
Transmigrated into a blowfish with a Transmutation System.

[Webnovel Spirity Awards 2024] Liu Xinran a abandoned child of his parents. Lives in a shabby place in shantytown. for living he used to beg and sometimes sell picked up flowers to couples. when he couldn't beg or sell flowers he stayed empty stomach for twenty days. no one give him food or water, people will pass by and spit on to his fragile body, if he somehow manages to knock on the door of other shantytown people they would shut the door seeing him. his body was rotten, flies was flying around him. he gets a strange fever that turns his body white and rotten. he would vomit blood. at some points, he lost against this cruel world and passed away. But wait, that was not the end of his suffering. when he finds himself in a dark place. there was no lights but a huge brain. he wasn't sure what was that and out of curiosity he tries to touch the brain but before he could, suddenly he fell from high. his soul was going in to an unknown world. after some moments, he regained his consciousness. but what he saw by his blurry visions was not earth, ground or sky. it was full of fishes, algas and stones. "W-Whaaaaat? I'm in underwater and I can breathe?" he screamed. but he couldn't here his own voice. he tries to touch his throat by his hand but failed. he couldn't even see his own hands. where in the world his hands went? Before he could react, [Ding] [Congratulations, you've gained a Transmutation System] ... ... Okay, so, it's my first time writing a system novel. I don't know what I am going to write but I'm sure it will be funny. please give it a try.

GuYueJiRen · Fantasía
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3 Chs

Transmigration with a System

Whether he understands or not, at least the dog is there to accompany him. This is unlike Zhao Haoyu, who is comparable to a barking dog.

After that day, Liu Xinran never opened his eyes again. He passed away.

Finally, the moment Liu Xinran had most anticipated arrived.

The residents of Shantytown did not even bury his lifeless body. Zhao Haoyu and his followers felt a tinge of sadness, not because he was dear to them, but because they had lost the source of income he represented.

His body? It had become like dry wood. Some beggars took his lifeless form and sold it to a broker of bodies.

How much did they earn from it? Not a significant amount—just a few hundred dollars.

The non-transplant tissue banks harvested his viable organs—his eyes, kidneys, and liver—and discarded his body in the country's largest landfill.

Vultures and crows swarmed the area, feasting on his mutilated remains.


Liu Xinran's soul was departing from the universe. He found himself floating in a void, his hands reaching out into the darkness.

He ascended slowly and observed a colossal brain looming above this dark expanse. Unaware of his demise, he believed it all to be a mere dream.

"What is that?" he wondered.

Whose brain is this? Naturally, it belongs to Liu Xinran. [It represents the subconscious mind of Liu Xinran within the universe.]

Driven by curiosity, Liu Xinran attempts to touch the brain. In comparison, he appears as small as an ant in front of the brain.

Suddenly, a jarring bell begins to toll.

*Ding, Ding*

The ringing persists, and Liu Xinran clutches his ears tightly. The overwhelming power of the sound threatens to deafen him. His eardrums feel as if they might rupture.

Liu Xinran was screaming, his mind racing with thoughts. How could a dream feel so tangible? Could he possibly be dead?

"What is this? What in the world is happening to me?" he exclaimed.

Suddenly, the magnetic force ceased, and the sound vanished, yet a ringing lingered in his ears.

Just as quickly as the bell fell silent, he began to plummet from the heights.

"Aaaaaaah," he cried out.

Gravity claimed him harshly, and he landed with a thud. his body giving way under the sudden weight of exhaustion.


Inside the clouds, there's a water and bubble sounds in his ear lightly.

Liu Xinran suddenly regained consciousness. He slowly opened his eyelids. Infront of his eyes there are thousands of flowers, stars were tumbling, rushing and deeping away in to thin air before the vision becomes clear.

He was lying on the sea ground.

Gazing upward, he noticed numerous small fish attempting to nibble at him. The coral reefs, kelp forests, and deep-sea trenches seemed to sway rhythmically.

Startled, he tried to flee from them. However, his movements were sluggish; he couldn't move quickly.

Glancing downward, he realized he was suspended in the water, his legs nowhere to be seen.

Turning to his right, he spotted a massive sea crab approaching. As someone who had never consumed crab, it was natural for him to feel fear at the sight of it.

To him, the sea crab appeared as a creature from a fantasy, monstrous in its unfamiliarity.

"What in the world is this? How is it possible that I'm underwater and yet able to breathe?" he pondered aloud.

He was never known for his speed on land, and here in the water, his pace was even more hindered. The crab drew nearer, its sharp chelae (claws) poised to scratch at him.

"Why can't I move more swiftly? What actions should I take?" Liu Xinran cried out in desperation. But then, something unexpected happened—the crab's claws came nowhere near him.

His body was inflated into a ball shape to prevent the crabs attack.


Abruptly, all motion in his surroundings halted, as if time itself had frozen.

A mechanical voice, reminiscent of Google Translate, began to speak.

[Congratulations, you have just successfully completed your first mission]





"W-what? What mission?" He said this so loud that even a person from one kilometres away can here.

But, Liu Xinran got surprised. Why can't he hear his own voice? Did he really became a deaf because of that mysterious sound before?

No! He can hear a mechanic voice clearly saying, he just completed his first mission!

What's is this all about?

Liu Xinran wondered if there might be an issue with his throat. He reached for his neck, only to realize he couldn't. Instead of hands, he had fins.

"Why am I unable to touch my neck? Where have my hands gone? My body seems lighter than before," Liu Xinran remarked.

Then, a horizontal green line swept over him.


[Former identity: Liu Xinran. Classification: Homo sapiens. Age: 16]

[Current identity: Blowfish. Classification: Diodon hystrix. Age: 9]

"Whaaaaat? A blowfish? You are telling me that I'm a blowfish?" Liu Xinran said.

[Yes, I'm glad to inform you that you have died. And transmigrated as a blowfish with a Transmutation System.]

"W-what? I'm dead?Transmigration? System?"

Out of the blue, Liu Xinran didn't expect such things to happen.

[ Regarding your concerns, rest assured that your hear and communicate has not been impaired. It's just you have became a another species who has different types of communication system.] The mechanic voice said.

"Wait, you just said, I'm a blowfish?" Liu Xinran has became a coutious person. He tries to understand the situation first.

[That's correct, and I am your system. If you wish to survive, then heed my instructions and complete every mission I assign you.] the system commanded authoritatively.

'If I have truly transmigrated into another world, then it wasn't a lie? Ah, if everyone transmigrates after dying, then why am I a blowfish? I could have transmigrated as a prince or king.' Liu Xinran exclaimed disappointed.

Considering his past life was filled with misfortune, he wondered why his second life had to be that of a seemingly insignificant and poisonous fish.

[The child of tragedy shouldn't regret it's second life. If you complete your task and gain certain amount of points, stars, level up and power then you can become a human with enormous magic techniques] the mechanic voice informed.

"You are saying, there's still a opportunity to live my second life happily?" Liu Xinran asked.

[Yes, you are now on a planet known as 魔域 (Moyu) - Realm of Magic, everyone with brains can become formidable person in this world.] The mechanic Google translate voice confirmed.

After understanding and analysing the situation's pros and cons. Liu Xinran accept his fate.

And asked his system.

"So, how can I become a human soon? Is there any short way to do it faster?" 




The system turns on and off. Showing a huge hologram in the air, Error.

"What? What's going on?" Liu Xinran, cought of guard asked.

[Skipping tasks and quests and searching for a short or fast way is banned in the rules; it's a violation. It's restricted.] The mechanical voice said.

[Error... Error]

[Gathering information]


"What's the fuss? I just asked you about it. Not that I'll apply it." Liu Xinran said.

[Thinking of cheating is forbidden.]

[Here's the second mission of yours.

Mission: Transformation Mastery.

Reward: 1000 points, level up: 2, power: 100.

Punishment: will return to an egg (if failed the mission)]

"I see, but what's transformation mastery?" Liu Xinran said.

[You must learn to harness your new form as a blowfish and master the unique abilities and powers it grants you, such as inflating to intimidate foes, secreting poisonous substances, or navigating treacherous underwater currents.] The Google translate mechanical voice said.

"How can I do these things?" Liu Xinran said.

[A blowfish should know how to do these small things. That's on me; I can't give a response to your question. [Please enjoy yourself.]

[Try not to fail.] 

The mechanic voice said and faded away. What an attitude the system has! As the system disappeared, everything around him started to move again at its own pace.

"Hey, don't go. Tell me how to do it." 

"Why am I always so unlucky?" 

The blowfish shrugged. Dissatisfied with the system. He takes a look around him. 

All he could see was blue water. Sea horses were running here and there. Various kinds of fish His eyes sparkle. If he were a human, he would have caught the fish and eaten them. But alas! He's the one who is at life risk. 

What if he gets eaten by big fish instead?

It feels like it's a survival game show. If he can't complete the task, he will become an egg. If he tries to complete the task, he will be eaten by sharks. 

How to adapt a body of a fish as a human?

Liu Xinran look up, there's a rock, he got an idea.

He then tries to move. As he, the blowfish ventures through the water, its movements lack the fluidity and agility characteristic of swimming creatures. Instead of propelling itself forward with powerful strokes of its fins, Liu Xinran the blowfish relies on the gentle currents to carry himself along its path.

His body, while capable of some degree of mobility, seems somewhat awkward and ungainly as he drifts through the water. Liu Xinran The transmigrated human blowfish may flutter its fins occasionally, but these movements are more for stability and direction rather than true swimming propulsion.

"Why can't I walk?" Liu Xinran cried out.

A fish can't walk.

"Is there any special things about swimming when I'm inside of a fish?"