
Transmigrated becoming a timelord ghost ninja

Following through the life of the new life of wrathos.Where the mc is a hyper-intelligent semi-invincible angelic-timelord ghost. Where he starts weak and defenseless then grows to be a omnipotent semi-omnipresent supreme being. Vice guild leader of nines own gown (refuses to be omniscient because their cursed with boredom) goes through a journey throughout the multi-imaginaryverses and throughout time itself. Always killable but its highly unlikely and furthermore througout time. I dont own any characters that are in this story along with their respective worlds. They all belong to their respective owners. I do not own Kirby,Harry Potter, Naruto,World of Warcraft,The avatar the last airbender,Legend of korra, Starwars,Overlord, Dead by daylight, My hero academia,konosuba, Cuthulu mythos, and any other stories,characters, and worlds that my MC visits. They all belong to their respective owners, I do not gain any monetary value from making said story. I do this to better my writing, Express my thoughts and opinions on the original works.

Wrathos · Cómic
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47 Chs

Time skip *Warning Excessive youthfullness*

As I finish my 10k sit ups, 10k push ups , 10k pullups, with 100k laps around the village I splash water on guy to wake him up as he was collapsed on the ground in exhaustion. He stirs then looks up to me then gets up. I then inform him of my workout that I finished(Gai-sensei did the same but only 10k laps then passed out)

He looks at me in the eyes with his watering

"It is the most joyous day when the student can outdue the teacher. It just goes to show how bright your youthful flames have grown. Over these past weeks you have grown so much that your flames are as bright as the sun. even though it's only for these few weeks I'm proud to be called your sensei" Gai-sensei said

"Wait Gai-sensei I have something to tell you... I Cheated. I have been using maxed out weights and these."I pull out my air resistance seals"These restrict your movement by double ,across your whole body. And I have 10 on...." Gai-sensei has his jawdropped to the ground. "I'm sure if you did the same you would have out youthed my flames, and shined yours brighter. I am most unyouthful for cheating sensei please forgive me." I said bowing with fake anime tears rolling down like a river.

***Gai-sensei POV***

I wake up to water splashing on my face. I'm currently drenched in my youthful sweat. As I open my eyes, I see the most youthful person I have ever met. He completed a crazy workout that we started together 1 day ago. I know that we both have maximum weights on because the way he moves and well the cracks on the ground. I never thought I'd see the day someone would outflame my bright flames of youth. I look him in the eyes with amazement then tears come from my eyes as I said

"It is the most joyous day when the student can outdue the teacher. It just goes to show how bright your youthful flames have grown. Over these past weeks you have grown so much that your flames are as bright as the sun. Even though it's only for these few weeks, I'm proud to be called your sensei"

"Wait Gai-sensei I have something to tell you... I Cheated.'What how could my most youthful student cheat wait it would be rude and most unyouthful to not here him out' I have been using maxed out weights and these."I pull out my air resistance seals"These restrict your movement by double ,across your whole body. And I have 10 on...." 'NANI!!!!!' I feel my heart stop its youthful pumping for a good 10 seconds at the same time my jawdropped to the ground'

"I'm sure if you did the same you would have out youthed my flames, and shined yours brighter. I am most unyouthful for cheating sensei please forgive me." Wrathos said bowing with tears rolling down like a river.'What a monster no not monster but'

As the gears in my brain restart my youthfulness I slowly regain my youthful vigour and Look to the sky and say "I HAVE FOUND THE GOD OF YOUTHFULNESS MAY HE BLESS ME WITH HIS FLAMES OF ETERNAL YOUTH!!!!!"

Lord 3rd POV

"What could it possibly be this time, I mean he takes in a new apprentice. Yelling youthfulness more then he does with Lee, almost causing blindness to over half my ninja. Now he is talking about some youthful god. I would put him on medical leave, with ibiki but there are too many missions , and he does alot of them himself. He is a ninja that I truley cant replace I dont know what I can to with him. Well hopefully he calms down when when Lee returns, and wrathos leaves his tutorship because the month is over tomorrow.... I'm to old for this s**t AND WHATS WITH ALL THIS GOD DAMN PAPERWORK IT BREEDS LIKE LOCUS"!!!

**MC POV**

"Umm are you okay gai-sensei?" 'I knew using airbending running , to make me appear more youthful was a bad idea at least he taught me to open the 8 gates'


Gai-sensei "okay my most youthful student, I am going to teach you my family secret technique, remember this is very important. You must not tell anyone of this technique ,till you find someone that will follow in your youthful steps. Also you must deem them worthy to inherit this technique. Or else you must carry this to your death. Now make a promise on the sake of youth to your sensei!"

"I wrathos hereby swear on my youth, that I will follow all terms laid out just now by you gai sensei; till this body ceases all functions"

as I say that I feel some of my time energy leave my body appearing In front of us is a timelord magical contract 'Not this again, ughh cant mind wipe him either. Well at least he doesn't know what time energy is but he will know its needed for regeneration, because it doesn't say in detail he doesn't know how much or how many times'

(BS EXTREEM TIME) "Um guy sensei this is a clan secret I'm about to tell you ,you cant tell anyone about this. I have a kekkei genkia and it's called timelord. With it I can regenerate wounds with its energy 10 times,

I have already used it 8 times. 3 times on my first C turned A mission. Also 3 times in training some fuinjutsu, and 2 times in the chunin exams. I only have 1 left , I used this one to show how serious I am in this promise. For as long as I have 1 regeneration left, I can live forever. But once it goes I become mortal , you cant tell a soul because this is why my clan went extinct. Although I have one left it cant be inherited, they have to go through a trail that's only been past 2 times since the beginning. The first was the sage of six paths, he only died because of a battle with a mighty beast ,he lost all his regenerations.Then there is me thats why I was sent here as an orphan , so no one could possibly find me. Even hokages would kill for this, and I'd become a lab rat to never be youthful again." I say with sad eyes and the most serious expression (kitten eyes + youthful expression=K.O)

He looks at me with a sad expression but with serious eyes

"You see my student, you know that one of the most unyouthful thing is not telling the hokage of important matters. However, with it being a clan secret and it about the survival of said clan, with your predecessor being the creator of ninjutsu.AND MOST IMPORTANT YOUR EXTREEME YOUTH IS AT SAKE I will hereby keep my mouth shut and not tell a soul as I SWEAR ON MY YOUTH!!! He said with the most fiery eyes I've seen. Then we both cry with anime tears.

"Gai-sensei!!!" "Wrathos!!!" "Gai-sensei!!!

"For Youth!!!!" we both yell

"Okay my student here is a copy I made of my family's scroll in it, it holds the technique including the last gate the gate of death. The only gate that no one, no matter how youthful has been able to survive as they die afterwards. You however have flames like a Phoenix, I believe that you will be able to do so without dying eventually. If not you can use that last regeneration, and survive. Just do one thing for me ,when you activate all the gates show the world how youthful you truley are. Youth!!!"

"Youth!!!" As guy sensei goes home I meet my original in an alleyway I place a silence seal, while he checks to see if anyone is around. He gives the clear and I hand him the scroll and say "Please kill me he said so many youths I know I'm good at acting, but this is too much please I dont want to exist anymore I said(woodclone)

original "Good job I can see that happening, sadly well good news is you accomplished the task enjoy your non existence wood clone." I slash its neck and wood drops to the ground.

I quickly look through the scroll and once I've memorized it I burn it. "mwhaha I can just imagine what this will do, because I have chikra not chakra."

***flashback over***

"cough,cough Well I would say keep them seals on they will be your trump card. I will also not tell anyone about this, because of the severity of it.All villages would attack just to kill you, but with how truley godly your youthfulness is. Im sure you would win, but it bring destruction to the world. (Gai-sensei's thoughts 'What have I done I made a monster. If he was to betray the village not only would it be destroyed, but the hokage will have my head on a pike.Well it's a good thing he is the apotimy youthfullness . I know that he won't dare do something so unyouthful. ' "Alright I think we have done enough for today, restwell young wrathos. May the shinigami have pity your enemy's souls."

as I headed back home I stopped by a familiar alleyway, I walk into it and see my original .I then poof out of existence, into eternal bliss away from gai's world of youth.

original:"Its a good thing i swapped just before, I went to wake up gai sensei ,I could here him yell youth from here"

At the end of the alleyway a familiar blondhaired whiskered boy looks at me.

Naruto:" Is that you niisan, I just came back from the ramen shop.what are you doing here?"

"Oh sorry I thought I seen Tora the cat here, and I wanted to pet her. She's such a nice cat."

I see naruto have a big tick mark from that remark

"Forget that demon cat let's go home it's late, and tomorrow is the finals. We need all the rest we can get."