everything he set out to do and left behind a legacy that would be remembered for generations.

When Ryuuma passed away, the world mourned the loss of the man who had single-handedly revolutionized the light novel industry. His contributions shaped a new era of storytelling, and his impact was felt across the globe. Fans, fellow authors, and industry professionals all paid tribute to his incredible legacy.

Takashi, Ryumi, Alice, Hisashi, and their children gathered together, united in their grief. They had lost not only a father and grandfather but a guiding light in their lives. Tears flowed freely as they remembered the loving, dedicated man who had always been there for them.

Even Akari, who now lived a peaceful life with her husband, couldn't hold back her tears. She had lost her best friend, the person she was closest to. 

The memories of their collaboration and the countless moments they had shared flashed before her eyes. Ryuuma had not only been a brilliant author but also a steadfast friend who had supported her through thick and thin.

As she sat by her window, looking out at the evening sky, Akari whispered, "Thank you, Ryuuma-kun. You were a true friend, and I'll never forget you."

A grand memorial was held in Ryuuma's honour. People from all walks of life attended, sharing stories of how his work had touched their lives. His children and grandchildren stood proudly, listening to the heartfelt tributes.

Takashi, now a successful actor, spoke of his father's unwavering love and dedication. Ryumi, a renowned singer, sang a beautiful song that brought everyone to tears.

Akari, too, spoke at the memorial. "Ryuuma was not just an extraordinary writer; he was an extraordinary human being. His stories brought joy, hope, and inspiration to millions. But beyond his professional achievements, he was a friend who believed in me, supported me, and made me a better person. We will all miss him dearly."

As the memorial ended, the attendees left with heavy hearts but also a sense of gratitude for having known Ryuuma and his work. His stories continued to inspire, and his legacy lived on through the pages of his novels and the lives he had touched.

In the years that followed, Takashi and Ryumi carried forward their father's legacy, ensuring that his contributions to literature were never forgotten. The family often gathered to celebrate his memory, sharing stories of his kindness, humour, and wisdom.

Ryuuma and Emi had left an indelible mark on the world, a testament to the power of love, dedication, and creativity. As long as people continued to read and be inspired by his stories, Ryuuma's spirit would remain alive, cherished by all who knew and loved him.


The next moment when Ryuuma opened his eyes, he found himself inside a white space otherwise known as the Void. It was the place where the host of the Star Guide system appeared after completing a mission or dying in the world they were sent to. He was now back in his original body.

Suddenly, the familiar voice of the Star Guide system echoed around him, congratulating him for completing his mission. The system began to calculate the rank at which he had completed the mission.

While the system worked, Darien focused on putting away the memories of his life as Ryuuma at the back of his head. He didn't want them to interfere when he went to a different world.

"Congratulations, Host," the Star Guide system announced. "You have achieved an S rank, the highest possible, for your mission completion. The original Ryuuma Gatou is also very happy with the way, you lived his life."

Darien felt a surge of satisfaction. The system continued, "For your exceptional performance, you have earned two rewards. The first reward is one million Star Points."

Darien nodded, pleased with the hefty sum. It was going to be very useful in the next worlds as the Star Points allow one to order the Star Guide system to do certain things.

"And the second reward?" He asked.

"The second reward is a Soul Retrieval Card," the system explained. "This card allows you to retrieve a soul from any world you have visited."

Darien stored the card away, knowing it might come in handy in the future.

When he obtains a world of his own in the future, he will use the card to retrieve the soul of his previous world's love. 

"Thank you, system," he said. "Now, send me to another world. I'm ready for my next mission."

"Understood, Host," The system replied. "Preparing for the next world transfer. Please stand by."

In the next second, Darien felt his soul leaving his body, and his consciousness began to fade. He experienced the familiar sensation of being pulled through time and space, a journey orchestrated by the Star Guide system to deliver him to his next destination.

As his soul travelled through the cosmos, Darien's awareness wavered, oscillating between flashes of light and moments of complete darkness.

He could feel the immense power of the system guiding his essence, ensuring he reached the world selected for his new mission.

Suddenly, the sensation of movement ceased, and Darien's consciousness began to solidify. He could feel himself becoming grounded in a new reality.

His senses gradually returned, bringing with them the sights, sounds, and sensations of his new environment.

He opened his eyes, taking in the unfamiliar surroundings. The transition was complete, and Darien was ready to begin his next adventure.

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