
Transformation In The Marvel World

THIS IS ONLY A TRANSLATION This was written by 想静静的顿河 The original name is 变身在漫威世界 I don’t own this work nor its cover, and anything mentioned in this belong to its respective owner. Synopsis : I traveled through time and became an unknown female hero, Quake, Daisy Johnson "Obadiah, my friend, is it just about shrinking the Ark reactor? Let go of that scientist, and I'll use my superpower to help you compress it!" "What? The Insight plan couldn't be executed? Let Dr. Zola rest for two days, and I'll use big data to analyse it for you." “Be warned, Thanos, don't mess with me unless you want trouble! Do you think my title as the World Destroyer is just a joke? With one punch, I can trigger a magnitude 12 earthquake! The Earth will shatter!" Tags : Male to Female, Female Lead, Romance, Harem, Yuri, Marvel, AI, Politics, Magic, Slow Paced, Weak To Strong, Strong Female Lead

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111 Chs

Xmas Holidays

After the initial discomfort passed, Mr. Ward felt that there was no significant difference from before. Previously, he had to play a bold and daring agent, and now he was just switching roles.

When Daisy entered the set, the crew was shooting in an orderly manner.

There weren't many scenes in the lab, mainly involving a few people gathered around a velociraptor egg, witnessing the birth of the velociraptor scene. The eggs were props, and velociraptors couldn't really hatch from them; they would be added later using computer graphics.

The main character in this scene was played by Leo Fitz, the second male lead, who portrayed a mathematician focused on opposing the cloning of dinosaurs from the start to the end.

Fitz had clearly spent a lot of time preparing for this role. He grew out his buzz cut, wore black-framed glasses, dressed in somewhat outdated leather jacket, and had some unknown accessories on his pockets and wrists, giving him the appearance of a rock-loving youth.

Beneath his wild appearance was a delicate and cautious mathematical attitude.

Opposite to him in the scene was a Chinese-American agent.

Fitz used his nervousness to conceal his anxiety.

He played his role naturally, stuttering a bit as he asked the geneticist of Dinosaur Island, "How do you know they're all females? Did someone go to the park and lift up the dinosaur's skirts?"

The scientist turned his back to the camera. "Controlling their chromosomes isn't difficult. All vertebrate embryos are naturally female. They need external hormones during development to become males. If we withhold those hormones, we can maintain control."

Fitz casually sat on a piece of equipment, but his expression was extremely serious. "Your control won't succeed. Evolutionary history has taught us one thing: life is not restricted. Life will always find a way."

Fitz gave a strange smile, closing and then opening his fingers, making an explosive gesture. "That's life."

The scientist's mouth carried a hint of mockery, as if he was looking at a fool. "Are you saying a group of female animals will reproduce?"

Fitz's gaze met the camera directly. "I can't guarantee it, but I know that life will find a way."

"Fantastic!" Coulson stopped the camera, the assistant director was happy, and so were the main actors and crew members. Applause greeted Fitz's performance.

The introverted Fitz could only give his colleagues a silly smile. He could talk endlessly about professional knowledge, but in this scene, he didn't know what to say.

Applause, praise, cheers—no one disliked these things, and Fitz liked them very much. His gaze flickered towards Jemma Simmons, the girl he secretly cared for. Did he now have the courage to confess to her?

As he looked at the girl, Simmons was also looking at him. Their eyes met in the air and quickly shifted away.

"Life will find a way. Although I'm not a scientist, I have to say, Daisy, your lines are well-written. Can I audaciously ask how you came up with this line?" Coulson asked Daisy with some curiosity.

She couldn't say that it was one of the classic lines from her previous life. She could only combine her personal experience and describe a literary girl image who attended a church school but had a strong liking for Darwin's theory of evolution. This story was plausible and seemed quite authentic.

Americans seemed to frequently mention God, but in reality, there were few believers. Special agents walking on the edge of life and death were even less reverent towards the man in the sky. From Coulson's personal perspective, Daisy's line was a rebellion against bad habits and portrayed the image of a contemporary young person who believed in science.

Different people had different interpretations of this sentence.

Fitz, Simmons, and other scientists liked this line very much, secretly reminding themselves to be cautious in scientific research.

Coulson and other frontline agents thought the film had a profound meaning. If the movie could make the public aware of the world's dangers and reduce the chances of reckless behaviour, then this film would be a success.

As a member of Hydra, Grant Ward passed on this classic quote to his superiors.

As for what hidden intelligence the higher-ups could glean from this line, that had nothing to do with him.

Dr. Pym spent two days researching and handed a large amount of calculation data to Daisy. According to him, the current level of Earth's physics has reached its limit, and unless there is a breakthrough discovery, humanity would need at least another hundred years to enter the space age.

Although humanity couldn't achieve this on its own, combining Daisy's superpower made it a possibility. The next step required her own research.

After two days of calculations, Dr.Pym decided to relax and went to shoot.

Daisy took over Dr.Pym's laboratory and went crazy trying various experiments every day. This left Grant Ward, who had been preparing to use his handsome charm on her, quite speechless. No matter how attractive he was, it was useless if he couldn't see her.

This male lead role made him stand out on the set, but his scope of activity was limited. Even though he had placed a few micro, he could only hear explosions coming from Daisy's area and a bunch of incomprehensible formulas. The laboratory seemed to have strong interference, and the sound was heavily distorted. All he could do was collect the remnants of explosions and recordings, handing them over to Hydra for analysis.

Time passed quickly, and in one month, the initial stage of the film's production was completed. The indoor scenes in the laboratory were mostly finished as well. They packed up and went their separate ways as Christmas was approaching.

"How much progress have you made?" Dr. Pym asked Daisy when leaving Yale.

"With precise coordinates, I can teleport within a ten-kilometers range. Beyond that, I can't guarantee the accuracy," Daisy honestly felt quite proud of herself. A ten-kilometer range was impressive; there were very few who could catch up to her within that distance. Even if she couldn't win a fight, she could still run!

Dr.Pym's mouth twisted, seemingly somewhat dissatisfied.

Daisy asked him to look at her arm. The once smooth and white arm was covered in bruises caused by the resonance. She needed to take a break for some time to let her body recover its health.

"Resonance issue... One is to increase your own strength, the other is for shock absorption," the old man pondered again.

Daisy didn't want the old man to worry about her. Over this past month, Dr. Pym had lost a lot of hair due to continuous thinking, accelerating his aging process.

"Don't worry, I have S.H.I.E.L.D. backing me. I can meet all these conditions. You should go home and rest!" The old man had lost his wife, had a strained relationship with his daughter, and had been kicked out of his own company. When he thought about it, his situation was quite miserable.

She gave her employees time off, too. David Lieberman, the introverted guy, went home to accompany his pregnant wife.

The maid, Missy, was also sent on a plane. Regardless, parents still needed to be visited.

Mr. James Wesley went to Spain to be with his former boss.

Her friend, Angela, was with her parents. Angela had invited her to spend the holiday together, but she had declined. Her pseudo-friend, Sharon Carter, was returning to the UK to visit her aunt.

Daisy was left in peace and drove back to New York alone.