
Transmigrated With My Mobile Game

A normal ordinary guy suddenly found himself appeared on a weird jungle which was full of giant trees. Already know that he somehow come to another world, he began mulling over the wherabout of usual cheat system that always appear on this kind of stories. founding nothing, he became hopeless, but only surprised that his smartphone start ringing in his pocket. for some reason a familiar game loading screen appeared on the smartphone screen. the game he felt a bitter sweet about which let him meet with someone later. someone who guide him to survive in the strange Fantasy world. meeting his fated one, and go to adventure in opposite with his shut in life that he had in his previous world. "It seems my author still had some conscience left, at least he not abandoned me here to be devoured whole by the beast! Isekai without cheat is not complete Isekai franchise after all!"

Douglass · Juegos
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8 Chs

Chapter 5




The Dark Ogre begin his massacre.

Broken limbs, smashed skulls, and splatered organs gradually piled up around the Dark Ogre body as he continue his slaughter in madness.

The goblin who just lively and partying 2 minutes ago, now became a cold corpses. Scattered all over the ground and painted it red.

Looking at all of these gory scenes, the sense of security I had after I gained the power from the game, drained to the ground.

My body began to tremble as a chill started running through my spine, made my body frozen like statue.

I, who was hiding on the top of the three not far from the Ogre, holding my breath and stared at the Dark Ogre who still consumed by madness.

[Dark Ogre] BR:20000

Dark Ogre is an undead born from the Corpse of ordinary Ogre.

Only a high level Necromancer could make this abyssal creature, and control it to be their loyal undead.

Other than High physical power, The Dark Ogre also blessed with the ability to control darkness.

Recommended place to fight : a bright and hot Environment.

"Okay, imma out! The heck, isnt this the Bane of assassin??!!"

Taking a chance that the Ogre still busy with his massacre, I slowly left the trees while observing the Ogre with my eyes.

Gradually, I made a considerably distance for the Ogre to pay attention on me, and left this cursed place as far as I can.

Even tho I could feel my heart racing so hard right now because of fear, I endured it, steeled myself and continue running and jumping around through the obstacle vegetation in front of my way.

Before long, I found a new spot to hide, and slowly relaxed my nerves.


After releasing along breath, I entered the New hiding space, and fell on my butt, feeling relieve that I escaped with a perfect body from the hellish scene I just saw.

"Dangerous... Too Dangerous. It seems that I still underestimate this world a little a bit.

Sigh... Its all because of midnight fault! He was keep telling me that this was just a lower world, but why the hell that kind of terrifying creature exist...

And that thing is just an undead... I cant imagine what kind of terrifying existence the master of that thing is... "


"He or she should not be nearby, right?"

Realizing this possibility, a slight of fear and anxiousness started to appear, and made me lost it.

"Dang it!! I beg for return!! Why the heck are those Crappy isekai story protagonis always had it easy while it was my turn, its became like this!!

They met a god while I was thrown back here like garbage?!

Such Injustice, isn't this too much?!!"

"In my first exploration, I even didnt meet the usual pretty female knight or princess in the woods just like those fiction isekai stories and met an ugly bloodthirsty Ogre instead...

This is just too much!"

"I miss my World...."

Having a short mental breakdown, I vent up all the frustation I had.

Actually, I am not that naive to believe that this world would be so kind enough to let me had a smooth sailing journey.

After all, this is a what a real world supposed to work. When you get something that made you happy, reality will always remind you to be humble by hitting with reality check so hard!.

I understand that, but Its okay to relieve the stress and frustation in my heart and being unreasonable for once, right?


When I started my soliloquy, suddenly I felt my stomach begin to growl.

"Come to think of it, I am not eating anything since I appeared in this strange place... But with this kind of strange Environment, what should I eat? I already exploring this place, but all I find is weird inedible creature and no end of giant trees.

And I don't know how vast this jungle is... One thing tho, I need more than a days to get out of this place.

If I am lucky, maybe I don't need too much time to get out from this place, but if not? Sigh~"

"Forget it, since I can't find any edible creature, maybe the plants is my only choice right now.

This time, I have to explore this place carefully. I don't know when, but the same thing might happen again if I let my guard down.

Its Ogre this time, but who can guarantee that something more terrible wouldn't appear later?

Maybe dra-

Bah! Stop! I better not jinx it!"

After checking all the thing I have in my body are still intact, I began to left my hidden place, and continue exploring the Environment here.

Using my appraisal, I inspect every edible looking plant that I found, and realized how dangerous this place is.

From the 100 plants I appraised, 70 of it are poisonous plant, that could paralize, and shut down your nerve system.

Rarely I found the one which could kill you for a minute after consumption, but its still there.

Still, I Collect some to make poison for my weapon later.

Assassin without poison is the same as tiger without a fang.

Maybe they can use their claw, but without a fang, how could they dissable their prey?

And so, my journey continue.




Before long, I could feel the already dark jungle suddenly became darker.

I could feel the day was slowly about to end, and night was about to come.

I decided to stop Collecting the berries and some edible fruit that I found throughout the journey of my exploration.

Counting my harvest that I placed on small leather bag from the fashion set I got, I found it wae enough for me to fill my stomach, even thought it will not make me full.

But for now, having full is not the most important, as I still had to think about shelter to consider.

My first priority right now is to find a shelter to pass through the night and have some sleep.

And so, I decided to move and started thinking along the way.

"Should I find some hole in a tree? Or find a Cave?

Which one should I choose?"

When I still in trouble on choosing a temporary shelter for today, I realized the surrounding area began to have Less giant trees in sight.

Gradually, a sign of green and normal looking trees and vegetation started to appear, even thought most of them seems to wither for some reason.

But thats not important!

'Did I left that eerie dark jungle area And found a new normal jungle map here??! A normal looking map, finally!'

Thinking about this possibility, I became excited and began to increase my pace, moving faster and faster.

Before long, a scene that I most yearn so much that could help me to escape this terrible situation, appeared in my sight!

"Wagon? And tents?! Oh! I Saw some mount like creature that resemble familiar giant yellow bird too?! There must be humans in there right?!! The first intelligence creature I found in another world! Hahahahh!"

Feeling very excited, I about to dash on that direction, but a small thought in the corner of my head suddenly stopped me.

"It seems... I don't know anything about this world inhabitant languange and culture.. Its so reckless if I rush there without knowing any single common sense.. Maybe they will treat me the same as a Dangerous person, as my appearance now is just too different with the normal me in my previous world"

"In the first place, I don't know if they are good People and not some criminal that run-"

When I realize a terrible possibilities in my head, I stopped my word to not jinx myself.

Still I began to hesitate because of that.

In the end, my curiosity and yearn to find some people to gain information won, and I decided to approached the small camp I saw before.

Step by step, I gradually lessen any noise I made as I began to feel that something wad off.

"It seems I really jinx it this time... I know with my shitty luck, how come something as easy as this suddenly fall from the sky?

But still... The situation is much more worse than I expected"

Realizing what kind of camp that I found, I couldn't help but muter to myself, shaking my head to the cursed luck I had.

After all, the camp I found was....