
Transmigrated As Yuu Otosaka In DXD: A Harem Tale

Dying by Meteors, Gabriel Seraphine a Britishman Daredevil with a few screws loose is given a second chance at life as Yuu Otosaka from Charlotte In DXD. So let's see what he does with a second chance In a world he knows about only through the Anime~! [~]~[~]~[~]~[~]~[~]~[~] Disclaimer: I own nothing here, except the stuff I made myself. Also, this is Harem, it says It is the Title, so, please for the love of the great Gods, no rubbish here. Second Disclaimer: Don't expect amazing Grammar... Because look where we are? So don't come Into this Fanfic, expecting God-Tier writing and plot. Hell, there are going to be plot holes. But don't worry, that's why I have you my Sla(*Cough!-Cough!*) Readers...Yes, Readers here, to help this lazy and too relaxed Author out. Yes, Grammar-Naizs I fucking looking at you! I need your kind here! SO JOIN ME!!! - - - - - - (???)"...Wow, a Britishman asking a Naiz for help, you don't see that happening often..." (Author):" Oi, shut the fuck up, don't make me come over there and stick my tea and biscuits so far up your ass, you start cumming them out of your throat, then make you drink It again!" [*Beep!* (???) Has left the Group Chat.] (Author):" Hmph! Mongrel, the lot of them." [~]~[~]~[~]~[~]~[~]~[~] -- Main-Bitch TAGS: WishFulfillment Fanfic | Highschool DXD | Harem | Yuu Otosaka | Charlotte | Power-Hungry MC | Warhammer 40k. Side-Bitch TAGS: Chaotic Neutral MC | Swords & Magic | CYOA Meta Essence. Updates: Whenever I feel like It... -- [~]~[~]~[~]~[~]~[~]~[~]

PlaneswalkerGodZen · Cómic
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8 Chs

Chapter - 5: I'm Just Human & Being A 'Helpful' Plundering Friend

In denial, one is trying to protect themself by refusing to accept the truth about something that's happening in their life. Which I did, since I got here, thinking this is one long dream and I'm going to wake In my bed and smell my Mum's heavenly cooking... But as we can see, I'm never going to get that again, no matter what I do, and that fucking sucks.

Furthermore, In some cases, initial short-term denial can be a good thing, giving one time to adjust to a painful or stressful issue. It might also be a precursor to making some sort of the change in one's life. 

Our brain has what I believe to be "shock absorbers." An example: Everyone and everything I ever loved dying and getting blown Into pieces. It was a confusing, shocking scene. Every second seemed to slow down as the world went silent around mw. My first thoughts were that it had to be a joke, it must be some type of staged presentation. I couldn't believe what I was seeing. I remember thinking this isn't real,  surely  this isn't real. Everyone seemed to be frozen at the moment. It was impossible to process what was happening in those first minutes...and then Death.

In the following day(today), inevitably the shock and sadness of that day would came up. Now, I'm astonished by a common thing most remembered; everyone is Gone, whether I like It or not. It took time for me to grasp that something this horrible could be  reality. There are times when the reality is too shocking and painful to take in all at once. Especially when it's a truth that will turn your world upside down. 

Because, believe it or not, I'm not perfect... I'm just human.


" Ugh..." Accepting reality can be a bitch sometimes...

[" Mm? You okay, Yuu? You were shaking and mumbling unknown words while you were asleep."] Ddraig's concerned voice echoed through my mind.

' Not the best... But, I will get better.'... I hope.

[" Don't worry, Yuu. You have one of the Heavenly Dragons, The Red Dragon Emperor, at your side! If anything's bothering you, punch right through It!"] Was Ddraig's encouraging words.

' Heh, not a bad idea.' Only how I wish, I can punch reality In the face.

[" Bahaha! See! Your all better now!"]

' Thanks once again Ddraig.'

[" Hehe~ No problem Partner~"]

Getting up, I walked back Into the old building. What? Do you think I'm going to forget my riches? Hell no.

' Ddraig, you think you can store our little treasure?' In the banknotes and coins, I even saw diamonds and gems In there. No way In all the nine hells, I'm leaving that.

[" That can be done."]

Now In front of the piles of riches, I smiled, a little cheered up by It.

' And how do I do that, If I may ask?' I need something to take my mind off of, this should do.

[" Hehe, you may. All you have to do is think about It and I'll do the rest."]

' Eh? That easy?'

[" Yep."]

' Alrighty.' Just to be sure, I put my hand over the piles and thought about it.


Following me doing that, the two piles disappeared. And oddly enough, I can feel them. If I need the money, I just have to think about It, like I just did.

[" Done. If you ever need anything In here, just think about It~"]

' Neat.' Was my simple reply to her. Now done with this, I started to walk home, humming a soft sooting tune my Mum would sing to me when I was little.


Suddenly stopping, I looked at half-to-dead scared Issei running away from some guy in a gray suit and stupid-looking black hat. Sprouting from his back are two black crow wings.

" The pervert wants my ass! Run Yuu! RUN!" Issei yelled to me, now 20 feet away from me.

" I'm not a pervert! You damn stray!!" The stupid hat guy yelled out In anger, blushing up to his face.

" See!? He already gave me a nickname! Run while you can, Yuu!"

"..." Bloody hell...


Tripping over something, Issei's face planted the ground, knocking himself out.

' Well... Let's see If I can Plunder stuff like that.' Closing my eyes, I opened them making the Fallen Angel shiver In fear, stopping a few away from Issei.

" That's close enough bird-brian."

" B-Bird-Brain!? Did you know what you're talking to!?" Hearing my lovely nickname, he yelled even more In anger.

" Uh...Yeah. An overgrown Crow. Was that not clear?"

" Grgg!" Clenching his teeth together, the Fallen Angel hands glowed.

" No, you don't."---' P̶l̶u̶n̶d̶e̶r̶.'

Blinking, I find myself In the Fallen Angel's body. Then five seconds later, I was In my body, which feels a lot stronger and faster.

" So It does work~" I chimed out, as a pair of crow wings sprouted from my back. Flickering throughout my body is a golden yet black aura, that yearns for me to use It.

" What!? What's happening!?" Not feeling his wings or holy powers, the Fallen Angel yelled terrified and hateful.

" Itadakimasu! Former Fallen Angel-san!" Flapping over to him, I picked him up and soared through the air.

" What did you do to me!?" With Increasing fear In his eyes, the former Fallen Angel asked me.

" Whatever do you mean?" Flying past the clouds, I darkly chuckled.

" Stop! Please!" Already knowing where I'm going with this, he cried out.

" Nope! Say Hello to Raynare for me on your way back~!" With a fast spin, I flinged him across Kuoh Town to the Church.

" AHHHHH!!" I may have woken up the whole town with that.

Eh, who cares.

["...So your a Fallen Angel, now?"] Sounding kind of confused, Ddraig asked me as I made my way down to the still knocked out Issei.

' In a way, yes.'

[" In a way?"]

' Meaning; I have no idea.'

As I landed by Issei, a bright red light flashed, followed by an explosion materializing In front of him.

" Don't you dare touch him."

Standing In front of Issei is, Rias Gremory. She beautiful young woman with a voluptuous body, white skin, blue eyes inherited from her father, Zeoticus, and a buxom figure from her Mother. Her most distinctive feature is her long, beautiful crimson hair which she also inherited from her father, that reaches down to her thighs with a single hair strand (known in Japan as ahoge) sticking out from the top. Her hair also has loose bangs covering her forehead and side bangs framing her face. Rias' height is 172 cm. (5 feet 8 inches), making her one of the tallest female characters of the series. Lastly, she is wearing a Kuoh Academy girl's uniform.

" Oh! Yellow, Rias-san!" I waved. Rias is "my" desk neighbor. One could call us friends. One of the many many reasons 99% of the boys In Kuoh Academy hates me.

" Eh? Yuu-san?"

" Yep." Closing my wings, they disappeared.

" You're a Fallen Angel?"

" I guess." Wearing a 'hard thinking' expression I sighed," No wonder those Crows loves me."

" I'm..."

" Confused?"

" Yes. Very."

" Heh, don't worry~ We'll talk about It later." Throwing Issei on my shoulder, I started to walk away.

" Where are you going?" Still deeply confused, Rias asked walking by me.

" Home. Where else?"

" Uh...I see."

" Are going to follow me all the way there?" Truly, she wouldn't do that, right?

" I will." I have spoken to soon.


" And we made It."

" Wow... You won't kidding about the Crows." Rias said In slight shock, seeing over 30 black crows flying or sitting around my house.

" Tall me about It."

/*CAW!-No one!-CAW! Broke In!-CAW*/

" Thanks, guys." Waving at the crows, I unlocked my door and walked In. Behind me, Rias followed.

" Home sweet home~" Throwing Issei on the couch, I plopped down on my love seat.

"...I'll be going now." Smiling, Rias left my house after taking a hard and long look at me, and then Issei.

" Devils..." Locking my door, I sat back down and closed my eyes, falling asleep.
