
Transmigrated Into Jihan:Path of The Supreme Emperor

I do not own The Gamer the only character I own is my MC

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4 Chs

Dying,Making My Wishes,Walking The Path to Supremacy

It was Dec 31 2022 I was walking down the streets of New York

Life in this world is too constricting what's the point of living if life can never go stronger beyond a certain I thought depressed I am Izar Yuki I just turned 25 today and I realised something over the years of my life that this world has too many limits to many rules all so pointless it won't stop the powerful who have no actual power becoming more controlling and it won't stop the weak from becoming weaker, human beings themselves have too many limits we are constricted by our own power that's probably why I and so many others drown themselves in novels, manga, fan-fiction, games its so they can at least experience themselves growing stronger that way.

I was walking down the street when I noticed a bright light and saw a turned around to see a truck and thought this is the end for me and closed my eyes to embrace the end of a pointless life

After a few seconds to open my eyes to see an ethereal looking being in front of me

"So I really died then huh" I asked the ethereal looking being

"Yes yes you did my boy" The ethereal looking being

"So are you like God or something" I ask the ethereal being

"Yes something like that my boy" He tells me

"So is this the part where you judge whether or not I am going to hell" I ask the God

"No you see someone with your temperament, mentality and soul shouldn't have been born into a world like that one you should have been born into a world where someone like you could be allowed to grow stronger and face incredible hardships if you survived them you could have ruled if you died I'm positive you would have been satisfied with a life where you could have spread your wings" He tells me and I look at him in shock

"Thats a lot to take in so you're telling me I was supposed to be born into those worlds from those Manhuas I read." I asked the God

"Yes like those stories you read." The God told me

"So what happens to me now" I ask the God

"You will be getting as people from your own world called it reincarnated or transmigrated with wishes." He tells me I look at him with even more shock but I quickly calmed myself.

" So how many wishes do I get" I ask the god

You shall get one for every year after you turned into an adult that was when your soul truly started to yearn for a way out of your corrupt and boring world so you shall get 7 wishes." He tells me

"Thank you so much for this chance" I tell him with joy and happiness riddled all over my face

"No need my boy this is just me restoring balance to the world." He tells me with a calm smile

"Does the transmigration or reincarntaion count as a wish" I ask him

"It does" He tells me I nod at him

"Alright so I wish to be transmigrated as Jihan Han the Sunday before the story begins, I also wish to keep his system" I tell the God

"Why him" The God asked me curiosity evident in his voice

"For 3 reasons 1 it is the one world I read in its entirety I know nearly everything about from its power structure to who is the one on the top all the top organisations. 2nd because of the Abyss Its a place only the strong may live freely I wish to know if I can truly soar through the sky and achieve my happiness. 3rd I wanted to be born as Jihan because I understand how his system works and I don't have to worry about my own power screwing with me I could never live with that."

"Alright I understand you will have 2 days before the story starts how it is supposed to" He tells me and I nod at him

"My second wish is for some specific skills that will only be unique to me I want to know if each skill will cost a wish." I ask him

"Yes they will" He nods at me

"My 2nd wish is that I have a skill called Emperors Eyes it shall be an Eyes that will allow me to disconcert the truth know things about people and it should also act a bit like observation haki where I can dodge the opponents attack because my eyes can always tell and when I also make the skill evolve with me" I tell him hoping it will go through

"Alright but there will be a few drawbacks first you can you know see the future and the skill will only work on people who weaker and it will not work on people who are 50 lvs" He tells me

"My 3rd Wish is for a Skill once again unique to me Emperors Domain once I use this skill it will act as a domain forcing my power and will upon others they will either instinctively submit or cower in fear also if I focus my domain around a single person it should suppress there power if I have more Mana or Ki than said person"

"Alright but there are a few drawbacks first you will get this skill called Emperors Aura meaning you will naturally turn the heads of people it won't cause normal people any issues besides the turning heads but people with power can either feel fear from the amount of power you posses or will possess or if it is someone stronger than you they can tell pretty much tell where you are just because of your aura also your aura will cause those you call battle junkies if they see you they will immediately wish to fight you and if you beat them up they will submit but will want to keep challenging you also it will make girls easily attracted to you.If you ever decide to have a harem the girls will feel more okay with it because after all what emperor has one wife." He tells me

"That seems like more of a boon than a drawback."

"The real drawback is that you know those people in Geumodo will see you as a threat that must be eliminated if you show up next to them because your aura is like a natural warning sign for them" He tells me I nod at him before thinking to myself so I already have natural enemies.

"My 4th wish is naturally since I am an emperor I need a powerful Martial Art the Martial Art should be called Supreme Martial Art and I don't care where its from but it must be the best it must be Supreme it should also synergise well with The system." I tell him with eagerness and hope in my tone

"Of course that is no issue I have the greatest martial art there is a drawback tho the drawback is you won't be allowed to learn any inferior form of martial art you can still teach it to someone else using the training skill of The Gamer but The Supreme Martial Art will literally reject weaker martial arts." He tells me I nod at him

"Thats a small price to pay."

"My 5th wish for a Supreme Ki Gathering Method one which the better I get at it I will eventually turn from a High Human to Demi-God to God it should also synergies well with the system and The Supreme Martial Art."

"Alright it has the same drawback as the Martial Art but it will also be extremely difficult to learn there will be 4 evoultions to the method first is when you are a human while you are human it will just normally gather Ki as normally as a Supreme Art can anyway when you evolve the technique after Lv99 while the evolution process is happening you will also evolve into a High Human when you are a High Human the Ki you gather will naturally be much higher and superior in quality than that of when you where just a human now the only way to evolve it again into the Demi-God is when its tricky you will either have to create your own divinity and evolve it that way or literally snatch some minor gods divinity and make it yours. After Demi God is when it gets extremely difficult because becoming a god is not easy you will either have to gather faith and ascend or you can do it the way Gaia as they call it can't affect you defeat and absorb other Gods Divinity and comprehend and truly understand. And after you reach God how you grow will be up to you." He explains the mechanics of my skill how it works and the difficulties I will have to face I nod

"I understand this is still what I want how can I be strong without hardship." I tell him he nods.

"My 5th Wish is for the Supreme Sword Art at the same level as the Supreme Martial Art and they should all have a perfect synergy with one another." I tell him

"Alright it will have the same drawbacks as the Supreme Martial Art but for all weapons arts. also Both Martial and Sword Art will evolve as you evolve from Human to God after all a human can only use an Art that is supreme among people of his own class." He tells me I nod in understanding.

"My 6th wish is for a sword it should be built for the Supreme Sword Art and be able to evolve as I kill things with it like for example if I kill a dragon it should gain the title Dragon Slayer Sword and allow it to grow stronger." I tell him

"No issues you will be the only one able to use the sword it will immediately come back to you if you call out to it even if it gets stolen and the sword shall accompany and grow with you through your journey what would you like it to be called.Also the sword will only look like a powerful sword to enemies" He asks me

"Choego Hwangje Gum it stands for Supreme Emperors Sword in Korean since I will be Korean from now on."

"My 7th wish is so that my family who tried their very hardest to raise me with all the care and love to live a very happy and long life and for there place in heaven to be secured." I tell him with a small smile on my face

"Of course that shall be granted go enjoy your life you battle lover" He tells me with a smirk

"O don't worry I fully intend to I will reach the peak or die trying." I tell him with an equal smirk

"Good Luck and you will get all of Jihan's memories a few seconds after you arrive." He tells me

"Thanks for this" I tell him before I open my eyes and see a ceiling

So how did you like My new and Improved Mc how does it compare from the original does he have a better character.