
Transmigrated into the pokemon world

A_planarity · Cómic
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43 Chs

Chapter 0B

Pokemon Ranks

A pokemons overall strength grows with each breakthrough


1) Baby- newly born pokemon cannot use moves, ability might not trigger.

Baby pokemon turn into rookie pokemon with growth


2)Rookie-regular pokemon that are not fully grown or evolved


3)Advanced-pokemon at their final stage of growth. These pokemon cannot grow without a breakthrough


4)Pseudo-elemental-pokemon that can induce a certain type of energy in their attack(s)


5)Elemental-pokemon with mastery over a certain type of energy


6)Pseudo-king-pokemon that can integrate infinity energy directly in an attack


7)King-pokemon that can integrate infinity energy in all attacks of a particular type


8 and 9)  Unknown ranks


Trainer Ranks

A trainer grows stronger with their pokemon. This allows them to keep up with their pokemon as they fight at higher ranks.


1)Newbie-3 rookie pokemon


2)Beginner-1 advance or 6 rookie pokemon


3)Intermediate-1 pseudo-elemental or 6 advance pokemon 


4)Advance-3 pseudo-elemental


5)Expert-1 elemental or 6 pseudo-elemental


6)Elite-3 elemental and 3 pseudo-elemental


7)King-1 pseudo-king and 5 elemental


8)Champion-3 pseudo-king


9)Master-1 king


10)Legend-3 King

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