
Transmigration: Elf With a Necromancer Attribute!?

This is my first wsa entry, Ty for reading. ____________________________________ "So... what you think is reincarnation and transmigration is fun?" "Hell no... Ask me, the one who has transmigrated 99 times and still couldn't achieve anything big." "Well... This is going to be my 100th transmigration, hope that I transmigrate in a good world this time." These were the last thoughts of Leon before transmigrating for the 100th time. What awaits ahead for him? Will his wish get fulfilled or will he still not be able to achieve anything? Will he face the world by himself or will he have a large army of his own? Find out as thr journey towards his 100th transmigration starts... as an elf. "What!? Do I look handsome like those pointy ear creatures now?" "Hell... who said transmigration is not fun, But what are these dark shadows like creatures?" thought a young boy in his mind, excited about the new adventure that awaits. ... Hello guys, as I have mentioned above, this is my 1st wsa entry and I will try to give it my full, but the rest is on you guys, let's try to make a position in wsa. Author - Dagger Rk Other works - Rise in the Vr world. bye... now, go read the story.

DaoistMK5HEc · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
11 Chs

First goal

"So... this was all about the secret I was speaking of..." Leon had told them the whole story that Liz had told him some time ago in the Himgiri valley, he also called Liz out to show them the proof and not make them doubt about his story.

"I-if it is really true, so you had reached the 18th magic circle!!? Salena asked him, she was the one who handed him the book about there being only 16 magic circles and now she was too shocked after knowing of Leon's story about him being the Undead lord.

"Well... it is true..." Leon nodded and answered her doubt.

"We believe in you, as from now on, you're our Lord as well because we have swore a soul bind with you." Julia spoke with respectful tone.

"Ah, I am not your lord or anything like that, I don't mean to strip your freedom away from you, I just want friends... subbordinates for my long upcoming journey." Leon spoke honestly again.

(Author: Idk why, but I like the word "honest" So I am using it everywhere where I get the chance to use it, and I am speaking honestly :D )

"But... I wanna ask one thing..." May finally spoke to Leon.

"Yes.. go on, ask anything and I will answere if it is under my knoweledge." Leon replied.

"Okay... so even if you're the Undead lord, you can't do anything like defeating any evil organization in this world like before, isn't it worthless to choose us as subbordinates?" May asked him.

"Yes... you may be right at some point but this world is not as simple as it seems, countless possible dangers roam around this world, and we are still far too much weak to defend ourselves, that's why, I want to reach that at the top in this world... And for that, I already have a goal in mind as out first step towards becoming the top power of this world." Leon answered her.

"..." May nodded her head as she now understood his motive.

"So... what is the first step you're talking about?" Salena asked him as she was a little curious about the plan he had in mind.

"Yeah sure, let me tell you what the plan is... First, we have to join the top magic academy in this city using the money we got after selling the herbs... And I am sure that you three can easily enroll for the entrance examination because of your high magic level, but I am still a mortal who hasn't started his journey towards the magical world, so I will have to learn from basic first, and for that, Liz here will help me, and maybe if he gets some free time, He can even teach you some good things, he is a magician on the 16th circle after all..." Leon told them about his first goal and Liz was a little proud because of the praises that Leon gave him.

"Woah... A magician on the 16th magical circle!!!?" Their expressions were aghast after hearing the words that Leon spout out.

"..." Liz scratched his head while looking at the girls shyly.

"Yeah... he is at the 16th magical circle currently... so he will be able to train us in a few days at most." Leon replied.

"I will try to help to the best of my abilities..." Liz spoke while patting his own chest, carrying a proud expression on his face.

"So then, since we've sold all the herbs that we gathered in the forest, I think it is time to start with our first goal, which is going to the top magic academy and enrolling to it." Leon said as he stood up from the ground.

"Hmmm... I agree with you, Lord Leon... Let's enroll for the exam tomorrow morning!" Julia exclaimed happily, and the other two nodded in agreement.

"Then... let's head to the academy tomorrow. Now, let's sleep first." Leon told them.

They all stood up and moved towards their rooms.

"Good night everyone... Tomorrow will be a very busy day for us." Leon told them before going to his room to take a rest.


After they finished eating breakfast, they immediately headed straight to the academy, Leon felt a little bit nervous for the first time after his transmigration.

After walking for a while, the academy came into sight, its gate was huge and made of metal with 'Great Tree Magic Academy written in large words on it , it was surrounded by stone walls and its size was impressive, it was similar to the Magic Academies inside the fantasy novels on earth.

"The academy looks like a castle!" Julia said while pointing at the gigantic building in front of them.

"Yeah... it is a castle after all... It is usually used as a magic academy but the truth is that it is made for rhe nobility, or those who rule over a kingdom, there are many royal academies like this in the continent." Liz replied to her. He had transformed himself into a elf so he could attend every matter with them and act as a parent as well.

They entered the gate and walked through the large courtyard until reaching the admission hall, the receptionist greeted them with a welcoming smile as soon as they entered the building, and spoke "Good morning sir... How may I help you?"

"Ah, I am here to help my brother and sisters apply for the form to join the academy" Liz spoke, he had to lie about him being their elder brother as it was a little important for the future as well.

"Okay sir, right away..." The receptionist politely nodded at them and spoke while using a silver ring with inscriptions on it to take out 4 pages with something written on them.

"Here , now let's apply for a form for you all." He put the forms on the table and told Leon and The three girls to fill the form correctly while explaining how to fill it correctly.

"Let me submit you form, It will take only a few seconds... please wait." The receptionist said after they finished filling the form. smiling at the four of them "Now, please wait for a moment while I process your form."

A few seconds later, she finally spoke "Done, your forms are successfully processed, you can now visit the academy on the entrance examination day and if you manage to pass, you can then pay the fees and enter the academy. I wish you good luck, sir..." She was really polite to them and Leon liked her behaviour very much.

A few minutes later, an elderly man appeared from the back of the hall and approached the three of them. He looked like a professor to them.

"Hello, I am the director of this academy, welcome to the Great Tree Magical Academy." The elderly man spoke.

"Hello Sir..." Leon slightly bowed and greeted the director.

"..." The three sisters also bowed and greeted him.

"Ah, no need to be so formal, you can just call me director Ashton." The director said why waving his hand.

"By the way, are you all here to enroll into the academy?" He asked them.

"Yes, we are here to take the entrance examination that will be happening soon and enter the academy." Leon answered.

"Oh, I see... You four have talent, I can tell about a person's character and his talent just by seeing him, my guess will be right, I can bet, you four have great talent, we need talents like you, I wish for you to pass the entrance examination. For now, I will take my leave, I hope to see you in the exam." He spoke and wished them luck for their upcoming exam.

"Oh please director, you're too polite director, I am not as good as you say, I am just a starter at magic, I don't think your words are for me..." Leon said while scratching his head.

"..." The girls were also a little shy as they had never heard so much praises about them.

"Well, I have to take my leave now, see you in the entrance examination."

"Goodbye, director Ashton, hope we meet again." Leon and the three girls said goodbye to him and then also walked outside the academy.

"We should now head to the Himgiri Valley and practice our magic skills...