
Transmigrated With The dark assassins System

As the snowy storm rages on, the howls of hungry wolves can be heard and the trees bend and sway with the powerful winds. The ground trembles beneath the weight of giant monsters, and in a dark cave, our story begins. Follow protagonist Ray, a novelist from Earth, as he embarks on a journey to the top of the world, facing blood, glory, and the ultimate test of survival. In this harsh and unforgiving environment, only the strong will survive. Will Ray have what it takes to survive, or will he succumb to the dangers of this unknown world? Join him on an exciting adventure in the survival novel genre, where there are no brakes on the journey ahead.

MountainsOfBooks · Fantasía
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Heavenly Monarch Book ?

its been 7 days so far in this cave , loneliness kept creeping to ray to test his mentality , but his strong will was on guard, as he looked into the fire he remembered his world and the urge to go back , he regretted not enjoying his time and focusing solely on making novels , he regretted the tasty food , the sauces and the warm climate , he missed his bed his laptop ,

" at least no one will remember me .. " he said ..

since the day he came to this world there was just survival challenges , to make food and to build stuff , he was thankful that he had no encounter with any monster so far , he was very cautious to not risk his life .

this wasn't a game , this is a real world with creatures breathing and living , he hoped all of this was a dream that he would wake up someday and drink his favorite coffee and watch some anime while eating popcorn .

sadly it was just wish's , who knows when he will go back to his world or maybe he will live in this world until the rest of his days , he thought about starting a family if couldn't go back to his world

he kept day dreaming beautifully to get out of his harsh reality .

after some time he ate and got to work again this time he has finally made the finishing touch's for his cotton bed , and his cloak , the cloak was white which raised a problem , he will be spotted with this color after some research in the books related to earth he got it ' Northern Catalpa ' , its a plants that he can use to dye the cloak .

he spent some time and finished the work for the day , after letting the cloak dry on the wall.

ray came to his bed , he couldn't believe how comfortable its to sleep on a cotton bed after days of sleeping on the wooden planks .

" oh my days , after so much hard work finally i can relax a little bit "

the morning has came as ray woke up and couldn't get out of his bed , today was a snow storm outside and he stayed indoors making bread even though it lacked sugar but it was manageable , he ate some apples and some sugary fruits to make it taste better .

the storm wasn't stopping any time soon and he ought to do something with his time so he decided to head inside the library to find a book about the skills and ability's , a book hovered to him with the title ' myth of skills & magic for dummy's ' .

" i don't like the last word but its fine since i have to start from 0 "

flipping the pages as he always do , concentrated in reading the books showed him a vast amount of skills and their use with detailed explanation of how much mana it cost depending on the user reservoir of mana but one of those skill caught his attention ,

" the stealth skill huh , this would be so much helpful outside the cave , nice i have to learn this skill"

he decided that this skill would help him not to be discovered by monsters since it makes him invisible to their eyes and and also cover his scent to be totally invisible and he can walk around without been harmed ,

" the drawback to this is that its cost so much mana per min of use , i have to constantly supply it with a suitable amount of mana to keep been in stealth , and i need to have mana "

he decided to find a book on how can he learn magic , specifically how can he use mana ,

another book popped up in front of him this time titled ' mana practice for 9 years old '.

looking at the title he wanted to cry inside ,

" well .. lets not think about it too much and focus on learning "

he spent his time reading the book and finally understood the whole picture .

" mana in this world is in the air as non visible particle to the naked human eye hmm.. to be able to wield this mana and control it you have to make a passage for it to enter you body "

he kept reading the book openly as if discussing a mathematical problem with someone .

" for wizards mana can be stored in the heart , for warriors and other categories mana can stored in muscles , martial artist on the other hand call it Qi or Chi and they are referred to as chakras, in Tai Chi they are called dantiens , the lower dantien is particularly important because it is also located very near the body's centre of gravity "

as he kept thinking for a possibility that there is other ways to store mana , and with that thought in his mind a dark colored book with a sharp edges and what looked like a Japanese half oni face hovered to him titled 'the northern devils training'.

he was curious to what its about but what surprises him is that the book flipped by itself to one page and he garbed it and to read the page while what looked like a black fumes coming down from the books cover.

" what in the world is this book "

as he discovered more in the page he eyes opened wide about another method of storing mana .

" storing mana in veins ?! and its uncommon since the book says its an ancient traditions for the northern assassins "

as he read the method wasn't as easy as it seems the book , it required a herb that can be turned into powder and with some water to mix both and put on the body like a herb bath , then it was recommended to be done in the night with no lights what so ever ,

" this seems easy to do "

he decided to start a step by step , it was fortunate that the herb was the Ginseng and he can summon the seed and grow it , as did that and also cleaned a small hole was full of wood he made sure to put a door using woods and some hemp to make ropes for it since all he had made so far wasn't even considered good since he lacked iron to make nails , and all he tools was made using the slid stone that he sharpened , whoever would look at him right now will not mistake him for a cave man so to say after he finished preparation for it he took a last look at the book before returning it to the shelf .

" at least ginseng will be helpful to draw in mana the rest will be left to me controlling the mana that comes in and the breathing technique mentioned in this page , oh what's this ?! "

as he closed the book he noticed a small note in the back of it

'ɭєค๔єг ๏Ŧ Շђє ђєคשєภɭץ ภ๏гՇђєгภ ๔คгк รợยค๔ Շђє ๓๏ภคгςђ'

'ʅҽƚ ƚԋҽɾҽ Ⴆҽ Dαɾƙɳҽʂʂ'

" leader of the heavenly northern dark squad .. the monarch , so this is the guy who made this book , and that's a long name for sure "

" the last phrase ' let their be darkness ' does it means they were villains ? well who knows now isn't the time to be curious about this i need to finish my work "

as he dove into his work the day almost near the end and the light was about to fall ..

many interesting things coming , i hope you enjoyed the story so far :3 let me know what you think :3

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