
Transmigrated With The dark assassins System

As the snowy storm rages on, the howls of hungry wolves can be heard and the trees bend and sway with the powerful winds. The ground trembles beneath the weight of giant monsters, and in a dark cave, our story begins. Follow protagonist Ray, a novelist from Earth, as he embarks on a journey to the top of the world, facing blood, glory, and the ultimate test of survival. In this harsh and unforgiving environment, only the strong will survive. Will Ray have what it takes to survive, or will he succumb to the dangers of this unknown world? Join him on an exciting adventure in the survival novel genre, where there are no brakes on the journey ahead.

MountainsOfBooks · Fantasía
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8 Chs

back , stronger , gotta go harder

 another day for ray , a beginning...

" i had a good sleep last night , thankfully there is no growl or any other voices .. system do you have an idea why the voices in the forest gone down last night ? " 

! nothing concluded on the monster behavior but i strongly suggest not going to the forest for the time been , the change you are referring to means probably there is a stronger predator than the wolfs !

" aha , well shit gone more bad by time system can you let me know about the skills needed for survival " 

! system recommend you start your training and focusing on acquiring more refined skill-set to help you evolve further ! 

" i don't like the word evolve much , i don't want to end up as some hybrid lizard with 30 eye, now lets focus on the important , you told me i need a resistance skill and an inventory like a hole in the space where you put things right ? " 

! host ! evolving doesn't mean changing you physical form even though its possible , system refer to skill evolution where you can combine skills for a better use , an inventory is practically a hole in space , system congratulate the host on his sense of humor !

" i been told that alot thank you system :D " 

! as for resistant training you need to follow the book ! 

" hmm let us see open the book and give me the steps to follow on building resistance " 

as ray said the system began work with overflowing dark shadows coming from that menacing book the system got to the pages needed and then ,

!Ding ! system found 3 useful skills from page 5 /84 / 36 

! system calculating the odds of learning !

! success ! 

! you can learn cold resistance , system advise you to follow the steps : 

bath in cold water each day , the dose of coldness in the water has to be higher then the day before 

first , system advise you to wash your hands and face then proceed to bath fully to get your skill .

" thats good what are the other two "

! the other two are poison resistance and the third isn't a resistance but rather a trait that help you regenerate your hp ! 

" oh thats nice what should i do ? " 

! leave poison for later , and the regeneration trait require you to bleed so you need medical attention while performing it ! 

" i guess its same for poison , does it require me to do an action on multiple days ? "

! no its needed to be done every 2 to 3 hours ! 

" well ... ugh whatever man lets do it " 

after a while of grumbling , ray had the courage to do it since the wild is hard to live in he have to work harder to survive , he has low stats and no one knows what may happen to him if a monster decided to make this cave his home , he had to move faster in order to live .

with that he got a lump of ice and put it on his face and limbs and the cold started to hit and all he can see is the system notification popping up here and there .

!Ding ! -0.5 hp 

!Ding ! -0.5 hp 

!Ding ! -0.5 hp 

!Ding ! + 0.7 perception

!Ding ! + 1 Strength 

!Ding ! + 1.2 Strength 

!Ding ! + 0.2 Strength 

!Ding ! + 2.7 perception

" i kinda getting dizzy with all this notification 

system can you turn it off till i get the skill ? " 

! system affirmative! 

" thank you " 

he kept on doing the same thing for 3 days while eating on time and sleeping while still feeling his frozen feet getting hit by the wind 

the 4 days is in and its been half an hour while he is deep in ice and wood is about to run out and he is getting stressed 

" damn the wood is low ugh i need fire after this bath " 

! Ding ! system congratulate the host on acquiring the cold resistance skill passive ! 

! skill name is uncold ! 

" you and your naming sense huh at least , im happy that im not the only one who is bad at naming things :v "

! ... ! 

" now show me my stats its been a cold 4 days already "

! system affirmative ! 

a small dark with red hue windows showed up 

with his eyes sparkling to see the fruits of his hard work optimistic about what its to unfold 

❕ Ray Sung ❕

❕Title : assassin trainee

❕Job: in_progress..

❕ Age : 29 ,

❕ level : 0

❕Hp : 19

❕Mp : 30

❕INT : 25/100

❕STR : 11

❕AGI : 7

❕Perception : 9

" hmm nice i mean awesome it got up by alot in just 4 days , now show me the skill "

!system affirmative ! 

━━━━━━ ━━━━━

❕ Passive skills :

assassins sense lvl 1 : 42 % * the higher the level the higher your perception*

uncold lvl 1 : 90% * you are cold but still persisted in front of it , you can now feel at ease in a cold environment as if its your home *

❕ Unique skills :

the Akashic record (portable version ) : 1%. *can be summoned by pouring mana to the emblem *

❕ Active skills :

stealth mode lvl 1 *totally invisible to the enemy , the higher the skill the less mana required to activate it *

analyze lvl 1 5% * you can now inspect stuff in your view field , the rarity of the items require higher skill level and mana *

search lvl 1 12% * you can search around your field of view to find objects , the rage depends on skill level and mana *

━━━━━━ ━━━━━

" nice this is actually not bad but i need more work to level this up , feel like it will take eternity but seeing how much my stats got up in just a few days im positive u can reach great heights " 

! system will support the host !

" thank you system :) its good to have you around " 

! :D .. ! 

as he was in the cave mesmerized by the sun view going down and the cold place that he kept seeing he had this in his mind 

" i need to get out of here and see more of the world i don't like been confined here like a rabbit "

! even rabbits here can survive host ! 

" i know please " 

" i will get stronger to be able to travel this world and not be hindered by any obstacle anymore "

! system affirmation success ! 

! world quest starting ... 

! quest decided i will be the greatest ! 

! quest conditions : first step 

! host need to acquire more power than the region he is in ! 

! quest time : no time limit 

! quest upon failure : system will hibernate for an unknown amount of time !

" oh no what did i do , no wait what did you do system ? " 

! system think host is lazy and taking a long time to realize his dreams ! 

! system is giving a head start ! 

" oh my days you crazy ##@""

! system has reward for host after completing the quest !

" a reward :o what is it ? " 

as he was questioning why the reward section came as a small 3 golden boxes 

" what are the reward system" 

! golden box after finishing the quest 

! purple box after finishing the sub quest !

! a normal box after getting a small quest finished !

" i know about the region quest but what is this small quest " 

! system : your first quest is to make all stats up to 20 !

! reward : a starter pack box ! 

" oho not bad lets do this "

he was surprised to see the system coming up with quest all of a sudden , he didn't question alot but he knew its going to be alot of fun doing them , and it open a way to him to get stronger fast while hoarding rewards .

he gone to bed happy after a small vegetable soup 

it was cold outside but not as cold anymore because of his new skill he can be a bit at ease .

the morning came and he woke up early thinking about one thing .

 " meat i need protein to grow stronger " 

 in his mind he had alot of vegetable but no meat , he can't grow meat but he can hunt it 

 and he can't use the trade for anything other than seeds now 

 he then asked the system 

 " system what do you recommend for hunting ? "

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

we are back to finish what we started on this journey !

! system affirmative !

MountainsOfBookscreators' thoughts