
Transformation In The Marvel World

THIS IS ONLY A TRANSLATION This was written by 想静静的顿河 The original name is 变身在漫威世界 I don’t own this work nor its cover, and anything mentioned in this belong to its respective owner. Synopsis : I traveled through time and became an unknown female hero, Quake, Daisy Johnson "Obadiah, my friend, is it just about shrinking the Ark reactor? Let go of that scientist, and I'll use my superpower to help you compress it!" "What? The Insight plan couldn't be executed? Let Dr. Zola rest for two days, and I'll use big data to analyse it for you." “Be warned, Thanos, don't mess with me unless you want trouble! Do you think my title as the World Destroyer is just a joke? With one punch, I can trigger a magnitude 12 earthquake! The Earth will shatter!" Tags : Male to Female, Female Lead, Romance, Harem, Yuri, Marvel, AI, Politics, Magic, Slow Paced, Weak To Strong, Strong Female Lead

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111 Chs

Battling the Red Tank

Lightning of varying thickness struck Red Tank's head. A couple of strikes could be ignored, but too many were overwhelming. The barrage of lightning hits on his body left him tingling. Taking advantage of the opportunity, Daisy dashed forward and landed two sword strikes.

It must be said that using sword techniques in battle was exhilarating, especially when wielding a sharp sword. Daisy employed the sword techniques taught to her by Colleen Wing. With her high agility, she moved around Red Tank, slashing and striking.

The only regret was the absence of a background music accompaniment. On top of that, she had to dodge Storm's lightning as well. While Storm's control had improved significantly, occasional friendly fire incidents were still possible.

Red Tank realized that his charging attacks were ineffective against them, so he resorted to using his fists and feet. Daisy used her shield to block his powerful punches and retaliated by striking his wrist.

Unexpectedly, Red Tank's speed suddenly increased, and he managed to grab hold of her sword. He attempted to crush it, but the adamantium alloy was too strong to be crushed by his bare hands. In his hasty attempt, he ended up injuring himself.

Seizing the opportunity, Daisy withdrew her sword with a swift motion. The blade sliced through muscle and drew out a substantial amount of blood.

"Ah!" The pain made Red Tank growl, his eyes turning bloodshot. Disregarding his own balance, he kicked off the ground, bent his knees, and charged at Daisy, headfirst, like a soccer player going for a header.

This unexpected move disrupted her combat rhythm. With the bulky Red Tank barreling towards her, Daisy had no time to dodge. She raised her shield to absorb the impact head-on.

"Bang!" A loud explosion resounded as Daisy adopted a stance with her left foot forward and her right foot back, her arms bent. Despite her efforts, she couldn't completely nullify the impact.

The tremendous force sent her flying. Daisy somersaulted seven or eight times in mid-air, propelled hundreds of meters before crashing heavily onto the ground.

Red Tank hadn't put his full strength behind that attack; it was merely the force of his jump combined with his weight. Despite this, the impact was immense. Daisy estimated the force to be well over a hundred tons, and although her shield and bracers absorbed most of the impact, she was sent flying due to her own weight.

Wiping a trace of blood from her mouth, she once again raised her shield for defense. Red Tank prepared to strike with his fists, surrounded by an aura of aggression. Daisy cursed silently, "Idiot!" A guy without flight abilities dared to pull off such a showy move. He clearly didn't know the meaning of 'death.'

Abandoning her sword and shield, Daisy focused on her target. Clenching her right hand into a fist, the luminescence on her bracers shimmered. The energy she had stored earlier was channeled. She aimed remotely at Red Tank and unleashed the energy, sending it hurtling towards him.

A fan-shaped shockwave spread out. Red Tank, who was charging at her, first felt the shockwave's impact, followed by the surge of energy stored in her bracers. The immense force countered his momentum and weight. The residual energy propelled him diagonally into the sky, soaring more than ten meters.

Storm, experienced in battles, quickly grasped Daisy's intent. She switched from lightning mode to gale mode, creating a powerful gust of wind. Red Tank, who was supposed to land, was blown upward again.

Watching Red Tank flail his arms in mid-air, Daisy couldn't help but smile. With his feet off the ground and lacking a surface to push against, his strength was rendered useless. Suspended in mid-air, he was nothing more than a sitting duck.

However, relying on wind alone, Storm was struggling a bit. She didn't dare to use too high of a level of wind power, fearing it might bring irreparable disasters to the land. On the other hand, Red Tank was a muscular brute; even in his normal state, he weighed over eight hundred kilograms, and in combat, his muscles swelled, pushing his weight beyond a thousand kilograms. Blowing him away would require a substantial level of wind power.

Storm desperately tried to control the range, but the effect was limited. The wind began to wreak havoc on the battlefield. The female guards sought refuge back in the aircraft, while the mercenaries employed various methods, such as tying themselves together with ropes or sticking their daggers into the ground.

T'Challa and Batroc, who were the closest to the battlefield, were fortunate to have two large trees nearby. Each of them hugged a tree and playfully kicked at each other.

With a thud, Storm's wind power fell a bit short. Wind doesn't distinguish between friend and foe, and Daisy couldn't be helped either. Eventually, Red Tank crashed back to the ground.

Daisy was prepared for this. While Storm was generating a windstorm, Daisy kept her hands pressed against the ground. She activated her vibration ability, causing the earth to tremble slightly. The energy was concentrated at the spot where Red Tank would land.

As the hulking figure rose, he felt a sense of instability underfoot—uneven and shallow steps. His normally sluggish mind was further disoriented by the hurricane-like winds. It was as if he had been tossed into a washing machine. Before he could comprehend what was happening, Daisy clenched her fists and struck the ground with both hands.

With a muffled boom, the force of the impact traveled through the ground and deep into the earth's layers, before finally erupting upward at an angle. The intangible force struck the Red Tank, who weighed over a thousand kilograms. If he were in his normal state, he might have shrugged off such an impact.

However, with his feet no longer grounded, his immense strength was useless. The impact once again countered his own weight. Like a fired projectile, Red Tank was sent flying high into the air.

Daisy looked up to continue observing Storm's performance.

The two of them seemed to have an understanding. Following the same tactics as before, Red Tank was caught in the whirlwind once again. Daisy waited for the right moment, striking with a punch just before he touched the ground, sending him soaring once more.

Being caught in a whirlwind would make an average person's head spin after a few rotations. Daisy recalled that Red Tank's rather comical helmet had protection against mental control, but did it guard against dizziness?

After spinning hundreds or even thousands of times, even the toughest spirit couldn't hold out, right?

Red Tank had attempted to break free from this passive situation. He adjusted his center of gravity and activated the propulsion devices on his boots, trying various methods.

Unfortunately, every time he showed signs of escaping, Daisy hit him with a shockwave. His arsenal of simple tricks depleted, and with no resistance left, he spun faster and faster in the high winds. His already slow mind dulled further, and finally, his brain's self-defense mechanism kicked in, rendering him completely unconscious.

Storm was exhausted from the effort. Seeing the enemy pass out, she ceased her energy output and gradually dissipated the hurricane.

Freed from the vortex, Red Tank plummeted like a massive boulder from a height of three hundred meters. With a resounding "boom," he crashed onto the ground, carrying a massive amount of kinetic energy.

Both Daisy and Storm rushed over to inspect him. Red Tank's consciousness was scattered, but his breathing remained steady.

"This guy isn't dead yet?" Storm was somewhat astonished. Falling from such a height, Red Tank should have sustained obvious injuries. This defied the laws of physics.