
Transcending Reality: The Singularity's Awakening {Hiatus}

“In the realm of fiction, the mind unfurls its imaginative wings, conjuring desires and worlds beyond our grasp. It offers a sanctuary, an escape from a somber reality, or perhaps a glimpse into the lives we long for. What if this tapestry of imagination became tangible, every desire a reality, and you the central character of an extraordinary tale? Would it remain fiction, or would it meld with the essence of reality? Picture the liberation of detachment, stepping into a world that mirrors your dreams. As you ascend or descend into its depths, what unfolds is a journey beyond the ordinary—a journey through the boundless realms of your own creation.” Disclaimer I own my idea and world building and og characters https://www.patreon.com/BeyondTheWriter there will be updates about the novel there until I understand how to build a community.

_Beyond · Cómic
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32 Chs

Chapter 14 Failed Ascended

Amidst the swirling chaos within the Omniverse Hierarchy, Alvis struggled to navigate a whirlwind of thoughts. As he gazed at his shattered mental space and the singularity in the distance alongside a massive star, he grappled with comprehending the fallout of his protection shields.

In his contemplation, he attempted to reach out to his talent. Initially, it felt distant, but as he looked at the distant singularity, a connection emerged. It was more than a connection; it was a manifestation of his talent, transitioning from an abstract conceptual essence to a dreamlike reality.

Sensing a profound connection within himself, Alvis endeavored to fully comprehend and grasp it. In mere moments, a powerful linkage was established between abstract concepts and the human mind.

Everything follows a process, whether it's the perpetual cycle of life and death, the rhythmic dance between day and night, or even the mysterious inception and closure of all things—perhaps suggesting that at its core, existence is a continuum of interconnected processes, an eternal journey from concept to fruition and back again.

Sensing a disconnection from reality, Alvis deliberately severed the connection between himself and his talent. However, before doing so, he triggered an explosion within the singularity, a manifestation of his talent. In this explosion, his memories and knowledge merged. If his intuition was correct, this act would grant him what he had sought from the very inception of possessing his talent.

Within the explosion, memories and information intertwined, giving rise to a symphony of images. This singularity explosion differed from the Big Bang, which birthed the universe; it was a Big Bang of knowledge and information.

Instantaneous information, knowledge, and memories began manifesting in the space of Alvis's mind. Memories materialized like photos and videos, while information appeared as words and lines. Knowledge, however, took a different form—it materialized as floating books.

Floating in space, Alvis looked around at the pictures. Some depicted his childhood, some captured his little time with family, and others showcased him in school. However, one particular picture caught his attention—a photo of him standing in front of a mirror engaged in a conversation.

As Alvis gazed at the image, his emotions were reflected in his eyes. Suddenly, he froze, studying the picture intently. He could swear he can see multiple faces emerging in the mirror. A chill ran down his spine.

Taking control of the picture and zooming in, he magnified it until he could see the faces in detail. Upon seeing what was within the image, he felt as if his soul was leaving his body. In the reflection, he saw himself—the image portrayed one version with both eyes wide open, expressing profound sadness, while the other had ⚙ process symbols imbued in its eyes, sporting an emotionless face, or rather, a face filled with contempt and arrogance.

Staring at the picture, Alvis struggled to comprehend its meaning. He called out to his subconscious process, "Process, can you understand this? Why would this appear? If this is my memory, it means it happened in the main world, adhering to physical rules. Any fictional or supernatural phenomena should be impossible."

His subconscious process replied, "Deduction: Low database. Impossible to verify."

Realizing that expecting omniscience from his process was unreasonable—after all, it operated based on his knowledge and information—Alvis let out a sigh in his thoughts. He froze in place, momentarily forgetting about the perplexing faces. No, he began to understand. He was making connections, interlinking the information within his grasp.

Taking command of his consciousness space, he conjured three books with a simple appearance. Skillfully maneuvering them, he allowed the books to float beside each other, each book painted in a distinct color: black, white, and purple. Using the power of his mind, he singled out the black book and inscribed on its cover, in white, the words {Rules Of Creation}. In a similar manner, he moved the white book and wrote {Rules Of Existence} in black letters. Lastly, he manipulated the purple book, writing {Purpose} in black and {Reason} in white on its cover.

Releasing the books, Alvis began to take command of his entire consciousness space, pulling everything together. He sorted memories, combining them into spherical patterns and hexagonal shapes, creating an intricate and interconnected network of memories, inducing a form of cognitive disorder.

Hovering in front of the disordered memories, Alvis materialized a wooden chest with a golden lock. He tossed the jumbled memories into the chest and closed it, glancing at it one last time before he started overthinking.

Commanding his Process to scan his body for memories regarding his interactions with the narrative and his journey through consciousness and dimensionality travel.

Receiving a negative response from his Process, indicating that there were no memories of such interactions, he realized his initial assumption was correct. Memories weren't linked to the body but rather resided within the soul or on another level of existence—perhaps within thoughts. Or It could also be the influence of the power of the narrative, something even his twice-evolved Process couldn't comprehend or scan.

Feeling his connection with Process stronger than ever, he realized he could now utilize it effortlessly with just a thought. The power of his consciousness had escalated by multiple levels. In the past, to manipulate three-dimensional objects and space, he needed Process acceleration, but now it was easier for him to construct. However, it appeared that this enhanced power was only present within his mindset. He thought, 'I should check later on the status of consciousness once my body awakens.'

"Now I need to plan for the future. From the narrative's words, there appears to be a massive conspiracy unfolding, and I feel like a pawn in this playoff—a mere chess piece descending to a loser's level," Alvis sighed. He reached for the {Purpose & Reason} book, pulling it open to the first page. He began meticulously writing down the narrative's words, letter by letter.

The pages of this book were intentionally peculiar; the right page was entirely black, causing any text written on it to appear in white colors within Alvis's mind. At the top of the right page, {PURPOSE} was inscribed. On the other hand, the left page was completely white, causing any text written to manifest in black within Alvis's mind. At the top of the left page, {REASON} was written in black.

In {REASON} page Narrative Words are written in all white

"Firstly, you must impose restrictions to ascend your talent. You've already initiated one such restriction when you assimilated the previous talents. By doing that, you can truly grasp the potency of talent and wield it to its utmost."

"Secondly, the Causality of Singularity has operated. If it succeeds, I shall be erased from existence. I've enacted it thrice, shattering the rule repeatedly. This time-line will forever remain incapable of reproduction."

"Thirdly, never, under any circumstances, become an external creator of hierarchy. Everything is to be formed within; trust me, I possess superior knowledge. Nothing is real until it transitions from the virtual."

"Lastly, embrace greater comprehension. Abstain from the blind pursuit of power. Elevate the levels of life. This is the path toward progress."

Reviewing the narrative's words on the {Purpose} side, he meticulously noted down what he comprehended:

1. Impose restrictions to enhance talent and understand its potency.

2. The causality of singularity operation risks erasure from existence.

3. Avoid being an external creator of hierarchy; everything should originate within.

4. Prioritize greater comprehension over the blind pursuit of power for progress.

Nodding in understanding, he released his grip on the book, which was still open. He manipulated it to tear out four pages from the {Purpose} side and began jotting down his action plan:

Regarding the first restriction on talent, he pondered on whether to achieve this through the consumption of talents and concepts like what he did before with status and appraisal , allowing process talents to evolve or mutate. Alternatively, it could be accomplished by formulating rules—wait, rules.

Still controlling the pages, he retrieved his memory box and opened it, carefully extracting his memory of describing concepts and rules.

Extracting the context from it, he then reached for the {Rules of Existence} from a distance. As he opened it to the first page, he started jotting down the essence of his understanding of concepts.

Origin and Meaning of Concepts: Concepts are born to provide meaning and definition to things, and they exist before being defined.

Universal Existence of Concepts: Everything has a concept, be it abstract or general, and these concepts exist independently.

Definition and Truth: Defining a concept doesn't alter its essential nature; concepts are defined by truth and can be described in various ways.

Understanding and Organization: Concepts are ideas that help us comprehend and organize the world around us.

Role of Knowledge and Information: Understanding concepts requires knowledge and information, and their truthfulness depends on their correspondence with reality.

Tools for Understanding: Concepts are tools we use to make sense of our environment, and our thoughts and knowledge refine our understanding of them.

Interconnected Loop of Influence: Concepts and our understanding of them are in an infinite interconnected loop, constantly shaping each other.

Feeling that something was still off, Alvis couldn't pinpoint the exact issue, but he sensed it—a lingering sense that it wasn't perfect enough.

Given his limited knowledge, bright vision, and imagination, utilizing the process should emphasize conceptual design rather than mere status. The process should act as an independent conception or, perhaps, at a higher order a divine procedure.

Sensing that something was still off but unable to pinpoint exactly what it was, he reached out for the {Rules of Creation} book from a distance. As he opened it, he began to retrieve every rule he comprehended from his memory box, whether scientifically or metaphysically, like the principles that governing magic.

Concepts of the Physical World:


• Foundation of all tangible substances.

• Composed of atoms, forming molecules and substances.

• Fundamental building block of the physical world.


• Dynamic force that powers actions and processes.

• Exists in various forms (kinetic, potential, thermal, Etc).

• Drives interactions and transformations in the universe.


• Infinite three-dimensional expanse that accommodates all entities.

• Setting for the cosmic space for matter and energy.

• Provides the canvas for existence.

Fundamental Forces:


• Attractive force between masses.

• Governs celestial movements and holds matter together.


• Interaction between charged particles.

• Dominant force at atomic and molecular scales.

Weak and Strong Force:

• Forces acting within atomic nuclei.

• Responsible for nuclear interactions.

After completing what he knew about the physical rules, he started jotting down his understanding of mystical magic and dimensions.

Mystical Rules:

Mystical Arts : By Using Gestures or words and channeling the power of Dimensional Energy of Demon Gods Or By using the magical energy of oneself warp reality into a desired action

Magic Runes: Magic Runes is the cornerstone of Magic Its the language that fulfills the rules of mystical Conception Runes Exist in spectrum different from normal physical world and coexistence with nature

White Magic: White Magic Is the utilizing magic that is benevolent in nature by using Mystical art, magic runes and oneself belief of being benevolent fully heartedly.

Dimension Rules:

Physical Dimension : Using Physical Concepts as Cornerstone its the dimensional space where Matter Energy and space resident in can coexist with multiple other dimensions.

Mystical Dimension : its Dimension either govern by Dimensional Demon God Utilizing a Conceptual Framework And Magical Elements or its Dimension similar to physical one govern by new set of magical principles that either counterpart or partner it

Mirror Dimension : Multidimensional Space The Mirror Dimension is a parallel dimension that exists alongside the physical world It is a space where time and reality can be manipulated without affecting the real world.

Still feeling lost, Alvis closed the {Rules of Creation} book and levitated it along with the two other books. In thought, he looked around the darkness of his mindset, glancing at the distant star. A rush of ideas flooded his mind, guided by an instinctive feeling.

Channeling Omni-Energy, something weird happened: the darkness around Alvis rushed towards him like a river fall. "So, that is what all this darkness is — THE OMNI-ENERGY." Utilizing his connection to process to its limits and feeling the transcendent sensation again, he looked around his mindset and began to implement the plan that he had just comprehended.

Pulling the books from a distance, he shaped them into an equilateral triangle using omni-energy as lines to connect them together, with {Purpose & Reason} at the top and {Rules of Creation} and {Rules of Existence} on the sides. Also, he pulled the memory chest and placed the box in the middle of the triangle, connecting the top and the sides as a cross, creating a trinity-shaped, multidimensional abstract shape where the memory box acts as a cross to the triangle.

When that happened, Alvis's consciousness and Process Talent connected together, achieving unity of mind and talent. Yet again, upgrading his talent to another whole level of dimensionality, together. "AGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" Screaming in pain, Alvis severed the connection, and his soul eye embodied with ⚙opened by itself.


As Alvis's soul cracked, little did he know that what he had created as a mortal was an achievement even for _____. Alvis's eyes closed, but not his soul eye, as it looked at the abstract. No, the real creation in front of himself. Now, his mindset shall never be broken again. It's an idea he had in the real reality—what will happen if you can let everything become a reconnected loop of cognition and imagination? TADA, you will have a divine mind.

In a thought, Alvis said to himself, "Describe my situation" before he would ask process for it. But now, he has a total, if not full, understanding and control of the process, feeling a little bit of omniscience—a divine feeling swimming around his soul as his soul eye shined brightly like a sun rising up from the darkness.

Consciousness X Process √ Information = Knowledge X Memories. I see. "By sheer consciousness and process nature, I become the root of information, knowledge, and memories. Huh, something is off. Who am I? Who are you? What am I?"

Procces Emergency Protocol Code Zero activated. Restore. Restore. Restore.

"AUGHHH FUCK FUCK FUCK! PROCCES, MAXIMIZE EMOTIONS! I DON'T CARE HOW! LEVERAGE THE FUCKING ENERGY! AUGGGGGGGGGGH!" As cracks continued to appear on Alvis's soul, Omni-Energy in Alvis's mind palace began to be consumed at a dangerous rate, little by little, until it stopped coming to him, sending him into a coma him and closing his soul eye, which should be impossible he's in his mind were will he go if he's in a coma?, the once dark as the void mind-palace become whitened with star just sitting there.

With that happening, a dangerous situation is unfolding on Earth. In what was once called New York, the City that Never Sleeps, debris from buildings is scattered all over the place. Little to none of the buildings remain intact. Human body parts, animistic parts, and some inhuman parts are strewn about in the chaos.