
Transmigrating Into a Xianxia, Thankfully I Have a Dungeon System

Update: Hiatus for a while My name is Joe. I've been playing games about dungeon-building all my life with the hope of being able to manage or create one myself. Of course, I know there were no dungeons IRL, but who knows? A good friend of mine who knows of my obsession with dungeons gave me a birthday gift yesterday. It was a game in a different genre than what I played usually. But since it was a gift he gave me, I played it. Though there weren't really any "dungeons" in it, the oldies Eastern aesthetic took me in. I played it as soon as I got it from him, no questions asked. What did it give me?! Unwanted transmigration into this world of extra bullshit!!

ZenByMoonlight · Fantasía
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62 Chs

meeting the emperor

"It is still in the early morning, brother Cho." Wu Lin replied.

I sat up too fast from my sleeping position. My head hurts like it was being beaten with a hammer. I remembered this sensation. I am pretty sure I have experienced it before; it was something called a hangover.

"Where am I?"

"You are inside your room. We found you sleeping outside with both Ranga and the bear. What happened?"

"Nothing much, just a little altercation. So where's Browny?"

"Browny? You mean the bear?"

"Yes, the bear. Ranga gave it that name. Where is it?"

"We brought it to Ranga's room."

I got out of my bed and went to her room. Since it was only three rooms away from mine, I didn't need to exert any energy in my hungover state. It was a good thing Mr. Abdul chose this establishment; they have floors dedicated to groups. As soon as we arrived at the tiger-girl's room, I thumped on her door.