
Transmigrated as CEO's Daughter and Mated to an Alpha Prince

"I WILL FORGE MY OWN PATH!" ~Scarlett "IF THERE'S A CHOICE BETWEEN THE WOMAN I LOVE AND MY FAMILY, I CHOOSE BOTH!" ~Prince Kratos "YOU DO NOT HAVE TO CHANGE FOR ME, I LOVE YOU THE WAY YOU ARE. EVEN YOUR BROKEN PARTS!" ~Scarlett ====== This is a story of a nineteen years old strong-willed Scarlett who grew up in a foster care system. She was a big fan of a werewolf story that she grew up reading. Then she found out that the ending was not the outcome she imagined and expected it to be, making her curse at the author of the story. A hell-bent fury of dissatisfaction just reached to the God. Until one day, Scarlett was transmigrated into the world of the werewolf story that she just finished reading. Waking up as a daughter of a rich CEO. Realizing she has taken over the ill-fated female main protagonist of the story. Living within the story and exploring the world she previously read. Now, Scarlett has to survive and change the tragic fate of the only daughter of Richard Pride before her death becomes reality. --- How will she manage to live in her new reality? Will she accept the ill-fated destiny of her character or make a new path for her own self? Can she make a new ending for the female main protagonist? What will she do if love came in her way? --- Time of Release: (Enough clamor from the readers can make this into daily 2 chapters updates)

madskie00017 · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
39 Chs

Waking Up


A loud scream was heard inside the room of Scarlett.

Followed by the sound of Scarlett's body hitting the ground.

Instinctively, the housemaid opened the door to check on what just happened.

And there she was… unconscious on the carpeted floor.


The housemaid asked for the help of the other staff members.

~Moments After~

Scarlett was placed back in her bed with the chief of staff and other staff members surrounding her.

The most trusted doctor of the Pride Family left some instructions to the chief of staff.

"Is she okay?"

"Maybe she hit her head badly when she fell in the ground."

"Miss Pride is sick, isn't she?"

"Lack of sunlight, I think?"

The housemaids were talking amongst themselves genuinely worrying for the only daughter of the headmaster of the Pride Family.

"Enough! The doctor said Miss Pride is just experiencing some shock and malnutrition. So, we need to change her meal plans," The chief of staff told everyone.

And he made others go back to their respective tasks, "Now, go back to your tasks!"

"Yes, Sir Fredo!" the rest of the housemaids complied with the orders of the chief of staff who happens to be the main butler of the household.

"Belinda! You stay and keep monitoring Miss Pride!"

"Yes, sir!"

Suddenly, Scarlett began to regain her consciousness before the chief of staff left the room.

"MISS PRIDE! How are you feeling? You got us worried!" the chief of staff was relieved to see Scarlett awake and fine.

Upon waking up, Scarlett wondered and scanned the room.

Thinking that she was just dreaming.

'This is just a dream!'

'This is just a dream!'



Scarlett kept thinking to herself.

Both, the chief of staff and the remaining housemaid were wondering at Scarlett's unusual behavior.

"Are you alright, Miss Pride?" the chief of staff asked.

Belinda started worrying for Scarlett.

"Should we call Doctor Rammys again, Sir Fredo?"

The chief of staff was more focused on Scarlett's condition than Belinda's constant worrying.

When Scarlett opened her eyes, there she was…

Still in her new body and standing by her side were Belinda and Fredo.

She suddenly shook her head and slapped herself.

Pinching her own cheeks.

And further inflicting the sensation of pain to herself.

Wishfully thinking that maybe… just maybe… it would wake her up.

At the sight of Scarlett hurting herself.

Both Fredo and Belinda tried to stop Scarlett from further hurting herself.

"MISS PRIDE! STOP! DON'T HURT YOURSELF!" Belinda held Scarlett's wrist to stop her from hurting herself.

'OH . MY . FREAKING . SH#$!' Scarlett cursed within her mind.


"Is something wrong, Miss Pride?" Sir Fredo was evidently worried for Scarlett's well-being.

Since he was tasked by their headmaster to look after Scarlett and she was like a daughter to him.

"Sir Fredo? Let's call doctor Rammys again! Miss Pride is clearly not alright," Belinda was starting to panic.

"Belinda gather your wits! Panicking won't help!" Sir Fredo reprimanded the housemaid.

Hearing the names Fredo and Belinda, it reminded Scarlett of the supporting characters of the story she was fond of.




The two smiled at the sudden compliments from Scarlett.

They were flustered at the unexpected words from the only daughter of their headmaster.

"Ahem! Ahem!" Sir Fredo cleared his throat.

He continued, "I guess Miss Pride is fine after all. Belinda see to it that Miss Pride is well taken care of."

"Yes, Sir Fredo!"

The chief of staff left Scarlett in the care of Belinda.

Upon leaving the room, Scarlett was completely amazed at the realization that she was currently in the body of Scarlett Pride.

Seeing the characters of the book she was fond of in the flesh made Scarlett beam in excitement and momentarily forget the mysterious turn of events.

She rose from the bed and reached for Belinda's face.


"THE BELINDA!" She ecstatically uttered in excitement.

Belinda was bewildered at Scarlett's sudden behavior.

"Yes, it is my face… Miss Pride."

"I AM REALLY SCARLETT PRIDE!" Scarlett said to Belinda while touching her face.

"Yes, you are really Scarlett Pride. The one and only!"

Scarlett kept fanning over the fact that she was truly living the story.

Moments passed from Scarlett's fascination.

She finished her meal and went for a bath.

The housemaid assisted Scarlett all the way to her bath.

Scarlett insisted she could take a bath on her own without Belinda's help.

It was the first time Belinda was kicked out of the bathroom and for Scarlett to take a bath on her own.

Usually, she was being assisted even in her baths.

After Scarlett prepared the bathtub for a bubble bath, she pondered on the things she must do.

Contemplating on her new reality.

'What should I do now?'

While Belinda tried to eavesdrop on Scarlett by placing her ear by the door, hoping she could hear something significant because the door was locked.

'If I am really living now in the body of Scarlett Pride. Then I must do everything in my ability to live and avoid falling for that Alpha Prince… and die.'

'The root of all her miseries!'

'Because of that Alpha Prince… one tragedy after another came into Scarlett Pride's life!'

'I need to list down my goals and priorities from this point forward.'

Scarlett thought over the 3 main things she must prevent from happening.



[1] The downfall of the Pride Family.

[2] Scarlett Pride's cruel public execution.

[3] The most important of all, FALLING IN LOVE TO THE ALPHA PRINCE

'I have a lot of things to do from here forth!'

'They better watch out because a new Scarlett Pride has been born and I won't die just like what was written about me.'

Scarlett finished her bath and left the bathtub.

Drying herself and covered her body with a silk bathrobe.

As Scarlett stepped out from the bathroom, her simple and bright dress was already prepared by Belinda.

"Miss Pride, your attire for the day is a sunny flower in bright sun shade long sleeve, your usual morning dress. For the afternoon, a sunset lily-designed long-sleeved dress with turtle neck collar. Then, for evening…" Belinda showed Scarlett her attire for the entire day, from morning to evening.

She was reminded how much Scarlett Pride loves flowers and changes attire time to time in a day.

But the real Scarlett from the human world was allergic to flowers and only changes attire twice a day.

Sometimes when she feels tired, she doesn't even change at all.

"I don't like flowers. I prefer…"

Scarlet began to choose her own choice of wardrobe.

Then Belinda was astonished at the new style of Scarlett.

Bolder and sultry!

"BLACK IS MY COLOR!" Scarlett prompted.

She added, "Don't you agree, Belinda?"

The black curly-haired housemaid just nodded along.

Agreeing with Scarlett's opinions.

Though, she could not help herself but wonder…

'What happened to Miss Pride?'

A complete change of style.

From the usual conservative and skin-covered attire.

Into a more daring and confident look.

"Now… time to see my father!" Scarlett mentioned to Belinda.

"Yes, Miss Pride!" Belinda was dazing off, mindlessly following Scarlett until she realized.

Their headmaster strictly told everyone to keep Scarlett guarded in the mansion and call for an appointment first before going to his office.

It was already too late for Belinda to stop Scarlett.

'SCARLETT PRIDE 2.0… HERE I COME!' Scarlett thought to herself as she made her way out of her room.



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