
Transmigrated into the Sanctuary!?

The internet always caution against preordering games... The MC didn't listen, therefore, punishment followed. As for where the punishment happens, well, in the Sanctuary world of Diablo IV, of course!

MichaelCorbett · Derivados de juegos
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325 Chs

Chapter 64. Heavily injured

The peace of the plaza in Kyovashad was utterly destroyed as the Waypoint activated and what appeared to be a bloody corpse hit the ground heavily.

Obvious enough, the patroling City Guards were utterly shocked by this new way of travel and quickly made their way over.

[Check if he's still breathing, Grant!](Christian)

[Still alive, albeit barely. It looks like he went through a lot... I'm not sure we can save him with our Life Potions.](Grant)

[Damn it! Isn't this guy the newbie Necromancer?](Allor)

[What did you say, Allor!? Don't joke around! Captain Helen's!?](Fridon)

[Fuck! Didn't he leave for Yelesna about four hours ago or so? What the hell happened?](Mehlan)

Looking at the bloodied and disfigured man, even the experienced guards shivered at the extensive wounds on this man's body. A hole through his abdomen, an almost cut-off left arm, four long bloody cuts running from his right temple all the way to the shoulder, and his right calf that's pretty much all gone, flesh, tendons, and all.

[Shit! Shit! Shit! We should call the Captain and have her figure things out. We can't be responsible for this guy dying in our hands! She'll skin us alive!](Fridon)

[Didn't Martin say that she went up to the Cathedral? What if we bring the man there?](Allor)

[Fuck it! Let's do it! Ugh... use the Time Lock Potion on him.](Christian)

[Damn it! We only have one, and you know how stupidly expensive it is...](Fridon)

[Use it! Not to mention that Captain Helen would pay us back for it; we'll probably get back into her good graces. We might be finally able to get out of this damned night shift.](Mehlan)

If Michael were awake, he would notice that the group currently saving his life were the same five guards punished by Helen in the plaza when the incident with the Cathedral of Light happened.

Fortunately, the five people believed the young man in front of them put in a good word and, therefore, were let off lightly, with only night shift duty for the remaining part of this year. Even though Michael completely forgot about them, even after the back alley incident when he met Christine and Burt.

As the heavily injured newbie was fed the Time Lock Potion, the wounds on his body immediately stopped bleeding, and even his breathing ceased. To a normal passerby, he looked like nothing more than a corpse. However, that was the effect of the potion he was fed.

[Good! It looks like the potion took effect. Let's carry him to the Cathedral. We only have about half an hour until the effect is gone.](Christian)

[Is it a good idea, though? Wouldn't it be better to find Miss Mina? She's incredible when it comes to healing.](Fridon)

[She might be, but not as powerful as Reverend Prava. Don't forget that she's a Priestess as well.](Christian)

[Enough talking! Let's get moving. Mehlan and Christian, are you gonna carry the guy?](Allor)

[I'll clear the way. I'll run ahead and explain the situation. That way, the lunatic Knights of the Cathedral won't stop us.](Grant)

With the roles assigned, the five people and a half-dead corpse made their way out of the plaza and toward the Cathedral of Light.

Unbeknownst to them, a very tense meeting was already taking place at the destination they were aiming for.

[Will you keep quiet and glower for the remainder of the night? Or do you plan to tell me what I owe the pleasure of your presence?](Prava)

[As if I'd want to be in this wretched place. Michael asked me for a favor, and I'm here to let you know about it.](Helen)

[Michael? Oh, the newbie Necromancer. So it's true, after all. You and him.](Prava)

[What about it?](Helen)

[Nothing. I was just curious. He seems like an interesting person.](Prava)

The words seemed to poke at a hornet's nest as the air grew stale and heavy. The benches inside the chapel were creaking loudly as if the gravity had suddenly increased tenfold.

However, even under this pressure, Prava looked at ease, as if nothing happened.

[It seems I might've said something that bothered you, though I'm unsure exactly what. Can you please stop leaking your aura? Fixing this place does not come free, you know?](Prava)

[Prava, if you dare touch a hair on his head, I'll demolish you and your little church before you can see the next sunrise.](Helen)

Monks, Priests, Guards, and Knights alike could hear the conversation between the two women, yet the previous spunk and eagerness to defend their faith was nowhere to be found.

If it had been anyone else, shouts like 'heretic,' 'you should be burned at the pyre,' and 'how dare you' would undoubtedly echo throughout the night.

Yet, everyone in earshot distance of the conversation pretended nothing had happened and they similarly heard nothing. Nobody wanted to piss off this goddess of destruction.

Among all of them, only Reverend Prava could somehow contain and appease her.

[To my knowledge, I did nothing of sorts, and neither had my Brothers and Sisters. On the contrary, I even handed him a Quest.](Prava)

[That turned out to be a Main Quest! Were you aware that it was a Main Quest!?](Helen)

[Huh? Main Quest? What are you... Tsk! So the reports of the sightings are true, then?](Prava)

Seeing Prava's calmness crumble, Helen smirked and decided to rub some salt in her wounds.

[Hehe! How does it feel to see the religion you built on top of endless lies crumble in front of your eyes?](Helen)

Instead of answering, a pressure similar if not more potent than Helen's filled the Cathedral as Prava's sharp eyes locked down Helen.

[Be careful with your words, girl. You wouldn't want to make an enemy of the Cathedral.](Prava)

[*Scoff* Or what?](Helen)

The confrontation continued for a couple more seconds until the pressure created by Prava's aura disappeared as if it never existed in the first place.

[So, what is this favor he asked of you?](Prava)

[Tsk! How dull... It's regarding Monk Bozan...](Helen)

After a quick explanation of the situation, Prava's face turned gloomy. The implications were obvious, and the only powers capable of interfering with the matters of the Cathedral were the Merchant Alliance and the nobles.

Given the background of the Merchant Lord, it wouldn't be surprising if the Merchant Alliance were the ones that made a move. At the same time, an alliance between the two parties to suppress the Cathedral was also possible.

[This is indeed troublesome. I'll oversee the investigation so the newbie party won't be involved. As for the young Necromancer, did he already leave for Yeselna?](Prava)


[Too bad... I wouldn't want to hear the details of what happened directly from his mouth. No matter. That can wait until he returns. In the meantime, I would appreciate your help in trying to uncover what exact...](Prava)

Prava's words were cut short as the doors of the Cathedral were swung open, and a group of five City Guards walked in with what appeared to be a bloody corpse.

Helen was just as stunned as Prava was, as she wasn't expecting this sort of intrusion. Even if the person were heavily injured, another priest or priestess would handle it rather than bringing them straight to the Reverend.

Furthermore, weren't these five City Guards the idiots she punished lightly before? To think they were still working as dogs of the Cathedral...

[Our apologies for disturbing you two, but this matter is of utmost urgency. Mr. Michael returned through Fast Travel; as you can see, his situation doesn't look good. We didn't know who to turn to...](Christian)

Prava was shocked looking at the bloodied and disfigured creature in front of her eyes, especially since she was talking about the man just seconds ago.

As for Helen... the shock was so great that she completely lost control of her aura. With it leaking in full, benches and other objects in the chapel were smashed into pieces with loud cracking sounds while fissures and cracks started appearing on the walls.

Prava furrowed her brows at the raw display of the woman's strength but quickly released her aura to suppress the damage. Furthermore, she protected the six people from the destructive pressure bearing down on them.

Annoyed at the young woman, who lost her composure, a loud slap followed, waking up Helen from her shock.

[Get a hold of yourself. The boy is not dead yet but will die if you keep pressuring his weakened body with your aura.](Prava)

Fortunately, Helen recovered and managed to get her strength under control, yet she was still flustered.

Prava couldn't comprehend how she became this attached to the newbie only a few days after they met.

Walking forward and inspecting the wounds on the man, Prava's expression turned serious.

[What exactly did this guy go through? I can sense the energy of at least three Elites and a Boss still burrowing through his body! Didn't he head for Yeselna? That route is cleared daily, isn't it!?](Prava)

[We sent word to the South Eastern gate, but it appears he didn't leave through there. He... took the Eastern path instead.](Christian)

[That still doesn't explain his wounds... How long ago did you say he left?](Prava)

[Less than four hours ago.](Christian)

[And he was hurt to this degree? This close to the city!?](Prava)

Helen moved closer and winced upon seeing Michael's current condition. She noticed he was under the effect of the Time Lock Potion and nodded gratefully at the City Guards.

The five men sighed in relief and retreated after handing the bloodied Necromancer to her.

There were now only three people left in the chapel. Or rather, two and a half.

[Stop looking at me like that, would you? I'm hoping you're not expecting me to heal him...](Prava)


[Now look here! This young man doesn't need healing but rather resurrection! I can't deal with it!](Prava)

[You can use Greater Healing.](Helen)

[Are you insane!? There's no way the Father would approve of it for a newbie. He's not even of our faith to begin with.](Prava)

[It will work.](Helen)

[You're grasping at straws! I couldn't heal your mother with it, and she was Kyovashad's hero. The Father still didn't approve of it...](Prava)

A look of hurt appeared in Helen's eyes, and Prava also winced when she realized she had misspoken.

Sighing, she chewed on the proposal momentarily but was surprised by how firm Helen's belief was.

There has to be a reason for her strong conviction besides her infatuation. 

[It will work. I'm not saying it because I'm desperate. I know it will work.](Helen)

[That's simply ridiculous! What are you basing this on?](Prava)

[He was able to activate Inarius's Shrine of Power.](Helen)

[That... It's impressive, but it's still not enough.](Prava)

[But it's worth trying.](Helen)

Seeing the girl muttering how 'it will certainly work,' Prava's complexion darkened. If the kid dies and Helen goes berserk because of it, the damage to their Cathedral would be inconceivable.

It's not like there are no Wanderers that could stop her in town, but if she goes crazy and they have to kill such a young genius, it will be an incredible loss to both Kyovashad and the Sanctuary as a whole.

[I will try, but I won't promise anything. Whether he survives or not is up to the Father to decide.](Prava)


Prava kneeled on the ground and started praying. Above her head and above the Cathedral, a pillar of light descended, dispersing the darkness of the night.

Helen, with Michael in her arms, was enveloped in this pillar of light.

[Please... it must work.](Helen)

With prayers from both Prava and Helen, the miracle occurred. First, the four foul energies were forced out of Michael's body, and then the wounds started closing.

Furthermore, even the flesh that was missing entirely was slowly being regenerated. Color finally appeared back on his pale face, signaling a successful recovery.

[It truly worked... this...](Prava)

Looking at the woman embracing the Necromancer while both crying and smiling, there was nothing but confusion on Prava's face.

She, better than anyone else, knew of Inarius's temperament. He wanted her unquestionable faith in return when he saved her, which she gladly offered.

However, this newbie adventurer just received a similar treatment for free. Could it be that Inarius has plans for this young man that she isn't aware of?

[I really can't comprehend it. To use Greater Healing, I need to channel Father's Light. It's literally siphoning his strength and using it to heal the injured. Why would this child be worthy of such treatment?](Prava)

[Hehe. Isn't he full of surprises?](Helen)

[Uhm... Yes... I guess he is.](Prava)

The two women looked at the still recovering Necromancer, each with complicated feelings.

In the meantime, the man in question was fighting a different battle in the spiritual realm, surrounded by the Elites he had recently killed.

"*Cough* This has been going on for so long that I entirely forgot how long it's been. Did I finally die and end up in hell?"

All he could remember was escaping after the horrific 'Event' and running back to Kyovashad using fast travel.

"How exactly did I end up in goddam Vallhala!?"