

We continued to walk in silence for a while until I went to break the ice, only to be cut off by Saeko.

"So...when did you and Miku-san become a thing?" while she didn't turn to face me, her deep blue eyes looked at me from the corner of her eye.

Feeling slightly perplexed by her question, I chuckled uneasily before replying, "Uhhh, I don't know...a month or two, though I wouldn't exactly call us a thing yet--" I was cut off by Saeko's harsh voice once again.

"Oh? Well, congratulations. You probably won't be coming to spar as often then, right?" as she spoke, her movements got more and more stiff and her casualness we'd built up over 2 months was slowly slipping away.

Oh boy, bad end warning signs, bad end incoming!

In my worry of her going Yandere and trying to kill me, I quickly interrupted her, "Well, no, not really, senpai," she stopped walking and turned to look at me, so I did the same, "You know the fighting she was talking about was different than our fighting, right?--"

"She meant sex, right?" hearing her cut me off with bluntness made me start sweating cold sweat.

Senpai, you're not giving me a chance here!

"...Yep," knowing that lying would only get me even further in trouble with her, I just told the truth. She just nodded at what I said before smiling. Though it sure as hell didn't feel like a smile.

She tilted her head a little, "Well, it's to be expected that you'd only fight with me...who could accept such a brutal woman," I went to interrupt her but she looked up at me with a now-sad smile, "It's okay, Hattori, no, Ryu-kun. I understand that you've chosen her over our fighting," with this she began to walk off and I felt an overwhelming amount of helplessness.

Was I really this useless...? Would I really let her walk away with these sad feelings...? Let my precious senpai walk away...?!

Hell fucking no!

I grabbed her wrist, holding her in place, "Saeko-senpai, what do you think you're doing making my decisions for me?" I pulled her back toward me and embraced her in a hug while she was still shocked by me calling her first name.

When she finally realized she was in a hug, she started fighting to get out of it.

"You already have Miku-san, so stop this at once, Ryu-kun, before I get angry!" her voice sounded angry but to me, it sounded so fake and looking down I saw something that made me happy.

Smirking, I rubbed Saeko's back gently with my arm, "If you're so against me hugging you, senpai, why aren't you using your full strength to push me away?" this seemed to make her shiver in embarrassment at being found out but still, I carried on, "And, Saeko-senpai, why are you smiling so happily if you're apparently so mad at me?"

"Uhh...I...I'm," she didn't have an answer and all she did is lean her head against my chest. After a while of her leaning there, she slowly wrapped her arms around my back, locking me in a tight embrace, "You really are a troublesome kouhai, you know that, right, Ryu-kun?"

Hearing her I let out a little laugh, "Well, that's because I take after my troublesome senpai, you know?" she laughed lightly at what I said but she pinched my side causing me to recoil in pain.

But not physical pain, more the emotional pain at a beautiful girl pinching my side.

Using my recoiling as an opening, Saeko jumped out of my embrace with a beautiful smile on her face, along with a slight red blush.

"That wasn't a very nice thing to say, Ryu-kun," she looked at me with an admonishing stare, "I think you need a little bit of punishment in our spar...~" hearing I shivered a little in fear but also in excitement because I knew I could take her control from her and turn the tables on her.

After all, anything sexual was my domain when faced with such an innocent senpai~

No matter what, we continued to walk, not questioning our earlier moment and what it showed. Before I did anything, I'd need to tell Yuuki anyway. I don't want to hurt her, even if I had to slow down my harem plans.

Before long we'd reached the club room and entered. Like most times in the morning - when we did our spars - there was no one here.

Just as I was about to speak, my enhanced hearing picked up a scream of pain. Usually, I wouldn't care and would instead ignore it but I knew that scream:

It was Yuuki.

Ripping off my blazer and throwing my bag to the ground, I turned to Saeko.

"I have something to do before we do any fighting, senpai, I apologize" without waiting for a reply, I sprinted off with blistering speed.

I used my hearing to pinpoint the location and when I arrived, I nearly snapped and killed everything in this fucking academy.

On the floor, Yuuki lay there with a bloodied face while a bunch of boys kicked her stomach and body. One of them I knew of was Tsunoda. Some bitch delinquent who thought he was the toughest thing on Earth because he and his gang could beat on some of the weaker students.

He has dyed blond hair on the top part of his head but on the back and sides, his original brown hair is still there giving his a weird look.

He had dark skin and rough features - he definitely wasn't handsome. But he was a pretty big guy. He was only a little short than me at around 6ft and his shoulders were broad and packed with muscle just like the rest of his body.

But that didn't really matter anymore, does it, really?

I walked toward the group that hadn't noticed me as they stopped kicking Yuuki. I could feel the floor slowly crumble under the strength of my uncontrolled steps, sending cracks throughout the floor.

Tsunoda leaned over Yuuki and spat at her, "Why'd you have to say no to us, bitch? Is it because of that foreign bastard Ryu?!" he raged at her, shouting his anger as his veins bulged like ugly worms on his neck and face, "Well, we'll just have to show you that we're better than that piece of trash!"

He went to feel her breast but by that point I'd snapped and appeared next to him, grabbing his hand in a crushing grip.

"What...do you think you're doing to MY Yuuki...huh?" my voice was eerily calm, I even had a grin on my face but from the pale expression on their faces; they could tell I was utterly furious.

I reprimanded myself for being so frozen. I should've ended this as soon as I saw it.

Squeezing lightly, Tsunoda was on the ground cradling his now broken hand.

"ARGHHH! YOU FUCKING BASTARD!" he screamed as tears flowed from his eyes, just like snot flowed from his nose. It was an utterly unsightly sight.

"GET HIM--!" as he said this, I'd decided I'd seen enough of him and sent a kick to his chest, sending him skidding down the hall, coughing out blood.

I turned to the other culprits and without waiting for them to say anything, I leaped at them.

My first victim got a fist to the center of his face, crushing his nose and knocking out the majority of his teeth, spluttering blood all over my hand, with some even spatting onto my white school shirt.

I felt the air moving behind me and turned around to see a fist coming at me. I could've easily dodged but what would be the point? The punch had the technique of a drunk child; it would do no damage.

The punch connected and a crack rang out as my face didn't even move. The thrower of the punch screamed his lungs out until I slammed a fist into his stomach making him cough up even more blood onto my shirt.

My punch sent him flying backward but I didn't let him escape as I pushed off the ground and appeared next to him.

I grabbed his leg before lifting it above my head bringing the rest of his body with him before I slammed him back down to the ground like a sack of potatoes.

He hit the floor with a sickening squelch as his nose and face were practically squashed against the floor. He was still alive but he'd have a hard time seeing anything, eating anything, well, he'd have a hard time doing anything in general.

The last two of the goons tried to run away but how could they outrun me?

Within less than a second I'd tackled them to the ground, my superior strength and size making it easy to have one arm wrap around one of them while the other arm did the same to the other. The three of us fell to the ground but I wasn't as fazed as them, so I just started laying into them with fists of burning rage that only seemed to grow.

I could tell my eyes had turned red by now, they were activated by emotion or by me using my full-power.

And I wasn't using my full power otherwise these fucking pieces of filth would've been meat paste by now.

I may be incredibly angry but I won't kill these guys. Well, not directly. Yet.

I turned my eyes back forcibly before dragging the two goons back to Yuuki and laying them next to the others.

Looking down the hallway I could see Tsunoda trying to crawl away.

Grinning rather maniacally, I slowly walked over to him before putting a foot on his leg.

"You pieces of trash shouldn't have even though of laying a hand on Yuuki let alone actually doing it...now I've got to indirectly kill ya~" my voice sounded a bit cheery but the amount of underlying aggression in my tone spoke volumes about how I was quite the opposite of cheery.

When Tsunoda showed a confused expression, I slowly stepped down on his femur and with enough force, I slowly snapped the bone in his leg.

He couldn't scream because I'd bent over and clamped my hand over his mouth.

He could only writhe and thrash about in pain. But I ignored that and moved my foot to the other leg and did the same thing.

He pleaded with his eyes but I ignored it with callous ruthlessness and snapped his other leg bone.

Running away from the undead would be hard when you have two broken legs. Fun fact, did you know that it can take between 12 weeks and 12 months for a Femur fracture to fully heal?

And the Zombie Apocalypse is going to happen in 2 months time. What an unlucky fellow Tsunoda is, right?

Dragging him back by my hand still clamped around his mouth and therefore head. I stopped just next to Yuuki before knocking out the disgusting prick in my hands.

I went to break the rest of his goon's legs but a hand held my ankle. Recognizing it, I looked over to Yuuki who pleadingly looked at me.

"Please...Ryu...don't get in such trouble because of someone like me...I'm not worth it--" hearing her self-disdain I bent down and instantly cradled her in my arms.

"Yuuki! Stop saying you're not worth it!" I half-shouted as I looked into her eyes. Her saying she's not worth it makes me feel bad for some reason like I'm not supporting her enough or something. "You're worth it to me, Yuuki...so isn't that all that matters?"

I saw as tears started to well up in Yuuki's eyes and her body started shaking.

"Why..." she started to get out in between quiet sobs, "Why are you so nice to me, Ryu?" I went to answer but she continued, so I kept quiet, "You've heard the rumors, I've fucked so many boys before you...I'm dirty, near worthless in most people's eyes, I don't deserve someone like you saying such things to me!" her voice was getting hysterical and I brought her close to me, embracing her but she still kept going, "Why couldn't you have just used me like everyone else!? I'm used to that, I could've dealt with that!...but when you say such nice things to me...how am I supposed to resist these emotions!?"

I just sat there, holding Yuuki in my arms knowing that I could say anything yet and had to let her get it all out.

"These emotions that tear at me, making me regret things, making me regret how I'm seen by others in case you see me the same way as them!" her voice trailed off before she spoke again in such a fragile voice I felt myself start to crack a little, "...Just why? Why are you so nice to a person like me, Ryu...? Why can't you just tell me this is all some joke so I can go back to my careless ways from before...?" she broke away from my embrace and looked up at me with her teary face.

Seeing her red-rimmed eyes and the tears pouring from them, I felt such sadness that I felt my heart constrict.

So I did what I could, what words couldn't convey:

I kissed her.

Not one of our raunchy kisses, the steamy-kind we do before, during and after sex. But instead a soft one, a gentle one which conveyed how much she meant to me. How much I didn't care about how she was seen as long as she was mine and mine alone. That I didn't care as long as I could hold her and see her smile. That in my eyes she was worth anything.

She seemed to get the message as she returned the kiss with her soft and plump lips.

Telling me how she needed me. How much she relied on me and how hurt she'd be if I ever left.

After a while, we separated before I looked into her yellow eyes, "I hope that answers your question of 'Why?', Yuuki..."

All she did is nod her head with a quiet 'Mhm...' which I found immeasurably cute.

Anyway, standing up fully I started walking toward the nurse's office. If it were under any other situation, I'd have been happy to meet the busty-blonde nurse but I just wasn't in the mood currently.

Before long we arrived and I knocked on the door.

It didn't take too long for an answer as the door slid open to show an air-headed blonde who was even taller than Saeko.

She had an incredibly curvaceous figure with a massive bust and wide hips, though unlike Saeko and Yuuki who are both athletic (Saeko does Kendo and Yuuki is on the Track Team) this woman in front of me was full of mature plumpness.

She looked incredibly soft, like putty but what attracted my attention the most was her gentle hazel eyes which seemed to hold infinite care.

Overall she gave off a vibe of a caring mother/big sister.

But right now that didn't matter.

"Sensei, I found this girl here being attacked by some students, can you please check her over to see if she's fine?" ignoring what I said, Shizuka seemed to freeze as she rapidly started checking me over, poking me with her fingers.

Ignoring what she did, I just walked past her and walked over to a bed and placed Yuuki down on it.

She continued to prod at me because of my bloodied appearance but I spoke her out of her fidgeting, "Sensei, please look over my friend," I stared into her hazel eyes with a serious look and she stopped her fidgeting before turning her vision to Yuuki.

I walked over to the sink in the room and started washing my hands of any blood on them. I looked at my reflection and saw the blood splattered across my face and shirt which gave me quite the psychotic look.

I washed off what blood I could and only my shirt was spattered in it.

By this point, I turned around and saw that Shizuka was cleaning up Yuuki's face and checking her body for any serious injuries. Luckily I heard that she didn't have any broken bones just some very intense bruising, though it didn't calm my anger.

When I walked over, Shizuka instantly turned to me with worry in her eyes but I instantly put an end to her worry, "It wasn't my blood, I'm uninjured, sensei," with this I leaned over Yuuki and gave her a kiss causing Shizuka to yelp out in surprise before looking away in embarrassment.

"Mmn, Mmchu...Mmwah..." we continued to kiss until I reluctantly separated from her and back away. She looked up at me with watery eyes and her mouth slightly open, her breath slightly ragged.

"I'm gonna go clear up some things, okay, Yuuki? I'll be back in about 10/15 minutes," with another kiss on her head, I got up to go but felt a hand tug at my shirt, so I turned back to look at Yuuki.

Looking into her eyes, she started speaking, "Ryu...don't leave me..." she went a bit teary-eyed but I grabbed her hand.

"Yuuki, I'll be back soon, I'm sure sensei can stay here and protect you...right sensei?" turning to Shizuka I saw her nod her head strongly as her eyes filled with a weird amount of determination, "See? I'll rush back. I just have to deal with a small problem, okay?" I gently smiled as I let go of her hand and she reluctantly nodded.

I walked to the door before smiling another time at Yuuki and finally leaving. As soon as the door slid close, my smile disappeared and I rushed to the place I left Tsunoda and the others.

I got there and saw them still passed out. Luckily, they were pretty much under the stairs to where I dragged them, so no one really discovered them and most people weren't at school yet or they were already in their classrooms.

Not that people would want to help delinquents.

I walked over to Tsunoda and lifted him and his buddies up causing a cacophony of pained groans before walking up the stairs to the roof.

I scattered them around on the roof before slapping Tsunoda awake.

"Wha..." he came to with groggy eyes but as soon as he saw me he shut up and tried to back away with he feet pressing against the ground but his broken legs caused him to convulse in pain.

"I only came to tell you one thing: Stay away from Yuuki otherwise I'll rip out your fucking throat and shove it so far up your ass it'll be back in its original place..." my face went quite manic as a threatening smile spread across my face but that face went away and was replaced by a 'gentle' smile, "Are we clear?"

Tsunoda nodded hurriedly as I smelt a slight smell and looked down and saw he'd pissed himself.

Laughing, I punched him in the face before walking back to the door. After I opened the door, I held it open and looked back before whispering to myself.

"One day, I'll crush your head with my bare-fucking-hands..." with that I walked away, planning my eventual revenge on this group.

I couldn't kill them currently because of the laws of society but after 2 months, they're pretty much dead.

And before then, they wouldn't dream of hurting Yuuki after what I did to them.

If they tried to get the police involved, Yuuki and I could reveal the fact that they beat her and Tsunoda was going to sexually assault her.

Oh well, I don't regret what I did. They hurt Yuuki.

Walking down the stairs, I headed toward the Kendo Club Room to pick up my blazer and bag. I'd have to cancel our spar but I'd take Saeko along with me if she wanted to spend some time with me.

But when I was outside the Kendo Club room door, I stopped and tweaked my ears. Hearing what I did, I smirked before walking in.

You may be wondering why what happened actually happened, so, here's your answer: Yuuki hung out a lot with Tsunoda and other people like him, probably having sex with them and whatnot, but now that she's found Ryu she stopped because well, to put it simply they're not as 'manly' as him (also feelings) and that's got them pretty pissed.

Don't worry though, they're gonna die.

Lazyycreators' thoughts