
transmigrating in a world...??

transmigrating without choice and receiving many things from items, abilities and powers. Our protagonist will have to live a new life with powers in a seemingly normal modern world. [the characters that will appear apart from my oc do not belong to me, all credits go to their respective authors]

MiguelCreative · Cómic
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19 Chs

-[chapter 15]-


"Huh? Huh? But what happens? what's the matter?" – I said as I woke up half asleep and began to look around confused.

Looking closely into the distance I can see the lake monster near the dock…

"Oh!…" – That was the only thing I managed to say after remembering what would happen in the third chapter.

*Sound of destruction and screams* While I was remembering the monster destroyed the dock causing some of those on it to fly away.

Without thinking further I made my Trenchcoat appear and ran towards the dock while activating [One for all] at 10%. I also took some diving goggles out of my raincoat, I'm going to the water, I don't want to be with red eyes afterwards.

It didn't take long to reach the beach, the monster seemed to want to eat people, Ben also appeared before the monster devoured Gwen.

Without wasting any more time I jumped into the sea and started swimming, I'll leave the job of rescuing the people to Ben, while I go to get the monster's attention.

Getting close I ignored all the screams of the people and the monster and used [Fireball].

I threw several fireballs in her direction and as I expected... they didn't hurt her one bit, but it caught her attention.

"HERE BEAST!!" – I yelled at him, I know that the monster is a she and that he only wants her Eggs, but I'm not supposed to know and I don't want to be making up a story either.

*ROAR!!* The monster roared at me and I took advantage of the moment to use [Evaluating Eye] to know its danger level.

[Krakken] [Danger Level: E+ (Possibly Higher)]

"Ok, I guess this wasn't a good idea..." – I thought, the Krakken has a higher level than the mutant frog, and to defeat it I had to overcome my self-imposed limits that left me in this condition. (It's just exaggerated, it's just muscle soreness due to overexertion.)

She didn't let me think anymore when she literally jumped towards me, I had to go deeper into the water to avoid the impact, but I couldn't avoid the strong currents that she generated when she sank into the water.

Holding my breath I let the currents carry me, I would be worried if I were a normal human, but I am anything but normal, I can hold my breath for several minutes so I will be fine. But, despite everything, I am not strong enough to go against the current, so I can only go with the flow.

It had been a while and fortunately the strong currents had calmed down. Looking around, I realized that this lake is bigger than it looks, well, to be able to support a creature the size of the Krakken, of course it must be.

As I watched, I realized that the krakken was not coming towards me.

'Don't tell me!' – I thought as I opened my eyes and then began to swim towards the surface quickly, ignoring the feeling of being ignored.

Coming to the surface I can see a krakken, she was being carried away from a ship by a small tornado of water.

"…" – I watched as Ben took care of everything.

'I better go before I feel more useless than I feel right now.' – I thought, without holding it in anymore, I grabbed a good amount of air and submerged myself in the water. While swimming I made the Trenchcoat disappear and simply swam calmly to shore.

Once I reached the shore I started walking while I sighed and took off my goggles, I could see Gwen not far away so I approached.

"Are you OK? I saw how that monster almost crushed you." – Gwen asked after I approached.

"If I'm okay, I had submerged enough to avoid the huge body of the monster, although the water currents submerged me even further to the bottom of the lake, I have to say that it is quite deep." – I responded to Gwen while avoiding seeing her face, this time it won't happen to me again.

"Yes, to have such a big monster living in it, the lake must be quite deep." – Gwen said as she nodded, I'm looking at her out of the corner of my eye.

Looking around to see if anyone was nearby, I remembered that all the people should have left the area near the lake. So I summoned my raincoat and put away the goggles and then took out my glasses.

"(Sigh)" – I unconsciously breathed a sigh of relief after putting on the glasses, and without further ado I put away the Trench Coat.

"It's still amazing how you can make that trench coat appear and disappear." – Gwen said after I finished taking out and putting things away.

"Well, it's true, but it seems more surprising to me how Ben can transform into an alien." – I nodded and then commented.

"It's true…" – Gwen answered and remained silent afterwards.

Then an awkward silence fell... I think it was a bad idea to approach, I'd better go look for my hammock... I just hope they haven't stolen it since it's the only one I have.

"Hey…" – While I was finishing deciding to go look for my hammock, Gwen suddenly spoke, making me turn to look at her confused.

"I… I'm sorry for how I acted before, I was surprised and acted like that, I still don't know why I did it…" - Gwen said as she looked everywhere at first and even found it difficult to speak.

"Huh? Oh, don't worry, it's okay." – I said, I was surprised, but I managed to answer him.

"So, are we okay?" – I said seeing that Gwen had remained silent.

"Ah, ah yes, we are fine." – She responded as she nodded.

"Okay then, I'm going to go find my hammock." – I said, wanting to quickly get out of this situation that I got involved with a 10-year-old girl. If this was the 15 year old version of her, I wouldn't care much, but it's the 10 year old version of her, she makes me feel more ashamed of myself for what I caused with my ability.

And if you're wondering, of course I know, she's in the early stages of falling in love, since she hasn't even realized that she is, and that makes me feel bad since my ability caused that. It's practically a mind control ability and although my perverted side is ecstatic that this is happening, my rational side and everyone else is like. – 'Idiot! Couldn't you have been more careful? Now look what you caused!' – They said that to a little me who was sitting in a seiza position with his head lowered.

"Oh yeah, I'll go to the camper, I need to change my clothes after getting them wet and Ben throwing wet sand at me." – She said while she looked at her clothes, which still had traces of sand.

"Yes, about that, wait." – I said as she approached me and used [Clean] on both of us, drying and cleaning both of us and our clothes.

"It's good that you said that, I almost forgot." – I said, although the truth is I did remember myself, but after this uncomfortable situation I couldn't find ways to do it.

"Oh? Wow, that's a very useful skill." – She said as she saw that she had dried and cleaned herself completely.

"Yes it is. Well, then I'll go get my hammock. See you." – I said while I said goodbye and walked quickly in the direction where my hammock was. Seriously, I'm worried about it, I don't want it stolen.

"Oh yeah, see you." – She said and I can tell she stared at me for a while as she walked me away.

'Ok, let's stop thinking about that, over-worrying isn't good either. She'll get over it... I hope' - I thought, trying not to feel worse than I feel now.

[Time after]

It's been a while since the Krakken attack, Ben and Max already returned and I was now helping to pack things in the camper.

For those who want to know, yes, they had not stolen my hammock, fortunately.

And well, right now, apart from packing things, I was listening to the fight between Max and Ben, the truth is that their fight seems idiotic to me. But hey, what more can you expect from an old man and a 10-year-old child?

"We will leave this to the experts, the fish friends will do it." – Max said and I almost laughed after hearing it, but I managed to hold on while I continued listening.

The truth is, if it weren't for the fact that I'm with them and my sudden disappearance for a long time would make them ask me where I went, I would have already gone to stop those idiots. But I can't because I don't want to be lying and besides, we'll be leaving soon.

Despite everything, the truth is I don't like lying, that's why sometimes I feel bad when I have to lie, although I'm good at it... I think, well until now no one has discovered a lie.

"Experts? "What better to catch a monster than the boy who can turn into a monster with his bracelet?" – Ben said and internally I thought that he is right as I nod my head.

"I think it won't be possible this time, and stay away from him, son." – Max said very seriously, well what Max says is not wrong, he just doesn't want his grandson to get together with an old man like the sailor.

"Haru, don't you have anything to say? If you help we could take care of the monster easily." – Ben said making me sigh mentally, since Ben had taken a long time to get me into the conversation.

"Well… ben, the truth is I wouldn't like to face that monster again, much less in the water. Also, the monster is very strong, stronger than the mutant frog, and to beat it I had to fight with everything and my muscles still hurt because of it." – I responded to Ben making him complain.

At that point the sailor appeared complaining, but I didn't listen to him since I went to put the last box in the camper. As I did so, I couldn't help but think that because I was sleepy today, I missed out on fishing for the first time.

'Well, it will be for next time...' - I thought, trying to console myself since I did want to learn to fish...


last chapter of this week.

The chapter ended when Haru and Gwen's conversation ended, but I decided to lengthen it so I could finish this in the next chapter.

I think I'll have to make longer chapters if I don't want to end up making more than 100 chapters without even finishing this arc. It's not that it's bad, but I think it's the best.

I hope you liked the chapter.