
Transmigrating in Naruto world as Naruto

( DROPPED) Transmigrating in Naruto world as Naruto.Its a fan fiction where our mc gets transmigrated in Naruto childhood.The mc it's a dark one so enjoy.

hunter_dildo · Cómic
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11 Chs

Chapter 2. Waking up in a new world

[I will try making some special efects from now on]

"Phaap" I wake up taking a big breath of air.I got up a little and look around me.I was in a strangely old medical room,everything looked so strange,I looked at the window where sunlight was coming from and I try getting up but a huge headache took me and I fall back on the hospital bed.The pain was so bad that my tears start flowing, but it was to much,I gritted my teeth and tried to bear the pain,but my body suddenly start heating up and I fall unconscious.

I wake up after i assume a few hours because there was no sunlight coming from the window. After I wake up everything was more clear,my mind was peaceful and my body more lighter,it was because my second wish.In the time I was unconscious I saw the memories of the preson I was in,it was Naruto Uzumaki, I saw the so called 'life' that the kid lived and I'm disgusted. Currently Naruto was 5 years old,after getting thrown out of the adoption centre because the 'demon' shouldn't stay whit the children and living in the streets for a few weeks ,the third Hokage 'Sarutobi Hiruzen' was ' kind' enough to give Naruto a free home where to stay and a little allowance. Because of the happiness off having a home and because in the same day it was his birthday, October 10th,Naruto got out in the city to celebrate whit some ramen,but he didn't know that in that same day the villagers of Konohagakure were celebrating their family's death ( the fox incident),he got beat up so bad by a group of drunk people that he fall into a coma.

Because of my second wish I could remember everything,all the pain that been thought,all the sadness,every little thing that his 5 year old body and mind been thought given me a disgusting taste in my mouth.By the fact that nobody cared about a little boy, a literary 'hero', and was living like this made me disappointed in this village.But even though I was feeling like this on my face was nothing.I can control my feelings and every muscle in my body,it was a nice feeling knowing that you can control everything in your body.I took a big breath and try getting of the bed,I couldn't observe of how small this body actually is,I barely had a little fat on my body and that was bad for a child of his age.My curent height was barely 1 metres,very small in my opinion. I jump out the bed and try stretching my body a little,it was a beautiful feeling,I could feel every muscle in my body. I look around the room and observe every little thing that I could see because it was night time and the only light was the moon one.I walk towards a chair and start dragg it towards the window. After making sure it's safe I climb the chair and look out the window.I saw the village,It was beautiful,I was just fascinating of how real and beautiful everything looks,I could even see the Hokage Mountain or ' the Hokage Rock' ,it was truly fascinating. Well you know how it say 'don't hate the village,hate the people in it' . By looks around I could clearly say that it has been a few days since I been in this room because there was nothing on the streets. After I look around a little more I suddenly hear a knock on the door,I get off the chair and respond in a sweet voice of a child " Yes? " after a little someone open the door and enter in room it was

<Hiruzen Sarutobi> "Hey Naruto, how are you feeling,I come to check on you to see how are you doing,feeling pain somewhere?" says him in his old grandfather voice.

' check on me my ass,bet his anbu dogs told him when I waked up,he's probably here to brain- wash me like he did in the show fucking dumbeldore ' even though I was thinking this much not even a second passed in reality,my brain was working on his 100%,not like other people just 10% because of my second wish .Whit a sweet voice and a huge smile on my face I told him in happy voice "Hey jiji,I'm felling very well,a little tired but there it no pain." seeing my face Hiruzen says whit a kind smile " Well that it's good, i will personally send a doctor in the morning to check on you,have some rest Naruto " after saying that Hiruzen start walking towards the door and he looks one last time to Naruto who was looking at him whit a kind smile on his face ' What a sweet child' thinks Hiruzen before leaving,probably going to fight his nemesis. [ we all know his nemesis :)) ]

[I will start naming our mc Naruto because It's hard remembering names]

After seeing him leave Naruto,get up on the bed and start sleeping but in his mind he was preparing a plan for the future.

[hi guys,this is a new chapter,please tell me in the comments if I made some mistakes or you want to add something in story.Have a nice day,Bye]