The internet always caution against preordering games... The MC didn't listen, therefore, punishment followed. As for where the punishment happens, well, in the Sanctuary world of Diablo IV, of course!
"Let's go Yorin. We'll stop by the Blacksmith first."
[Okay. The roads are thick with fog, so the fastest route to the hills is east, through the Weeping Cairns.](Yorin)
Bading farewell to the Knight and the sultry Chieftain, Michael brought his 'follower' to another Side Quest that popped up near the local Blacksmith forge.
Before they arrived, the Necromancer tried to fish more intel from Yorin.
"Tell me about Airidah."
[She's a legend. One of the Druids who fought alongside my father to defeat Astaroth. I was raised on stories of her wisdom and courage.](Yorin)
Hearing the boy's words, Michael grimaced. Based on previous works he read, that was a major treason flag. They say it's best to look at your heroes from afar rather than meeting them in person, or your dreams and hopes might get shattered.
The Necromancer silently prayed that he was overthinking.
[ Main Quest update - Encroaching Shadows
Objective: Find the entrance to the Weeping Cairns with Yorin. ]
Fortunately, he could temporarily take his mind off things, looking at the worried woman before him.
[Hello, Miss Merryn.](Yorin)
[Yorin. It's good to see you again.](Merryn)
"You look troubled, Miss. Do you need a hand?"
[Aye! A thief named Darcel snuck in with the Knights, posing as muscle. Took something of mine. A bairn was born healthy a fortnight ago, praise Glor-an Fhaidha, but the mother is weak. Darcel stole the runic charm I placed to heal her.](Merryn)
[What!? How could he!?](Yorin)
[Bastard probably just wanted quick coin. He may have condemned both mother and child. Deal with him if you can, and please bring the charm back to me.](Merryn)
"We'll do what we can."
[Don't worry, Miss Merryn! We'll find the thief. Also, the Knights are fortifying the walls as we speak. We'll pass through this tribulation safely!](Yorin)
[*Sigh* Silly boy. Charms and totems have always protected Braestaig from the spirits of the hills. What good are fortifications against creatures who can walk through walls?](Merryn)
Unable to refute a valid point, Michael grabbed Yorin and prepared to search through the fog.
[ Side Quest issued - Stolen Artifice
Objective: Take the runic charm from Darcel.
Description: A thief named Darcel stole a runic charm needed to protect a sick mother and her newborn child. Without it, the family will undoubtedly perish.
You must find Darcel and return the runic charm to Merryn in Braestaig. ]
Unfortunately, the Weeping Cairns and the area where the thief was were far apart. Asking Merryn how long the mother could last and getting a positive answer, the Necromancer hurried to deal with Airidah first.
Exiting the outpost and taking the easter road, Michael and Yorin rushed on horseback, trying to find the road through which they could avoid most monsters. Delays could spell doom for more people than those who had already fallen.
"We have two days at max to find the thief. Let's first find Airidah and deal with the fog and the mess Lilith caused; then, we can search for that prick."
[You are still calm, even after all that happened and what we've heard. You look like someone who's seen the world. Hope I can do the same one day.](Yorin)
"What's holding you back?"
[*Sigh* My father. You've seen how he is. I need to persuade him just to let me leave the bloody keep.](Yorin)
"Worried about your safety, no doubt. You are all he has left."
[I know...](Yorin)
Moving from the Whispered Aisle through the Bronahgh Expanse, Yorin led him to a cliff they had to climb.
Then, moving atop it, they jumped across a narrow crevice and entered the Valley of Passing.
A large stone slab at the base of the mountain sealed what appeared to have been the entrance they were looking for.
[That is the entrance to the Cairns ahead. Wait... why is the passage blocked?](Yorin)
"Judging from your reaction, it's not a normal occurrence?"
[No. The spirits must be free to move however they please in their afterlife. *Sigh* it's sealed, but there's writing. Hmm... they look like old Druid runes. The song of wind... the howl of...](Yorin)
Ghostly wails interrupted the explanation, forcing the Necromancer to bring out his minion squad.
[Oh, no! They're coming. They are spirits...](Yorin)
"Focus on opening the way. I'll deal with them."
[All right...](Yorin)
As the sound of wails closed in on the duo, Yorin's druidic language turned strangely melodic, surprising Michael.
[It's a chant! The chant will open the way. Light protect us! Hold them off. I need five minutes!](Yorin)
"No problem."
Michael calmly waited for the Phantoms to appear, and sure enough, droves of Wraiths and Phantom Soldiers charged at them from all directions.
Protecting Yorin with the five Accountants, he ordered the Reapers and Quarterback to take care of the frontlines.
Then, from behind them, he would slowly wear the enemies out. When the final enemy minion died, an Elite popped up.
[ Ruhna the Anguished (Elite) - Level 53
*Poison Enchanted: All attacks create a poison puddle on the ground. Enemies affected by poison are dealt 250 damage per second for a duration of 3 seconds. ]
The weakling died, and with no other creatures to bother them, Yorin finally managed to unseal the passage.
"Good job!"
[*Sigh* It fortunately worked. Something is rousing the spirits from their rest. They are not this aggressive usually. We should make haste within.](Yorin)
Nodding and having the boy follow behind him, Michael curiously looked at his Quest interface, where the Main Quest was updated.
[ Main Quest complete - Encroaching Shadows
Reward 1: 39,337 experience points
Reward 2: 2,940 gold coins. ]
[ Main Quest issued - Exhuming the Forgotten
Objective: Enter the Weeping Cairns
Description: You and Yorin must pass through the Weeping Cairns to find passage to Airidah's domain in the northern hills. Enraged spirits haunt the surrounding cairns. You doubt there will be a welcoming path within. ]
Rolling his eyes at the pretentious Sanctuary, Michael grumbled inwardly about how everything had to be messy and Quests were never simple like in other games he played.
Walking inside the cairns, the Necromancer curiously inspected the walls of the caves carved by human hands and filled with druidic symbols.
[The dead are stirred here as well... I can feel something is wrong. Yet, Airidah's absence gives me greater concern.](Yorin)
"Let's move forward. We'll find our answers soon enough."
Traveling through the winding tunnels, they finally reached something like a burial chamber, more expansive than the tunnels they walked out of.
[This chamber... it's just how my father described it.](Yorin)
"You've never been here?"
[Only through the stories he told. Though none involved the restless dead... Huh!? This doesn't seem right.](Yorin)
The way forward was once again blocked by a large slab of stone, similar to the one they found at the entrance into the cairns.
[Airidah wouldn't have barred the path of the dead like this. The spirits should be free to roam within the earth. There's a difference between blocking the entrance so that people can't come in, but this blocks the spirits from moving around...](Yorin)
[I'm not sure if it's a demon's work. Strange... the door is locked with an earthen seal. What was it my father said about this...](Yorin)
Leaving the young man to think things through silently, Michael inspected the surroundings. There were two lateral paths, but one was flooded and couldn't be crossed.
As for the other, a stone door closed it, but there were no seals he could see on it.
[Wardstones! That's it! I can open the way if you bring me one from the nearby cairns. See these two small altars? They are Runic Standing Stones and serve as gate controls. One is active, but I need a wardstone to activate the second one.](Yorin)
"The cairn in question should be through the left passage, correct?"
"Good. Stay here. I'll leave the minions to guard you."
[What about yourself?](Yorin)
"Standing behind my minions will make my fighting skills rusty. I'll return in a bit."
Standing before the stone door, Michael pressed his hand and infused his Essence into it. Then, it slowly retracted into the ground, opening the way forward.
[ Main Quest update - Exhuming the Forgotten
Objective 1: Find and place the missing Wardstone within the Runic Standing Stone.
Objective 2: Help Yorin open the Runed Passageway. ]
Surely enough, Shambling Corpses, Phantoms, and even undead were roaming the cairn. As the path circled behind a colossal pillar or stone, he slowly cleared all the monsters and spirits within.
He found the Wardstone after the Sanctuary pointed it out, grabbed it, stored it in his inventory, and quickly returned to Yorin. Fortunately, there were no sneak attacks on him and his minions.
Michael placed the objective in its place and turned to the excited young man, who was obviously enjoying their little adventure.
"How do you know so much about the Druids?"
[Father always respected their beliefs and customs. It was important that I grew to understand his admiration. Whenever he talked about coming here to meet Airidah, I saw a light in his eyes that rivaled any fire. The two were close as brother and sister, and I longed to meet this aunt of mine. Though... I think time has seen them drift apart.](Yorin)
"I see. What about your mother? Was she a Druid as well?"
[No, but this was her land. She was something of a scholar. Preserved local customs and rituals. She passed when I was young, and... well, most of what I know about her is through her writings.](Yorin)
"I see. She seems to have been a wonderful woman and an even greater scholar. I've seen some of her books, and I plan to read them soon."
Soon, Yorin unraveled the druidic chant on the Runic Standing Stones, and the way forward opened.
[*Exhale* That did it. Maybe this will ease the dead. It's a start, at least.](Yorin)
"Mhm. You've done great. Let's move forward. Stick close to me. We don't know what lies ahead."
They continued their exploration of the tunnels, but their expressions soon worsened.
Stone pillars bound together by ropes from which druidic talismans and totems hung greeted the duo. It was obvious that it was either a monument for the dead or an altar for prayers.
The problem was the red blood and harrowing markings left at its base.
[Demonic markings.](Yorin)
"Lilith has been here."
[Huh? Something's written on the altar...](Yorin)
The Necromancer looked curiously where the young man pointed, but it could have been ancient Egyptian, and it wouldn't have made a difference for him.
"Can you translate it?"
[Sure. Let's see... 'By stone and root, by tears and pain, we bear this flame that must remain. Dead eyes stained with ash and ember, cursed are we who must remember...'](Yorin)
"A poem?"
[Ah! It's an elegy written by Airidah. This... this is a memorial to all who died fighting Astaroth.](Yorin)
Unfortunately, it seemed that not only Michael but other beings heard the elegy as well, judging by the two summoning circles around them.
The whispers of the dead increased in volume, prompting the Necromancer to enter a battle stance.
[*Hiss* The weak... perish. All... ash... forgotten...](?)
[Wait! We... we are not your enemy!](Yorin)
"Save it for later, Yorin. I doubt they'll listen to reason."
Two Elites were summoned, and Michael went to work. The spirits of the dead possessed two 'treants' and used their large forms to bash the minions to the walls.
With the hostility they were emitting, there was no chance for a peaceful conversation, so the weapons and skill would do the talking instead.
As the walking trees crumbled into dust, Yorin looked pained.
[Lilith... she must be bending these heroes to her will. Airidah would never stand for it. Unless... oh... something has happened to her!](Yorin)
"We don't know that yet... Come on. Let's get moving. The sooner we leave, the faster we can find Airidah."
According to Michael's 'guide,' the next cairn belonged to the higher-status Druids who passed away even before the Days of Ash.
There were many stories of these legendary elders who protected the glenfolk since times untold.
[This must be the cairn of the elders! This... so much of this place is... defiled...](Yorin)
"It looks similar to the altar bearing Airidah's eulogy."
[Yes. Demonic scars upon their grave and... Druid runes to rouse the dead! What!? How... these runes... the delicate touch. A demon could never possess such skill!](Yorin)
"*Sigh* Then it can only mean one thing."
[This is Airidah's work... why would she be aligned with a demon?](Yorin)
Seeing the boy's disappointed and frustrated expression, Michael felt terrible for him. Ever since he saw Lilith's smiling expression in the vision he had in Donan's office, he had expected something like this to happen.
After experiencing her power of conviction with Vigo and the mines of Yelesna, a Druid hero shouldn't be more challenging to seduce.
After all, everyone has their weaknesses.