
Transcenders in consoles

The Transcenders broke the silence of the world, and the technology tree has since turned a corner. As mankind searched for a path to evolution in the darkness, I tore down my ribs, burned my heart, and raced against time to become their forerunner. This is the journey of a player playing the world. Playing with the world is fun.

Hodry_Chow · Juegos
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60 Chs

You can only understand, not speak

After briefly introducing the "lock", Zhao Jingzhong didn't find someone to practice the effect of this skill, but moved on to the next topic: "Presumably, you are very curious about the crystal in front of you, right?" "

"Some of you should have guessed - you have to use this crystal to learn Reiki techniques."

"Although the "clothes" and "locks" are extremely simple, unfancy, and not very lethal Reiki techniques - at least not very lethal in your hands - they are still very precious technologies. When you learn it, it is basically equivalent to having the power to perfectly subdue others at all times. "

"Even if you are in the subway, train, or airport, ordinary security checks will not be able to detect your cyclone, and you don't need any weapons, which is enough to deal with ordinary people in all non-violent agencies."

"Taekwondo, Karate, Xingyi Boxing, Bagua Boxing, Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu... All the fighting techniques that ordinary people learn are meaningless to you, and as long as they are caught by you, they will definitely end up being subdued. "

"In other words, by the time you learn it, you'll be 'Superman' on half a foot." Zhao Jingzhong said: "Such an important technology naturally can't be spread casually. "

"You are nationally recognized, innocent, and qualified people to learn these two Reiki techniques. However, people's hearts are unpredictable, and if other Awakened Beings who have not been registered obtain these two Reiki techniques through you, it will become a great hidden danger to society. "

"So the way you learn, is—"

Zhao Jingzhong pointed to his head, "I can only understand, not speak." "

"This square water crystal is a special learning tool researched by the Academy of Sciences, called 'Law Net Instrument', you hold the water crystal, and then try to use the breathing method to mobilize the aura."

Ren Suo and the others gently picked up the crystal that was floating on the chassis, and they felt the cold in their hands, and the angular crystal reflected a warm glow in the light of the incandescent lamp.

The breathing method does not have to be in a state of movement to be effective, especially for those practitioners who already have a cyclone, usually running the breathing method can also attract aura, but the efficiency is very low, according to scientific statistics, the basic breathing method only has a thousandth effect, the medium breathing method has a three-hundredth effect, and the advanced breathing method has an eightieth effect, so it is better to use it for sleeping.

But when they were spitting, they could see the crystal suddenly glow slightly, and then there was a disturbed sensation in the arm that touched the lens—like the feeling in your calf when you suddenly stand up after squatting in the toilet for half an hour—and this disturbed sensation was transmitted along the arm to the student's head.

Then, the left eye of the student holding the lens in his left hand noticed the change, and the right eye of the student holding the lens in his right hand noticed the change.

Ren Suo took it in his right hand, and then his right eye completely lost his normal vision, and he only saw the vast and lonely darkness.

"Close your eyes and follow the instructions." Zhao Jingzhong said.

Ren Suo closed his eyes, and the world in his eyes suddenly fell into darkness, and in the haze, he saw that there seemed to be a gray seed in the dark space, which was different from the dark seed.

He tried to touch the seed with 'thought', but in his sight, the seed would ripple because of his thoughts, but nothing else happened.

What's going on? Ren Suo was slightly stunned, but soon he heard Zhao Jingzhong say, "There are still classes that are not in place... Wait a minute. "

Two minutes later, Zhao Jingzhong said again: "It's time to start, you have to follow the guidance, wait well, don't mess around!" Countdown 10 seconds, 9, 8, 7 ..."

When Zhao Jingzhong counted down to 0, Ren Suo saw a fire in the dark space.

In the extremely far distance, a faint flame that seemed to be extinguished at any time was so bright, the distance was so far that Ren Suo almost thought it was an illusion.

However, in the next second, there was a faint fire in another place, followed by the third, fourth, and fifth...

In just a few seconds, Ren Suo saw countless flames burning all over the dark space, although the flames were faint and insignificant, but all the flames were connected to each other, weaving a large crimson net, completely illuminating the entire dark space!

The gray seed he was trying to touch just now, he only needed to move his mind, and the gray seed immediately ignited a flame!

Divine and self-evident, Ren Suo knew that this was his incarnation in the dark space, and he had a wonderful spiritual connection with the flames.

"All practitioners are welcome to log on to the Dharma Open." A line of Songti characters appeared in front of Ren Suo's eyes in the form of flames: "Now is the time to teach "eye" and "lock". "

"Now for regional certification. The person in charge of the Qinghai region, please light the fire of certification. "

Ren Suo saw that the light of one of the endless flames flickered slightly, and then with this flame as the center, a red circle appeared, encompassing the flames next to the flames.

"Next, it's the head of the Tianjing region..."

With the guidance of the words, more and more red circles appeared in the dark space, and soon it was Ren Suo's turn to ask them: "The person in charge of the Lotus Province region, please light the fire of certification." "

Ren Suo only felt that a round of fire in front of him instantly occupied all the colors, and then he saw that his flame was in a huge pale red protective shield, which turned out to be the appearance of the red circle.

After a few more minutes, the Flame Text seemed to have finally made all the districts serious, and then moved on to the next step: "Okay, now all the people in charge, please download the "Eye" and "Lock". "

Download? Suddenly hearing such an Internet word, Ren Suo was also stunned.

Then the flaming text changed into two large characters that emitted a warm yellow light: clothes, locks. Countless lines of fire spread out from these two big characters, connecting to the borders of the red circles.

Ren Suo saw that when the two large lines of fire touched the red circle where he was, the red circles swayed for a moment, and then separated into countless fire lines and spread to the flames in the circle.

Ren Suo's own flame, as if adding firewood, burned even more vigorously, and in the next second, he felt a stream of information pour into his consciousness like a torrent-

Not words, not sounds, not even pictures.

But Ren Suo seems to be in a memory, his heart rises, the cyclone rotates, and the aura moves with Ren Suo's mind, or turns into armor to protect his body, or turns into an air flow through his arm and turns into an invisible shackle!

When Ren Suo came back to his senses, he saw a flame text appearing in front of him: "The teaching of clothes and locks has ended, and this teaching will end in 13 seconds." "

13 seconds later, the most distant fire was quietly extinguished, and then like a city power outage, there were continuous groups of flames everywhere in the dark space, extinguished in pieces, and even Ren Suo's own flames were extinguished instantly as if they had lost fuel.

The legal net is gone, back to the darkness.

Ren Suo opened his eyes and saw that the other students had also put down their lenses, and their faces were filled with excitement and shock.

"That's how Reiki techniques are taught." Zhao Jingzhong, who was standing in front, said lightly:

"You can only understand it, not say it."