
Transmigration: From Dragon Princess To Pampered Granddaughter

The most cherished Little Princess of the Dragon Clan has fallen on hard times, living in an era of scarce provisions. Thankfully, she had a grandmother who doted on her as much as life itself. She drank brown sugar water every day and ate chicken eggs for every meal, making her plump and fair-skinned; she also donned new clothes for every season. All the young women and newlywed brides from miles around were envious of her naturally good fortune. However, the Little Princess had her woes: she was a dragon, and she craved meat, meat, meat!! Watch as she flexed her Dragon's Prestige — With just a glimpse at the trees, wild chickens would stiffly drop to the ground. If she stood next to the river, the fish inside would voluntarily leap onto the shore. Merely standing still, wild rabbits would run into her thigh... And as the Dragon Clan were fiercely protective of their food, she would fight anyone who dared to snatch her eats. Her fierce reputation extended far and wide, causing children in her group to take detours around her. Many people sneered: "With such a greedy, delicate and fierce character, she will definitely remain unmarried!" A certain Great Demon King who followed her said, "Marry me and become my wife. My home has endless supplies of canned beef, beef jerky, Dabai rabbit milk candy, imported chocolates, and various kinds of meat..."

Moonlit Bookworm · Integral
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662 Chs

Chapter 6 Drinking Chicken Soup

Traductor: 549690339

Even though Li Chunhua had gotten used to this sight over the past few days, she still could not help but chime in, "Mother, Wuni still won't be able to understand what you're saying."

Her grandmother showed a look of disdain, "Our Guibao should not be called Wuni, it just sounds so ugly."

Li Chunhua was taken aback, "If not Wuni, then what?"

Moreover, what was so ugly about Wuni? It sounded so much better than the names Big Ya and Second Ya from the Li Family next door.

But this question stumped Ma Xiulian.

Having not studied much, she naturally could not think of a nicer name.

So she frowned and thought hard, suddenly slapping her thigh, "I've got it!"

The sudden loud voice startled Li Chunhua.

Seeing an annoyed look on Ma Xiulian's face, she quickly began to pat the swaddling clothes to soothe her granddaughter, "Oh, Guibao is not afraid, not afraid, oh…."

However, Helian Qiao did not even flinch, having become accustomed to her grandma's frequent surprises over the past few days.

Seeing her looking back with her dark eyes, showing absolutely no fear, Ma Xiulian was relieved and lowered her voice, "After Guibao's full moon celebration, I'll find one of the educated youths to come and give Guibao a good name. They are all learned people."

With her mouth slightly agape, Li Chunhua incredulously stared at the smug old lady: Her mother-in-law was acting crazier than ever!


Suddenly, Helian Qiao nodded: she was hungry.

Ma Xiulian hurriedly placed her in Li Chunhua's arms to nurse.

Helian Qiao drank vigorously.

One of the survival rules of the Dragon Clan: no feast is bigger than a meal!

While Ma Xiulian was happy to see her eating so much, Li Chunhua voiced her concerns: "Mother, Wuni, I mean Guibao, eats too much, I'm afraid I may not have enough milk."

This little girl ate even more than Xiaobao used to.

Upon hearing this terrible news, Helian Qiao paused, then drank even more fiercely.

As if it was her last meal.

The second rule of the Dragon Clan: food is limited, eat as much as you can scavenge.

Ma Xiulian, out of fear of choking her granddaughter, quickly reassured: "No rush, no rush, grandma will make sure Guibao has enough milk!"

So she returned to her room and discussed with Old Chen: "The third daughter-in-law is so frail, I doubt her milk is sufficient. I think we should slaughter the old hen to boost her health."

She admitted that she had a preference for boys over girls. Previously, seeing the third daughter-in-law's round belly and her love for spicy food, she did not provide any additional nutrition, just a customary egg every three days.

Now she deeply regretted it.

Old Chen had no objections, "Alright."

The next day, Ma Xiulian woke up early.

She killed the chicken herself, plucked its feathers and stewed a pot of fragrant chicken soup.

After reminding the eldest daughter-in-law to watch the pot, she took the chicken soup into the third daughter-in-law's room, "Come on, third daughter-in-law, get up and drink the chicken soup."

Li Chunhua, who was nursing her child, looked at her cheerful mother-in-law with the fragrant chicken soup and was not only shocked, but also somewhat frightened.

You must know, in those days, each household could only raise three chickens a year. Eating one meant having one less, it was considered a luxurious item.

So the chickens at home were only slaughtered during major events or during the New Year's celebration.

However, Ma Xiulian was already fawning over her little granddaughter, "Did grandma's Guibao eat enough?"

No sooner had she asked, when Helian Qiao let out a small belch and even spat out a bit of milk.

Helian Qiao: ... Her dignity and wisdom as a member of the Dragon Clan absolutely could not be lost!

So she closed her eyes and pretended that nothing had happened.

Smiling broadly, Ma Xiulian wiped away the milky residue with a hanky, "Looks like our Guibao is full, that's wonderful!"

Watching her warmly affectionate mother-in-law, Li Chunhua shuddered.

Could it be that her mother-in-law was really possessed?!