
transmigrating in a world...??

transmigrating without choice and receiving many things from items, abilities and powers. Our protagonist will have to live a new life with powers in a seemingly normal modern world. [the characters that will appear apart from my oc do not belong to me, all credits go to their respective authors]

MiguelCreative · Cómic
Sin suficientes valoraciones
19 Chs

-[chapter 17]-

"Give me a grape flavored ice cream please." – I told the seller while he pointed to the grape ice cream.

"Do you have anything that is low in fat and sugar?" – Gwen asked, making me look at her strangely.

The old man replied that he had napkins so that later he could ask Ben what ice cream he wanted, but then the sound of metal was heard and Ben turned around just like me. What I saw were some guys trying to commit a crime.

"I have things to solve." – Ben told him as he ran outside.

"On second thought, make it two." – I said while I raised two fingers.

"Aren't you going to help?" – Gwen asked in a low voice as he saw Ben transformed into [Upgrade].

"Ben can take care of it himself. Take." – I responded in the same low tone while I took the two ice creams and I handed one to Gwen.

"But…" – Gwen was going to tell me something, but I interrupted her.

"You know, we're on vacation, we have to enjoy ourselves and not worry too much about things like that." – I told Gwen while I smiled slightly, the truth is that when I'm on vacation I take it to really rest, without training that is too demanding to be super sore the next day.

"Thank you." – Gwen said as she grabbed the ice cream, I nodded as she walked towards the exit followed by Gwen, of course, I already paid for the ice cream.

At that time, Ben and Max have already finished taking care of the thieves, I was not going to get into a situation where I could easily solve it even without having to use [One for all] or any of my skills.

"Good job Ben." – I heard Max congratulate Ben as we got to where they were.

"Oh yeah!!, I'm ready for anything, come on, what's next?" – Ben said and his voice really sounds strange while he is [upgrade].

Quickly using [Evaluating Eye] take a look at his status.

[Name: Benjamin Tennyson] [Age: 10] [danger level: F, major with possession of machines]

[Upgrade] is quite strong, but his true strength appears when he fuses and upgrades a machine. Seeing it makes me remember that crossover where he appears in Generator Rex's world and uses [Upgrade] to improve Rex so he can fight Alpha, although the truth is I don't remember if they beat him that way.

"We will go over the weekend to visit your aunt Vera." – Max said, breaking me out of my thoughts and causing Ben to complain. I just stayed silent while I enjoyed my grape ice cream.

'Well, although there is a fight this week, to think that they will be against beings that are highly resistant to impact attacks and fire, which are two of the attacks that I use the most, it will really be a difficult fight.' – I thought, although that didn't scare me, rather it excited me to think how I could defeat them or at least keep them at bay until their weakness against water is discovered.

Of course, if things get out of hand I'll bring up the aliens' weakness with water myself. For me, it's one thing to want to fight, but I wouldn't put innocent people in danger, much less elderly people who could very well be my grandparents.

'Well, luckily this time I won't have to pretend so much. Previously I couldn't just come out and say those guys were traffickers and were trying to take mama krakken eggs. Well, if I had used the two skills I used to calm Mama Krakken it would have been different, but it is what it is.' – I thought while I thought that I'm not going to forget that soon.

[Time after]

"It would be very boring, their idea of fun might be watching the grass grow." – Ben complained while frowning.

I just sighed as I looked out the window while chewing a grape flavored gum, Gwen wasn't paying attention either.

At that Ben and I saw how an old man almost fell from the roof of a house, but he did a backflip, falling to the ground with the grace of a gymnast.

"Oh? Wow! Did you see that?" – Ben asked as he turned to see us.

Gwen looked up from the computer to look out the window, but all she saw was a bunch of old men acting like old men, she was going to speak, but I spoke first.

"Yes, that was not at all what an old man would do…" – I said while putting my hand on my chin making a pose and expression of thinking.

"Isn't that right?" – Ben said after listening to me as he nodded.

"What? What did you see?" – Gwen asked after seeing that it wasn't just Ben's joke.

"Well, a man did a backflip off the roof of a house after almost falling. That was surprising, that an old man could do that in his old age, maybe the old man in his youth was a gymnast?" – I said, I know that old man is an alien (I think), but that possibility is so good, many old people have a fairly good physical condition even when they are old, so it is difficult for me not to comment on it.

"Well..." - Gwen was going to speak, but Max spoke.

"Kids, we're here!!" – Max said and I realized that the camper had stopped.

"In earnest? "Why do old people live where it is so hot?" – Ben complained as he left the camper, Gwen was behind him and carrying a water gun with her with clear intentions.

"Hey… hehehehe" – Gwen said, giving Ben a splash of water while she laughed at him. But as I watched them as I was leaving the camper I saw that Gwen turned to look at me as she raised the water gun in my direction. Of course, I was faster and pointed my own water gun at her and fired it.

"HA! "You're too young to surprise me" – I said while I laughed at her.

She complained about it.

"There, that's a good welcome." – Ben said as he looked towards the next house, if I'm not mistaken it was that Ben saw one of the old men who was an alien that not long ago had just taken the form of the old man.

"Hey!?" – I made the sound after Gwen got me wet with her water gun.

"Ha! "You got careless." – She said while she had a mocking smile on her face, I didn't say anything to her because Max had already left the camper.

"You guys take care of her cheeks, she likes to squeeze them." – Max said, but it's not like they could do anything.

"Vera!" – Max greeted his sister after Vera left her house.

"I can't believe they've already arrived and you two, how big you are." – Vera said as she hugged and squeezed Gwen's cheeks and then Ben.

"And you must be haru, your grandfather always talks about you. Nice to meet yo." – She said as she approached me she gave me a hug and squeezed my cheeks.

"Nice to meet you…" – I said, not at all happy about that, but I still had to say hello.

"Everyone come inside, we have a lot to talk about." – Vera said as she began to walk towards the door of her house, us following closely.

Looking at the house next door, I realized that the old man was looking towards us and I couldn't help but think that the alien is a gossip.

Once inside the house, Ben made his typical comment, although I couldn't deny it, but I think that all houses that aren't mine smell strange.

[Time after]

After a strange meal and seeing how Gwen and her aunt are very similar, Ben ran away while he was transformed into [Ghostfreak] and seeing him left me thinking.

'How am I supposed to stop the ghost that's locked in the Omnitrix, when he breaks free? I don't remember his name, but if he possesses me then they will have a hard time stopping him and if he manages to truly possess Ben then the world is over.' – I thought, maybe I'm exaggerating, but it's true that I don't know how to confront him since he is literally a ghost.

I mean I have a strong soul, maybe I can resist if he tries to possess me, but it would still be difficult to stop, since he is quite strong. Right now I have several ideas coming to mind to stop him if I use my abilities, but I'm not sure if I can stop him 100% long enough until the sun rises.

'Well, there's still a long way to go for that to happen, I'll worry about it later' – I thought as I left the problem to my future self, although I will certainly start training the skills that would be useful to me to stop it.

And I'll start doing that now while I wait for Ben to return, I really don't want to leave the house, the heat outside is too strong.

[Time after]

It had been a while since Ben left, I found myself staring at nothing while training my mana control, although I would like to train another skill I can't since what I'm doing would become visible and I don't want that.

*Sound of door closing*

"GRANDPA! GWEN! HARU!" – Then Ben arrived shouting and calling us all agitated.

It didn't take long for Max to silence him a little since Vera was asleep. Ben then began to explain himself by saying that the old people were not normal and that they seemed to be aliens... crazy, right? And of course it's not surprising that, although they believed Ben a little, they didn't seem to care much about what Ben said, although Max still decided that it was better to go investigate.

"Well, that man already seemed strange to me." – I said speaking for the first time in a long time while I got up and followed Max.

It didn't take us long to get to the old man's house next door, the door was half open so we all went in after Max spoke.

"This house would be perfect for a horror movie." – I murmured while mentally I complained that among all the abilities I had, I don't have night vision.

Needless to say, all of us are startled by a sudden movement caused by clothing blown by the wind. Yes, it even scared me, the truth is I knew about the scare, but it was so sudden that it still surprised me.

"Well, it seems there is nothing strange." – Max said and I looked at him out of the corner of my eye, thinking about how he could become a plumber of his level being so like that.

"Except for what he rolled up with his rug, which was right here." – Ben said as he pointed to the place where the rug should have been.

[Time after]

Needless to say, Max decided to end the investigation after only seeing a single house. If it weren't for the fact that I already knew the plot of the chapter, I would have continued looking for clues.

Now it was morning, Vera must have already been captured so now I just have to not wait too long before the aliens decide to appear.

'It's really annoying to pretend to be a good boy.' – I thought, I could have disobeyed Max and gone to take care of the aliens, but I don't want to ruin the image of a responsible boy that it took me so much effort to create.

*Sound of breaking glass*

While I was thinking I heard the sound of breaking glass, I think it's about to start, I activated [Stalk] and I left where I was I saw the imposter Vera avoiding the water from touching her while she yelled at Gwen to clean it up.

Gwen apologized while she started to clean it, the imposter asked about Max and me, Gwen responded that Max went out for a walk and I decided to make my presence visible.

"I'm here, good morning everyone." – I said as he crossed a door.

"MMM, well, you guys behave, I'll be back." – Said the impostor, making me think that he is not good enough to become someone's double.

Seeing how the imposter leaves, I approached Gwen and Ben, while I listened to Ben say that the vera they saw was not the original.

"What Ben says is true." – I said, because I prefer that Gwen help us than to be talking and talking.

"What?" – Gwen said while he turned to look at me and I couldn't help but think that Gwen really doesn't believe Ben at all.

"The vera they spoke to now was not the original, she was an alien who took over her identity and most likely other elders are too." – I said while I spoke seriously and frowned so that he could see that I was very serious.

"We have to find Mr. Max and then go see where the other elderly people are." – I said seeing that they remained silent.

"I think I know where they are locked up, yesterday I saw the next-door neighbor try to enter through a secret entrance that is where the garbage containers are." – Ben said.

"Okay, that's the best we have for now, let's try to see if we can find them." -I said making them nod.

We didn't waste time and went to investigate.

"You guys come, the place is over there." – Ben said as we walked towards the containers.

"Just follow the bad smell." – Gwen commented, not seeming at all happy where we were going.

Then we passed two old women who were playing in the street.

"Beware of old women." – I said quietly to both of them, they nodded.

It didn't take long for the two old women to prove that they were impostors and threw the discs towards us. I just grabbed them without much effort.

"RUN!!" – Ben said as he and Gwen began to run, I stayed while he activated [One for all] at 10% and charged towards the impostors to break the sticks they used to throw the discs.

They tried to grab me, but my actions were fast enough to avoid them both.

It didn't take me long to get to where they ran, but when I was getting there they had returned from where they had run.

"Run! "It's not grandpa max." – Ben said as he and Gwen ran and I could see the impostor max with his arms extended, very extended, and sharp green teeth.

Then three impostors appeared loading a car in front of where Ben and Gwen were running and behind them was the imposter Max.

"Dodge it." – I told them and fortunately they reacted quickly and avoided the car, the imposter Max was not so lucky.

"We better take advantage of this opportunity, come on." – I said while pulling them back, Ben reacted and quickly used the omnitrix to transform into [wildmutt].

Then Ben threw the container at the aliens, I could have done it, but I preferred to take the opportunity to open the door.

"Come on, Ben bring Gwen with you." – I told them to jump later, I have [One for all] activated so the fall was quite smooth.

Already on the ground, it didn't take long for Ben and Gwen to fall.

"Does the expression see where you're going mean something to you?" – Gwen asked Ben after falling.

"Let's go, Ben guide us." – I told Ben while he nodded and started running, I followed him closely.

With Ben guiding the way it didn't take us long to reach where the wall leading towards the aliens' spaceship was.

"Watch out!" – Gwen said seeing that Ben didn't stop, then Ben crossed the wall as if nothing had happened.

"…" – I stared as I stopped and started walking, avoiding touching anything green.

"Hey freak, do you think I'm a dummy, a test dummy?" – I heard Gwen say that to Ben, but Ben didn't stop and continued to where the alien ship was.

"MMM?" - Just then I heard a sound behind me, feeling the danger I jumped forward while stealing a little until I turned around and saw Impostor Max with his arms outstretched.

"I didn't think you'd catch up with us so quickly." – I murmured, I thought it would give us time to reach the ship and free the elderly, but I was very positive.

[Danger level: H-]

His danger level is pretty low, but hey, ben wildmutt was able to take care of him easily so.

"Hehehe…" – The imposter walked a little towards me with a smile that showed his sharp teeth, I stared at him carefully while I thought that what I had to worry about was the fused form of the aliens.

The impostor, when he was about 5 meters away from me, stretched out his arms once again trying to grab me, but I grabbed them and turned around and then threw him in the direction he came from.

He fell to the ground and rolled a little, I didn't give him time to react and I ran towards him, when I was close I gave him a powerful kick in the head that sent him crashing into the cave wall.

Increasing the level of [one for all] to 15%, which is my new limit after I fully recovered and I ran towards him again and as the imposter got up I was already close.

"Wait, wait haru, it's me!" – The impostor tried to convince me that he was the real Max by returning to the perfect copy of Max's appearance.

"That doesn't work with me." – I told him as he activated [Strong Punch] and hit him, creating a shock wave that spread the impostor all over the wall.

"How disgusting." – I said while he lowered the power of [One for all] to 10% again since he was more used to that. Then I realized that the alien did not die since I could notice movement of the scattered parts. To avoid problems, I took out the water pistol that I had stored in the interior space of the Trenchcoat.

"It's nothing personal." – I said while he sprayed water on the alien and it screamed in agony and in the end now he died. Without further ado I headed towards where Ben and Gwen had gone.

It didn't take me long to meet Ben and Gwen, who were removing the eggs from the alien ship where the old people were locked up. They have already freed Max and he is also helping.

"HEY YOU GUYS, LEAVE THAT RIGHT NOW!!" – I heard a scream behind me, the one who screamed was the imposter Vera.

"Ben, some help would be nice right now." – I told Ben, I can take care of one, but it would be difficult for the 3.

"Yes, they make me angry." – Ben said while he used the omnitrix and transformed into [Heatblast].

'Ok, on second thought... this has already lasted a long time... I would really like to continue, but...' – I thought, although I would like to continue fighting down here it is very hot and it is not like I would be of much help.

"Ben, shoot towards the pipes, they have a weakness for water." – I told Ben while he pointed towards the tannerias above.

"Really?" – Ben asked.

"Yes, I already verified it before when I faced one of them." – I told him, I already have my explanation ready for when he asks me.

"Ok, if you say so." – Ben said and then shot a burst of fire towards the ceiling where the pipes were.

It didn't take long for the three aliens to scream in agony as the water fell.

Then mysteriously the spaceship turned on and took off, fortunately Gwen, Ben and Max had gotten all the old people out of it.

"And how did you discover his weakness?" – I wonder Gwen.

"Earlier, the imposter Mrs. Vera acted strange when you dropped the water, right? So before, I was fighting one of the aliens and I decided to test if my theory was true and using my water gun I checked it and it was 100% correct." – I responded to Gwen, having pauses so that they could follow me in my explanation.

"Well, okay, thanks to that we could resolve this faster. Now, we should send them home so they believe nothing ever happened." – Max said, but that's easier said than done.

"It would take us hours." – Gwen said.

"Give me a few minutes, I'll see if [XRL8] can help" – Ben said and I decided to add my two cents.

"While we wait for Ben to be able to transform into [XRL8]. I will try to get as many eggs out of the cave as possible, so that it will be easier for Ben to finish." – I said while I was preparing to grab an egg that had an old man inside, with [One for all] active it was like I was lifting a feather, but I better carry one by one just in case, since accidents do exist.

"It's a good idea. "We are also going to help." – Max said while he grabbed an egg and started walking towards the exit.

[Time after]

It's time to leave, thanks to what we did, it became easier for Ben to take the elderly to their respective homes while he was [XRL8] that he even had time left over for the transformation.

"Goodbye, Mrs. Vera, I had a good time visiting here." – I told Vera.

"Goodbye haru, I hope you come back to visit." – She said while giving me a hug, I simply nodded as I quickly entered the camper.

'Well, it wasn't so boring in the end.' – I thought as we left the town of Vera towards the next stop.


The most annoying part of making longer chapters is translating them.

But hey, I already decided so I'll make the chapters longer.

I will upload 2 long chapters a week and maybe a short chapter of about a thousand words during the week or weekend.

I hope you liked the chapter.