
Transmigrated With The dark assassins System

As the snowy storm rages on, the howls of hungry wolves can be heard and the trees bend and sway with the powerful winds. The ground trembles beneath the weight of giant monsters, and in a dark cave, our story begins. Follow protagonist Ray, a novelist from Earth, as he embarks on a journey to the top of the world, facing blood, glory, and the ultimate test of survival. In this harsh and unforgiving environment, only the strong will survive. Will Ray have what it takes to survive, or will he succumb to the dangers of this unknown world? Join him on an exciting adventure in the survival novel genre, where there are no brakes on the journey ahead.

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improving each day !

Ray woke up early the next day, determined to find a way to start a fire. He knew that without a source of warmth, he would struggle to survive in the cold cave. He looked through the books on the shelf and finally found one called "Fire-Starting Techniques."

As he read through the book, he came across a method for starting a fire using wood and a type of stone called miasm. The stone was described as having a dark color and was said to be highly flammable. Ray gathered the materials he needed and followed the instructions in the book. It took a few tries, but eventually, he managed to start a small fire.

Feeling triumphant, Ray spent the rest of the day tending to the fire and gathering more supplies. He knew he couldn't waste any time and had to make the most of each day.

The next morning, Ray decided to venture outside the cave. As he walked through the snowy landscape, he saw a couple of wolves far off in the distance, feasting on a rabbit. He knew he had to be careful around these predators and made a mental note to avoid them as much as possible.

As he made his way back to the cave, he started to think about how he would be able to grow vegetables. He remembered seeing a book called "Summoner" on the shelf and decided to see if it might be of any use.

As he read through the book, he learned that it was possible to summon objects using other objects of equal value as a catalyst. He decided to give it a try and grabbed a rock, thinking he could use it to summon a tomato seed.

Unfortunately, he quickly realized that he lacked the mana needed to perform the summoning. He was about to give up when he remembered something he had read in a book about the cave. It had mentioned that there were gems deep within the cave that were filled with mana that could be mined and used as a catalyst for summoning.

Determined to find these gems, Ray set out to make a pickaxe. He gathered some wood and miasm stone and began working on the pickaxe. It took several tries and a lot of patience, as the pickaxe kept breaking on the hard stone. But eventually, he managed to mine a small gem and used it to successfully summon a tomato seed.

Now that he had the seed, he needed to figure out how to grow it. He looked through the books on the shelf and found one called "Implementation of Earth Resources on Other Planets." He also found a book called "Information about Snow Biomes" that talked about the unique properties of the soil and water in this world.

According to these books, the soil in this world made plants grow faster, and the water in the fountain had the effect of healing and recovery. He also found a book called "Nectars & Elixirs Wiki" that mentioned that the water in the fountain could help the growth of any vegetable.

With this information in mind, Ray set out to create the perfect growing conditions for his tomato plant. He carefully tended to the seed, making sure to give it plenty of water from the fountain and to keep it warm by the fire. He watched in amazement as the seed sprouted and grew into a healthy tomato plant.

Ray couldn't believe his luck. He had survived in this strange world for some days , and now he had a reliable source of food. He knew he still had a long journey ahead of him, but he felt more prepared than ever to face whatever challenges lay ahead.

Ray continued to check the survival system, hoping it would finally start working. But no matter how many times he tried, it always said "Loading" and nothing else. He began to feel frustrated and wondered if the system was malfunctioning or if it was just a scam.

Just when he was about to give up, the system suddenly lit up, causing Ray to jump with excitement. He eagerly watched as it said "Opening," hoping it would finally reveal something useful.

❄️ Survival System ❄️

❄️09:00 am ❄️

❄️-20 °F ❄️

❄️Ray Sung ❄️

But to his disappointment, all the system showed was the hour, the weather, and his name. He felt deflated and muttered to himself, "I feel like I'm being scammed."

Determined to make the most of his time in this strange world, Ray decided to focus on making a comfortable home in the cave. He started by making a small bed and table using wood and a rock called slid, which had properties similar to iron. He also made some basic home essentials like a cooking pot and utensils.

As he worked on building his home, he also set up a small area in the cave to grow vegetables. He planted more tomatoes and added a variety of other vegetables, like carrots and peas. The only problem he faced was finding a reliable source of meat.

no matter how hard he tried to summon the meat it didn't show up for some reason .

" i guess i need more mana for it all i could summon so far were seeds .."

He tried setting traps to catch rabbits, but they were able to easily pierce the wood cages and escape. He knew he needed to find another way to get protein.

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