
whats the matter with you

Well let's get to bouncing 1 2 3 [Whoosh] ok I see the rustbucket I'm going in for landing [Crash] oh shoot that was loud quick gray matter go *Flash of green* ok got to hide Aha I see a window open how convenient now I just have to get this jump right before grampa Max comes out to investigate that noise.

ok one, two, three hup and land I think I will give myself 9/10 for that I need to work on my landings now where am I on the rustbucket let's see I can see a pan and a sink also some dirty plates I don't need to be gray matter to guess where I am this is the kitchen obviously now let's get closer to the tennyson's.

Run run run all the way to the pan that has been left out and peek around it to see what I can see ok there is Ben playing his sumo slammers game and I can see Gwen doing something on her laptop

let's see what grampa Max is doing I look towards the front to see grampa Max walking out of the rustbucket to see what the noise was.

Max's pov

After that weird feeling, I had which I am blaming on that delicious worm and octopus sandwich ate

I heard a loud crash sound coming from my Rv roof which sounded bad so I decided to pull over and check it out. As I was leaving the rustbucket I thought I saw a little grey frog but when I looked again it was gone I think that sandwich is messing with my head again. so once I got out of the Rv I started to climb up the ladder on the side of the Rv and what I saw shocked me it was the footprints of an Orthopterran.

This is concerning I will have to call a few of my friends in the plumbers and warn them about the Orthopterran that is heading north if the footprints are anything to go by well they are vegetarian so there shouldn't be any human victims to worry about but I do wonder what it is doing on earth.

Vlad's Pov

As soon as grampa Max left the rustbucket I heard him talking about Orthopterran's and calling some friends so if I am correct then Max must have thought that there was an Orthopterran running around and decided to call it in which is a shame because I won't be able to transform into crashhopper until I introduce my self to grampa Max, Ben, and Gwen but not all hope is lost I can just stay as gray matter until we get to camp.

Now then let's find a nice high corner so I can test out my web making ability /couple of hours later/ well that was a nightmare to set up so for a quick summary I found a nice corner climbed up the wall with my sticky hands courtesy of my webs and started on trying to make a webbed bed and failing for hours before getting it right I had to concentrate.

so I could get the right consistency of web which was a pain in the butt although I got there in the end and it looks as good as it should by which I mean it looks like a messy spider web but it is sleepable so I call that a win. It also consisted of a lot of close calls as Ben and Gwen for some reason kept looking in my direction which is also part of the reason it took so long to make.

who should I make Vlad's girlfriend for this fanfic plz suggest some ideas plz

VampireAncestor_creators' thoughts