

Space warped. Somehow, they felt something enter the dungeon with them. Without any knowledge of where that thing is, the family of three plus the sword dancer were in high tension save for the daughter who was admiring the murals on the wall. The first one to feel it was the sword dancer. With her sharp senses as an immortal, she felt a vibration travelling across the dungeon. It came rhythmically. It was stable. It grew in strength and intensity until at its climax it stopped. There was nothing but silence.

Then. It emerged from the darkness in front of them. The being had neither visual nor olfactory senses. It overcame this disadvantage by using its sense of hearing and touch which were strengthened many times over. The four players discerned this fact almost immediately. Its rubbery skin shook a couple of times, and viscous fluids started dripping down from them. The being was part of the Wyvernicus family. Its name Wyvernicus Khezuid.

"T-that looks like a Khezu from Monster Hunter!" The husband said.

"Although it looks like a Khezu from Monster Hunter, due to the intergalactic copyright laws, it is not." The dungeon master quipped.

"Still, we should run like it is a Khezu!"

"Though it isn't."

The husband took both his wife's and daughter's arms and booked it while screaming at the top of his lungs. He also didn't forget to hurl expletives at his good friend, Joe. The monster was attracted to his scream and ran after him, prompting him to scream even more. Amidst the confusion, the sword dancer regained her wits and threw her flying swords after the monster.

All but one sword was bounced away by its rubbery skin, which was very odd from her point of view. The remainder found its way to the wyvern's anus. I need not describe such graphic material here, just know that the monster was enraged after that, and turned around to face the sword dancer.

"Ah." She looked the monster dead in the eyes and averted her gaze embarrassedly.

She never expected her sword to stab such a spot. Because of the monster's impervious rubbery skin, she now felt somewhat threatened. The monster took a step forward, and she took a step back. It took another step forward, and this time she turned around, and ran like hell.

Joe's dungeon(s) sealed all kinds of energies, and that includes the immortal qi she was used to. This was the reason her sword failed to pierce the monster's skin. Even though she was far stronger than mortals, that bit of strength was nothing in front of the monster. Thankfully, this was only the tutorial level. The real Wyvernicus Khezuid would stalk its prey from the rooftops without any sound. This version of Khezuid was dumbed down by several notches. The sword dancer managed to shake off the monster because of it was not used to chasing its prey.

She ran around until she arrived at a crossroads. As if on cue, every torch near her was snuffed out. She groped around in the dark with the sharpened senses every cultivator had.


"Oh, my." The wife's voice could be heard in the darkness.

"What is it, Anna?" The husband replied.

"Dear, please think of the time and place if you want to 'play' around." She replied sultrily.

"Play around? I'm carrying Alice, both of my hands were occupied!"

"Then, who touched me just now?"

At this moment, every torch in the dungeon lit up. It was as bright as day.

"Ah." Said the husband.

"Ah." Said the wife.

"Ah." Said the sword dancer who groped the wife's chest.

The three looked around awkwardly.

The hand that grabbed what it wasn't supposed to, released its grasp, and the three stood there in silence. The daughter broke the ice by pulling on her father's sleeves. The murals stood out in her eyes. It was telling her something incoherent, but she had a feeling that if she managed to look more of its kind, the thing it was telling her would be revealed in a grand fashion.


"Alice, what is it?"

"Can you carry me around to see the murals? They feel somewhat important."

"Hmm. That's a good idea!" The husband clapped his hands. "Your uncle Joe loved these kinds of things in his creations. Hidden information that will change how you play his game."

He lifted her up and put her on his shoulders. The wife watched them from behind with great relish. Seeing her family having family time was rewarding enough for her. Meanwhile, the sword dancer just stood there. She tried to diminish her presence as much as she could muster, trying her hardest not to disturb the family.

The family, along with the sword dancer went around the dungeon while dodging the monster by changing directions based on the loudness of its roar. They experienced all kinds of traps Joe had scattered. As it was only a tutorial level, there were only jumpscares and traps that transports you to other places, nothing too fatal. The thing they were after, the murals and their meanings, were freely savoured by the daughter.

A familiar chime was heard, and a prompt appeared in front of her. Her usually silent system finally gave her its first prompt. Even though she knew nothing about stuff like Xianxia or Wuxia, she was familiar with it since her father was a big fan.


Myriad Dao System




Activated. Please choose one from these collections of old grandpas/grandmas:

A. Nuwa

B. Fuxi

C. Shennong

D. Suiren

E. None of the Above


Her father was always complaining in the living room while reading his novels, the complaints were mostly about how old grandpas or grandmas will always try to take over the host's body. Based on that childhood memory, she picked the last choice.


Myriad Dao System




No old grandpas/grandmas were chosen.

The system will help the host instead.

System Inventory is ready to use.

System Shop unlocked.




All Monster Hunter mural depictions had been collected.






All Dao will be stored in the Dao Storage.

The host is free to use the Dao Storage in any way she wants.


After finding themselves at a crossroads for the fourth time, the daughter spoke up.

"Dad, I think I got what uncle Joe hides in the murals, and it woke my system up!"

"Really? What is it?"

"It's a technique to feel where the monster's weakpoint is. There are also some combat techniques and body refining techniques. It's the whole package."

"Anything else?" He asked.

A system prompt appeared in front of the daughter suddenly. Unlike the first system prompt, this one entails the security of the system, and by proxy, its host.


A connection has already been established with Shonen Protagonist System and Farming Simulator System.

Shonen Protagonist System has been determined to be the hub of the connection.

Is this a trusted connection?




Host behaviour had been analyzed, putting in Shonen Protagonist System and Farming Simulator System into the trusted systems category.

Does the host want to share the Monster Hunter Dao?


"My system just prompted me to share what I got, with all of you."

"It can do that? Nice!"

The daughter closed her eyes and preached. Her words caused all who heard her to understand. Using this mystical state, she passed what she gained to her family, and by proxy, the sword dancer. They understood what Joe left them. A technique to survive. Although they couldn't be graded as proficient in Monster Hunting techniques, the prowess of the average hunter would ease their time in this cultivation world.

"Should we hunt the monster?" The sword dancer offered.

The family of three nodded.

"Then, I'll be the bait. Madam Na and Miss Rizu will support Mr Ran with the final blow."

"We can't let you take the role of bait, Miss Cang An. If you must be the bait, then please let me help!" The wife replied. "Joe also said that we won't die here."

"I am tasked with taking care of your family, Madam Na. Please, don't take the risk. Legacy tombs such as this one will play with your minds."

"Legacy tombs?"

"Yes, tombs left behind by an old cultivator. Senior Cho's voice might be a trap."

"How are you so sure?"

"I've been through this at least three times, and all of them are traps in the end."

She was still under the misconception that the dungeon was some kind of legacy left behind by a cultivator. With no idea on how to change the sword dancer's mind, the wife finally chose to compromise.

"Alright, I won't take any risk."

"Thank you."

"But, if I see you forcing yourself, we have to leave immediately."

"That-, alright."

The sword dancer inspected the swords she threw before, which she somehow managed to gather. With a sword in hand, she handed the rest to the others. Without any immortal qi, using one sword was the right choice. The time for the hunt is coming, and it came fast. The floor beneath their feet trembled. It was approaching.

"Are you ready?" The sword dancer asked.

Being the only one with combat experience, she could see the family of three was struggling to keep their calm. Two of them were anxious while the last one was giddy for battle.

"Calm yourselves. Take a deep breath, and see nothing but the enemy." She tried to give them a bit of advice.

The husband and wife took the advice to the tee. They took a deep breath and focused. Meanwhile, the daughter was being held back by her parents, even though it seemed like she wanted to charge in first.

They waited for the monster to approach them, and it did. Like the first time it appeared, it came out from the dark corridor. Its right leg, rubbery and all, took a step forward, towards the four prey it had identified. Its left leg continued not long after, and it broke into a sprint.

"Careful, it is charging!" The husband stepped forward, shielding his wife behind him.

"Dodge to the sides!" The sword dancer commanded.

The monster leapt.

Fortunately, the four were ready for it.

The sword dancer dashed to the right, while the family of three, with the husband carrying the daughter, swerved to the left side. The monster passed them like the most miserable gutter ball ever. It hit none of them even though its large body has the utmost advantage in this type of dungeon. And no, it was not because the monster missed them completely as it was physically impossible for the monster to miss them.

The answer was invincibility frames, or i-frames if you shorten it.

See, these Hunters from planet MHW-10521FF have quite the unique technique which was shared among all other advanced martial-based civilizations. It was a dodge. A simple dodge. One that will grant the user temporary invincibility every time they used it. It was not a faultless technique, however. It took a large amount of the user's stamina with each use. That's why they felt weak in their knees right now.

"Why- why did it feel like I just ran a marathon!" The husband stuttered.

"I think it was because we used a technique." Said the wife, who somehow managed to bear the technique's burdens.

The husband catches his breath.

"How are you fine, dear?"

The wife immediately acts tired.

"It sure is tiring…" she massaged her shoulders animatedly.

This conversation of theirs happened while the sword dancer was busy with the monster. She protect, she attack, but most importantly, she got their backs. Although the monster itself was supposedly the weak version of the real one, it was only weak in the sense of techniques. It has none of the real predator's habits and stealth capabilities. Its physique, however, was the same as the real one.

The hunt lasted for quite a while.

"Sir Ah Ran, stab on its weakpoint!"


"No, don't stab there! Your sword will-"

The sword bounced away.

"Bounce… Alright. Madam Ah Na, please attack where sir Ah Ran left off!"

The wife slashed at the spot with serene calm.

"Nice! Miss Ah Rizu, please direct the monster to us again!"

"On it! Random bullshit, GO!"

"Alice! Language, young lady!" Said the mom.

The daughter threw random pieces of stuff to one side of the monster's body, making it return to where it was facing. There, the sword dancer was readying her stab to the monster's lamprey-like mouth, where the brain was usually located for its species.

A good stab in, and it fell with a thud.

"Yeahhh!!" she shook her bloody sword in the air.

Blood, bile, saliva, and all sorts of the monster's bodily substances could be seen on her robes. The sword dancer was the driving force for the victory they achieved in this tutorial level. She was the vanguard for all danger they faced. Even though the family already showed their worth to her, she was still stubborn about not letting them help in defeating the monster. It was too dangerous, she said.

Then, as if magic, every nick and scratch on them vanished. The dungeon had saved their state of being from before the tutorial level started. It doesn't mean that their achievements or improvements were invalidated, however. What they gained there, be it abstract or physical, will stay with them. In other words, instead of pushing the reset button, the dungeon master pushed the refresh button.

That being said, they immediately looked around, trying to find some kind of exit when they were prompted with a continue or give up screen. It was ticking down. 9… 8… 7… etc. Like those game machines you'd find at the arcades. Those who never saw something along those lines, like the sword dancer, would be anxious, thinking it was some kind of danger. Meanwhile, those that knew what it was, were leisurely going through the motions. They waited until the number reached zero, and were transported out of the dungeon. At this time, the sword dancer squatted down in desperation, thinking her death is imminent.

There were no flashy effects whatsoever when they returned from the dungeon. They were returned to where they were before, nothing more. From an outsider's point of view, it was like they blipped in and out of existence. They felt no discomfort from the sudden displacement, which showed how advanced this marvel of technology was.

"A-are we in Youdu?" the sword dancer asked.

The family of three looked at each other, and the husband replied to her, "We're not, miss Cang An."

"Then that means we're in Fengdu, right?" She started pacing left and right, talking to herself, "Do I have enough coins for Fengdu? Do I even have any coins?"

"Umm… miss Cang An?" The wife asked.


"You do know that we're still alive, right?"

"We are still alive?!" She immediately pinched her sides. "It hurts! We are still alive!!" She celebrated, rolling on the ground, kissing the trees, and having fun by herself in general.

The three looked at her for quite a while until she regained herself.

"Ahem… I deeply regret that you have to see that side of me, please excuse me for that."

"No, no. It's okay. Being alive is truly the greatest gift of all." Said the wife.

The sword dancer blushed, hard, at what she herself did. It was a black mark of shame for her, and would certainly be part of her daily diary writings for future reflection.

"How can I know that the spiritual being (Dungeon Master) was telling the truth!!!"

A shout full of shame could be heard throughout the forest that day.

Well, sorry for the long wait (around 2 weeks huh...)

I gotta ask you something though, for those of you who waited for my creation:

Do you prefer a long-strip of writing (around 2-5k words) with a bit of waiting time (I will try to write as fast as possible, if able.)

Or, do you prefer bit-sized ones (around 1-1.5k words) with less waiting time?

Those that prefer the former, please comment "1" in the comments, while those that prefer the latter, please comment "2".

Thank you!!!

ZenByMoonlightcreators' thoughts