
Transformers Prime: I am Allspark

The war between the Autobots and Decepticons transformed Cybertron from a planet of life to one decimated by war. Megatron, in his quest for freedom and equality, led his followers in a war against government corruption, a noble cause that slowly became an unstoppable quest for power that corrupted his soul. Orion Pax, a close friend of Megatron, even considered a brother, rejected the violent attitudes of the revolution, with his noble and predestined heart, received the Matrix of Leadership, becoming a true Prime, taking the nickname Optimus Prime, commander and leader of the Autobots. In the midst of the climactic battle, Optimus Prime, fearing that Megatron would use the power of the Allspark, an object of unlimited power, threw it into space to protect it from the evil intentions of the Decepticon leader. The Allspark wandered aimlessly through the universe, the object itself mysterious and emblematic, but the fact was that it held great power and the ability to bring life to any aspect, and its solitary destiny would be defined by an anomaly that would affect the future of this universe. ======================= AUTHOR'S NOTE: This story takes place in the Transformers Prime Universe, the rights to the work and characters belong exclusively to their creators, this is merely an entertainment story with no intention to offend or criticize. ======================= AUTHOR'S NOTE: The story will contain, among other things, violence and adult content. Mainly, the story will have significant changes as the story progresses, with extra characters in the work to proliferate the entertainment. Ps: I don't know if there is a similar story out there, but I will try to be original and entertaining.

PRIME_PRIMUS · Anime y Cómics
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96 Chs

The Quest for Power

Megatron was at the command post, still adjusting to the power that had brought him back to life. Sometimes he would sigh, becoming more comfortable with the power flowing through his veins.

[Singular Energon... how interesting, It has the same qualities as Dark Energon in that it mystically interferes with the Spark. A power that exists in the human world but has never been harnessed, that's strange.] Megatron thought, looking at his dominant hand. [If the humans of this planet knew of this kind of power, they would have advanced significantly in their technology, so their access is limited. Therefore, until there is a way to decipher their energy to trace it back to its raw state, I am limited to finding this human.] He looked back as he heard footsteps approaching and saw Soundwave approaching in silence as always, keeping a few paces away.

"Soundwave, how did the research I sent you turn out?" Megatron asked, keeping his voice calm.

Soundwave approached the Nemesis' control panel and connected one of his robotic tentacles to one of the bridge's computers, bringing up a collection of research on ancient legends on the holographic screens.

"As I suspected, there are no ancestral records of Singular Energon or anything like it, only documents of the energy sources already originally recorded." Megatron said, a little disappointed. "We control all the Energon mines on this planet, so its rarity is at the same level as Dark and Red Energon. This leads me to believe that perhaps not even the Ancestors and their great wisdom were able to unlock all the secrets of Energon."

Soundwave nodded subtly, agreeing with his leader on this point, for although the Ancestor Era brought great technological advances to Cybertron, it does not mean that all the secrets of the universe were discovered at that time, and there is still much to be learned.

"Hmmmm... that gives me an idea." Megatron grinned, showing his teeth. "If the Singular Energon can combine with my Spark and generate so much power, what would happen if I combined Unicron's power back into myself?"

Soundwave looked at Megatron with doubt, not knowing what to make of this possibility of combining different energies in the same Spark; in a logical situation, experimenting with two energies without the proper preparation and knowledge could produce a positive or negative side effect.

"Soundwave, I'll be gone for a few hours, stay in charge until I return." Megatron walked slowly, knowing how far to go for a fragment of Dark Energon.

Switching to airborne mode, he headed for one of the greatest battles ever fought in the solar system, where a graveyard of dead warriors had been used to demonstrate the power of Dark Energon for the first time, as a test of an army revived by Unicron's mystical power to fight the last Prime.

Finally reaching his destination, Megatron remembered his first encounter with Optimus Prime and his guard dog, Ratchet. He walked among the mangled corpses that were slowly being buried by the dust of the place. When he finally reached the base of the mountain, he crouched down and pierced the earth with his arm, pulling a fragment of dark Energon from the ground.

"The blood of Unicron, the power of the God of Chaos once more in my hands, and now combined with the power of the Energon Singular!" Megatron grabbed the fragment and fused it with his Spark, instantly screaming as if his soul was being burned. "Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!"

Megatron screamed in pain, the worst pain of his long life, not even the injuries he had suffered as a gladiator were as painful as this experience. The Decepticon symbol on his chest, of which he was so proud, emitted a black and white light, along with small glowing cracks that slowly spread across his chest.

Megatron's red optics turned completely black, along with his sclera, which turned a bright purple. The armour that made up his body began to take on a different shape, but it wasn't pleasant at all, as if he was being dismantled from the inside out.

Megatron's scream of pain sent his mind travelling to another place, the ground around him completely engulfed in purple flames, consuming everything around him without any resistance. He looked up at the sky and saw that it was covered in thick smoke caused by the flames, causing some lightning to flash around him.

"What's going on?! Where am I?" Megatron asked, not understanding what was happening, if it was real or not, due to the heavy feeling that was oppressing his spark.

Megatron heard footsteps behind him, so he reflexively turned his cannon back and prepared to fire, but he didn't as he saw a figure of flame staring at him in earnest.

The fiery figure was humanoid in appearance and stood 15 metres tall. He seemed to be analysing Megatron, looking at him as if he were an inferior being, not worth his time, that could be destroyed with a simple thought.

"WHO ARE YOU!" Megatron screamed, but this only caused the flames around him to expand violently, threatening to consume him until he was melted.

"HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA, THAT MAKES THINGS EVEN MORE INTERESTING." Said the mysterious being. "It seems like my brothers have fallen after so long, that's perfect. 

As Megatron regained consciousness, through sheer force of will, he placed his hand on his chest and ripped the fragment of Dark Energon from his chest, causing the side effects of his body to subside and return to its normal state. He struggles to breathe, trying to regain his strength, now feeling weakened, without any increase in power, just in his normal state.

Megatron looks at the Energon shard in his hand, noticing a significant difference in its appearance, where before it was encased in a purple colour, it is now completely black, with a small white aura surrounding it.

"What happened... did the combination of the two cause this reaction? It's like my veins are about to explode." Megatron said, feeling his body weaken, not even having the strength to assume his vehicle mode. "What was that creature? The thoughts I felt from that thing... were anger, a thirst for vengeance I've never felt before."

Megatron rose from the ground with some difficulty, but maintained his composure. [[Soundwave, sync my coordinates with the portal.]] He looked at the black fragment in his hand and felt something dark about it, but he couldn't tell what it was.