
Transmigrated Into the Body Of The Prince Consort

What happens when two strangers from different world meet and had to separate again without knowing each other? The prince of wei kingdom trespasses into the Zambe sect unknowingly and was being rescued by the Zambe sect princess Ya. But destiny would soon bring these two back together as Ya is being punished by going into the human world to complete the last trial full of betrayal, love and drama to attain immortality. would she be able to accomplish this mission?and what happens if she meets the stranger that led her to all these? let's find out in "transmigrated into the body of the prince consort"

Tee_wave · Fantasía
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22 Chs

No your highness, let go of me please...

"I can't believe the king actually engaged the second lady and third prince together," said Haoyu

"Father has always been like that, always doing something because of what's he's gonna gain from it," replied Jun angrily

"Despite the fact that he knows that I'm in love with Mei Zhen, he still have me marry Mei lein, as if it's not enough, he wants the third prince to marry Mei Zhen so that I won't have the chance to be with her ever again," said Jun angrily

"You just have to calm down okay?" said Haoyu

"I'm going to make Mei Zhen mine, no matter what," replied Jun

"How are you going to do that," asked Haoyu

"Time Will tell," replied Jun affirmatively

"Eunuch Li, has the bridal gift been sent," asked Jun as he faced eunuch Li

"Yes your highness, we've done all that since yesterday," replied eunuch Li with a bright smile which made Jun disgusted

"And will you help in dressing me up, I have to look the best for this bride of mine," said Jun scornfully as Haoyu complied

Now at the prime Minister's manor, Ya now known as Mei lien can be seen getting ready for her wedding

"You look so beautiful my lady," said Jing excitedly as Mei lien rolled her eyes at her

"Why does the clothes have to be this heavy, i can't even breath properly," said Mei lien as she tries to take the clothes off

"You're the prince consort my lady, everything has to be the best, so don't try to take anything off," said Jing happily as she continues to put on jewelries on Mei lien

'I wonder how the beast I'm getting married to look like' thought Mei lien

"Good morning young madam," said Jing as she sighted Mrs Yang

"Mother" said Mei lien as she stood up to greet madam Yang who had smile written all over her face

"You can have a sit my darling, I just want to see my little princess, and I must say I gave birth to the most beautiful lady in the world," said Mrs Yang happily as Mei lien blushes

"You're now going to your husband house, I want to tell you that things won't be as easy as before because you're going to another person's house now leaving your father's house, patience is what a woman needs to live in her husband house, you must support him and respect him too," said Mrs Yang while Mei lien nodded

"Thank you mother," said Mei lien with a happy smile

"I know you're not happy as Mei Zhen is going with you, but please you just have to tolerate her, you know her mother died while giving birth to her, she had no one to rely on so please you both should look after each other ok?" said Mrs Yang as she patted Mei lien on her back

'Her mother died, I thought you gave birth to all of us, why didn't Jing tell me that' Mei lien thought

"I will mother, I'll take care of her," said Mei lien as Mrs Yang nodded and made her way out of the room after putting on some jewelries for her

"Why didn't you tell me Mei zhen mother died while giving birth to her," asked Mei lien

"I thought you know all these my lady, you even hated her because of that," replied Jing

"But why?" mei lien asked curiously

"Her mother is your mother's handmaid before she seduced your father,!you hated her because she made your mother unhappy, you've always treated the second lady coldly," replied Jing

"Oh, no wonder your lady is being referred to as a villainess, meanwhile Mei Zhen is the real villain," said Mei lien

"What do you mean my lady," asked Jing who was confused

"Errrrrm.. it's nothing, hurry up so that we can go," replied Mei lien

The bridal carriage can be seen outside the prime minister manor while the princes were on the horse, Mei lien and Mei Zhen were been led out of the prime minister mansion into the bridal carriage as they made their way to the palace

Now at the palace, the third prince, Muchen who was sent as a hostage since a child is back and can be seen dressed in his wedding attire as he helped Mei Zhen out of the carriage while Jun did the same by helping Mei lein

Alot of people were in attendance to witness the princes wedding

"First bow to the heaven," said the marriage conductor as the couples complied

"Second bow to parents," said the marriage conductor as the couples complied bowing to the king and queen of wei kingdom

"Third bow to each other," said the marriage conductor while the two couples bowed facing each other

"Now to the bridal chamber," said the marriage conductor as Mei Zhen and Mei lein were being led to their wedding chamber

Now at Mei lein chamber, Jing and Mei lein can be seen awaiting the prince arrival

"Sighs, when exactly is he going to come here," asked Mei lein

"Seems like my lady can't wait," replied Jing excitedly

"Can't wait for what," asked Mei lein who finds her action disgusting

"You are not asking me that or are you my lady, no it's your highness now," said Jing excitedly

"Just spill it out," said Mei lien curiously

"You and the prince are gonna have sex together tonight," replied Jing who can't stop blushing

"What!!you evil thing, what sex !!" Mei lein said yelling on top of her voice

"Don't shout your highness, someone might hear you," replied jing as she hurried to cover Mei lein mouth

"I'm not having sex with anyone, I just wanna see how the person I got married to look like," said Mei lien as Jing looked at her confusedly

"Let me go and take a look outside your highness," said Jing as she made her way out but was soon back

"He's on his way," said Jing rushing in as she covers Mei lien face with the veil and tried to adjust Mei lein posture

Just then Jun came in and Jing went whispering to Mei lien ear

"I await the good news my lady," said Jing as she rushes out of the room leaving Mei lien fuming with anger

"You must have known that I don't love you," said Jun proudly

"I know your highness," replied Mei lein who was irritated with his attitude

"So we aren't consumating any marriage," said Jun as he sat on on the chair and poured himself a cup of wine

"Can you please lift up my veil as I'm not interested in consumating marriage with anyone," said Mei lien as Jun came to her and lift the veil

"Am I dreaming right now, isn't this the guy I'm looking for, the one who trespasses into the sect," Mei lein thought staring at Jun with her mouth agape

"You must be shocked by my handsomeness, but trust me I understand, alot of ladies wants me," Jun said laughing hysterically

'I might as well kill you right now' Mei lein thought as she rolled her eyes

"Anyway, I have no plan of spending the night here, I would be at my concubine room," said Jun

"You're free to spend the night with whoever your highness," said Mei lein but was soon pressed on the bed by Jun who seem angry at her statement

"Let go off me your highness," said Mei lein struggling to free herself from Jun grip

"The more I think about it, I guess I should spend the night in my bride's chamber, I would love to see what you can do," said Jun trying to kiss her

"No your highness, nothing forcefully done would never be acceptable," said Mei lien

"We can never tell," said Jun who has started buttoning down his attire

"No your highness, let go of me please," said Mei lien, "my sister would never forgive you for this," she added as tears rolled down her cheek

"You're such a show spoiler," replied Jun as he freed her now laughing hysterically

"You actually think I would wanna have something to do with you, Never! it's never gonna happen," said Jun as he made his way out of Mei lein chamber

Just then, Jing rushed in seeing Mei lein in tears

"What happened my lady," Jing asked looking worried

"Errrrrm, his highness is spending the night with his concubine," said mei lien trying to cover up the main reason for her tears

"And you allowed that my lady, that's unfair, his highness should be spending the night with you," said Jing sadly as she hugs Mei lein

"It's okay young lady, I can just sleep too then," said Mei lein as she frees herself from Jing hug

"You're not angry at all your highness," asked Jing

"Angry? What for?" replied Mei lien who has now taken off all her clothes and jewelries as she laid on the bed

"His highness is supposed to spend the night with you not the concubine," said Jing sadly

"He's free to spend the night with whoever he wants, I'm not willing to spend the night with him," replied Mei lein

"You've changed alot your highness, I can't believe you're accepting this," replied Jing with tears rolling down her eyes

"Stop the tears ok, I'm good, so please let me sleep in peace," said Mei lein as she covers herself with her blanket while she closed her eyes waiting for sleep to take over

"Alright my lady, goodnight," replied Jing as she put off the light and made her way out of Mei lein's room

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