
Transmigrated into Severus Snape with Golden Trio back in Time

Harry, Hermione and Ron are transported back in time after Bill Weasley's wedding by a Cosmic entity. Chaos was not happy with this and decided to add another player. Watch how Harry, Hermione, Ron tread in past while trying to defeat the Dark Lord whereas a college student is transmigrated into the body of a 16 year old Severus Snape. Meanwhile things are changing and the golden trio couldn't wonder if it is for better or not. I own nothing all belongs to JK Rowling. This story will contain lemons so people who uphold highest morals sorry this is for not you.

Jerry153 · Derivados de obras
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93 Chs

17) You know it's actually good

"So you have decided to finally open up a shop" Petunia asked me as she looked at me.

"Yes, I have been thinking about opening a branch of it in London too though" Severus said as he took a sip of the tea.

"That's actually a good idea, I have to say that Severus your perfumes smell very good, it will surely be a hit among the female population" Mrs Evans said as she finished sniffing the perfume from her wrist.

"The problem will be managing the shop as I will be in Hogwarts for two years and will not be there to check" Severus said as he told the issues for which the idea of muggle branch looked bleak to him.

"Don't worry about it Severus, I can be there in London in that shop besides I would be bored out of my mind" his mother spoke up from besides Mrs Evans.

Severus nodded, yes her mother could do it but he was having his doubts as she had hardly interacted with muggles much.

They all were enjoying tea as Severus had decided to have the meeting with Mrs Evans and Petunia at their home besides it will be good for her mother if she had some company with her. So he had asked them to come to his home to have a tea and discuss the matters as Mrs Evans wanted to meet his mother.

"Petunia could be there too, her boss had decided to close the restaurant as he is selling the property and moving abroad to the States" Mrs Evans spoke up suggestively.

He looked at Petunia and nodded "ofcourse, mother will be there but having Petunia too would be better for the sales" He spoke as he realised why Petunia looked a little downtrodden earlier.

Petunia looked curiously at them, clearly interested in her now job. He could understand this because she was at a stage where she wanted to be a little independent.

"So where are you going to open the shop in London?" she asked looking at him.

"I honestly don't know, the shop in Diagon Alley would be opened first and the shop in London would be honestly on second place as I have to actually get to the authorities to get checked my products there not to mention find a place" he spoke as he counted the many things he would face if he wanted to open the shop. Perhaps the Goblins could help him in that, if they dealt in muggle world.

"Hmm, perhaps the Goblins could help in that" his mother mused arriving at the same conclusion as him.

"Now speaking of which, how far you are in the process of opening the shop in Diagon Alley" Petunia spoke up curiously.

Severus gave a smirk "the matters regarding the property of the shop is settled, the only thing remaining is the productions and opening the shop" he said calmly. Lucius had done his job in finding him a Malfoy property in Diagon Alley which he sold to me in exchange for a share of profits. I had agreed to it and Lucius had asked some of the house elves to paint the shop nicely which included Dobby.

The elf really was one of the strangest elves he had seen, Severus had thought about buying him from Lucius but didn't pressed the idea much when Lucius was busy arranging his father's funeral.

Abraxas Malfoy had finally died of a severe case of Dragon Pox last night as the Daily Prophet headlines screamed the death of Abraxas Malfoy today in large words and an entire column about him.

He had decided to not attend the funeral as Lucius will be busy and frankly he didn't wanted to attend too at the moment. There would be many peoples including even the likes of Minister of Magic and Dumbledore and he didn't want to go and attract the attention on him by any chance. The dark side families would be there and he was not in a mood to explain to his classmates about his new look and fortune.

The tea talk continued as Mother and Mrs Evans continued to converse leaving me and Petunia to roam around in our home.

"You know Prince, it's still a little odd that you are suddenly good" she spoke up looking at me.

"Can't a person have change of heart?" he asked amusedly to Petunia who looked amused at that.

"It's hard to believe that a week ago you and me never saw eye to eye on anything and now it seems we are friends" she spoke up with an amused tone.

"Life's pretty much unpredictable" he said with a smirk as he looked at her.

"So you really want to work in a shop of mine" he asked curiously, wanting to know if she desired it or it was just Mrs Evans forcing her to do.

She spoke after a moment of thinking "I worked as a waitress before so I know how to interact with customers besides it all depends on the payment" she said frankly.

"Ohh so you want a higher salary" he asked amusedly.

"Yes, besides having your own money feels nice, don't you think?" she asked him curiously.

"Yes, there's a strange sense of contentment and satisfaction in buying something with your own money" he spoke agreeing with her.


Hermione Granger looked at Mr Potter who was explaining the Potter's history to her.

"But why would you sell the shares of Sleekeazy potion, won't it be better if you had kept it?" she asked curiously earning a small smile from Fleamont Potter.

"I had already achieved what I wanted to do Hermione, I quadrupled the family fortune which we had dwindled over the years and the wars. Besides I am getting old and in no shape to maintain the rigorous duty towards the company" he said with a soft laugh.

"Ohh" she mumbled slowly, it made sense because she had see quite a lot of Potters in the family tree all of them who were either dead.

Linfred Potter had seven children and he divided his fortune equally among the seven ones. Hermione was awed by the accomplishments of Linfred Potter. Many believed that his works where the basis of Skele grow potion and pepper up potion.

"I know you miss your family Hermione" he spoke up sadly looking at her.

Hermione's breath stopped in her throat and she looked at the knowing face of Mr Potter.

"Remember that Hermione, you all are given a choice and a chance to make the things for better which none are given. The pain will always be there but it will slowly go away" he said softly looking at her.

Hermione nodded with slight tears in her eyes "good besides you are very intelligent, how about you come to me later with your doubts regarding any subjects. I may be retired but I was and still skilled in Potions, perhaps I would be able to clear your doubts" he said gently.

Hermione wiped her tears away, this was a good chance to learn from a master potioneer. Besides he was right, she couldn't wallow herself in guilt, she had a responsibility and a promise to herself that her future self won't have to obliviate her own parents.

She couldn't just sit and cry for the dreadful future which she could change.


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