In the interconnected world of American TV series, we will experience the story through the eyes of the main character. As he will try to save those characters who died unexpectedly, and live through the twists and turns created by the creative minds of the screenwriters.
Some popular shows like "The Rookie," "Jack Reacher," "Hunter," and "Person of Interest," as well as potential additions like "Knight Rider" and "Bones," might feature in this world.
There might even be some thrilling police versus gangster dramas. However, apart from the protagonist's special ability, there are no supernatural elements involved.
All the cases and storylines are crafted to serve the overarching narrative, and there may be some intriguing surprises along the way. Readers, please remember that this is all meant to be taken lightheartedly and not too seriously.
(This is a Translation Work )
The_Lazy_Panda · TV
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