
Transcenders in consoles

The Transcenders broke the silence of the world, and the technology tree has since turned a corner. As mankind searched for a path to evolution in the darkness, I tore down my ribs, burned my heart, and raced against time to become their forerunner. This is the journey of a player playing the world. Playing with the world is fun.

Hodry_Chow · Juegos
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60 Chs

Am I So Great?

"The Sky Thief Awakening Method is derived from the video "Go to 10,000 Meters".

In the video, Li Le said: "Most people who have watched this video will subconsciously think that this video is fake, and they don't plan to continue to investigate. "

"And some people will also look at the evidence of 54P in front of them and see the truth with their own eyes: this video is real."

"Most people who believe that this video is real will also think that this goddess ... I don't like the word goddess, because the girl who triumphs over nature in the video shouldn't be portrayed in terms of gods, an impotent term that represents 'end'. "

"I am Chinese, and there was a sage in ancient China who said: 'When you hear the Tao, you can die at night'. And this girl, she did not wait for the saints to preach, but relied on her own victory over nature to witness the way. "

"I call her, Seeker."

Li Le walked to the edge of the rooftop, as long as his body leaned for a minute and he couldn't control his balance, he would most likely fall into the air on the other side, fall from a height of at least 24 floors to the ground, and turn into a puddle of rotten meat!

"In the past few days, I have completely watched all the videos of 54P - yes, a total of 4 days, 11 hours and 43 minutes, 6463 minutes, I haven't missed a single clip, all, part, watch, finish."

For some reason, when Ren Suo saw Li Le's dark eye bags, he always felt that he was very convincing when he said this.

"I have fully witnessed the change of the seeker," Li Le said, "and she had no rest or food along the way, her face was withered and her body was haggard, but she was still able to accomplish what can be called an inhuman feat of climbing." "

"People who believe that this video is real may have thought of a reason for the seeker: she is a mechanical warrior of the Pacific Federation, a super hero who was bitten by a spider, ant, and mantis, and a mutant who suddenly awakened her abilities..."

"But I say, she's not as mysterious as you think." Li Le's tone was very affirmative: "A seeker is an ordinary person!" "


Ren Suo raised his eyebrows slightly, he really didn't expect anyone to see this.

After all, in addition to 'physical strength is not human', the seeker can also climb the 10,000-meter peak with his bare hands, dozens of times, hundreds of times when encountering danger, he can also react quickly to show the superhuman nerves of escape, when Ren Suo watched the video at GIligili, almost no one believed that the seeker was a human -

It's either special effects, robots, or superpowers.

Not a normal person anyway.

Unless the United Nations changes the definition of a normal person.

"Yes, you heard it right, the seeker is an ordinary man." Li Le continued: "I can cite countless pieces of evidence to prove it, but it is meaningless - you definitely don't believe that a person who has climbed the 10,000-meter peak with his bare hands for five days is an ordinary person. "

"And this fact is meaningless, even if she is really an ordinary person, what good is it for us?"

"But, she's an ordinary person and it's really good for us."

"Why would she do this extreme challenge and never rest? Why did she climb the 10,000-meter peak and be in distress dozens of times? Why did she ... Will it dissipate in the light at the end? "

"Because, in this way, she is born to die, burning her life and seeking the truth!"

Li Le put on a posture on the edge of the rooftop, his whole body was full of energy, and his eyes were blazing!

Suddenly, he took a step forward with his right foot, stepped heavily on the edge of the rooftop, his body was straight, his waist drove his upper body, and he punched forward heavily!

Ren Suo's scalp was numb when he saw it - this action was naturally commonplace, even if Li Le played very 'strongly', Ren Suo usually wouldn't take a second look.

However, the position he occupies is on the edge of the rooftop of a high-rise building!

All it takes is for him to make a mistake, even if his body balance is slightly out of balance...

Ren Suo could see that Li Le was also very nervous, his eyes hardly dared to look elsewhere, the green tendons on his hands were bulging, and the thick tendons and veins on his neck were clearly visible.

However, he didn't stop and continued to punch on the edge of the rooftop!

Ren Suo has never learned martial arts, whether it is karate, taekwondo, or tai chi, he has only seen it, but he has not learned it, and the only thing that can be regarded as martial arts is the eleventh set of national radio gymnastics for primary and secondary school students.

But Rao is like this, Ren Suo can also see that Li Le's punches are very smooth and natural, one punch and one kick are vigorous, and that kind of straight toughness makes his punches as steely as undaring.

Just looking at it, Ren Suo felt that this person could kill people!

The kind that beats people to death!

In fact, martial arts practitioners like Li Le are not uncommon in China, in addition to the gossip Xingyi passed down from generation to generation, there are also imported products such as Sakura Karate, Kendo, Silla Taekwondo, etc.

Except for the kind of enthusiasts who are purely for physical exercise, the high-end characters among this kind of martial arts practitioners, that is, the chief martial artist of each martial arts hall, not to mention the combat skills, but the basic skills must be very solid.

If you really talk about combat skills, they may not be much more powerful than street gangsters - martial artists usually focus on fighting, but street gangsters beat people to the point of mutilation.

But their muscles, under the plate, are bound to be extremely well trained, and the strength of the move is amazing, and a single blow can make ordinary people lose the ability to resist.

Li Le is like such a person, even if he is practicing martial arts on the edge of the rooftop, his lower plate is still extremely stable, and he does not tremble at all - if he shakes, he will fall down - like a reef nailed to the rooftop, he will not be blown by the high-altitude wind!

About three minutes later, Li Le seemed to have finished a routine, his whole body was drenched in sweat, as if he had just been fished out of the water, but for some reason, his eyes were getting brighter and brighter, and when he looked at the camera, Ren Suo felt that his gaze was like two swords about to pass through the screen!

"This is the Heaven Thief Awakening Method!"

Li Le said loudly: "I am the Li family in Hejian, an ancestral boxing gun, once performed a discipleship ceremony under Mr. Fan of Nangogua, was diagnosed with leukemia a year ago, and went home for treatment. "

"Half a year ago, I met someone who was stepping on the fire in the middle of the city, and since then I have been pursuing the mystery of the world. I am a person who is struggling to survive, and I don't want to drag down my family and friends with my own body, and end up in a hospital bed with a painful and painful result. "

"I pin my hopes on extraordinary power, just like people in the past pinned their lives on alchemy, divination, and drawing talismans, which is just a kind of grasping a straw before dying."

"However, I succeeded."

Li Le clenched his fists: "If "Assassin man: Bloody Feast" is Ren Naiser trying to tell us that this world is not simple, then "Go to 10,000 Meters" is actually Ren Naiser telling us a transcendent road!" "

"The seeker's incarnation of light at the end actually represents her stepping into the transcendental!"

"This is the awakening method revealed in Go to 10,000 Meters: there is a great terror between life and death! As long as you step on the line of life and death, it is possible to awaken your ability and step into the threshold of transcendence! "

"Of course, no matter how much theory you say, it's better to put it into practice."

Li Le looked at the camera and said word by word:

"Through this method, I have awakened my superpowers!"

I saw Li Le's fists clenched, and soon his bronzed skin was glowing with brass, and after a while, his hands completely turned brass, and the smooth skin suddenly raised with sharp and dense scales, like monster hands.

"This ability, I call it—"

"Copper scales!"

Li Le walked to the other side of the rooftop, and there was a ... Motorcycle!

This motorcycle is still a very common kind, that is, it is often seen in the town, the center part is red, the back seat is black leather, and there is a storage box at the back, which can not only put things, but also make the person in the back seat not fall even if he does not hold the driver.

Even now in China, outside the railway station in second- and third-tier cities, you can still see this kind of motorcycle as a passenger (slaughter) service, and even some motorcycles are equipped with canopies and rear carriages, which is a very convenient and dangerous means of transportation.

The motorcycle did not have a license plate, Li Le sat down and twisted the key, the engine of the motorcycle rattled, he kicked off the stationary frame of the motorcycle with his left foot, and started the motorcycle on the rooftop!

What does he want to do? Flying on the rooftop?

In fact, Li Le was obviously not so crazy, he braked and stopped after driving about three or four meters, and said to the camera: "You see, this is a completely normal motorcycle that can be started." "

He turned off the motorcycle and stepped down, pressing his hands on the red body of the motorcycle.

Ren Suo's eyes narrowed slightly, "Will he ...?"

"Does he want to tear the motorcycle by hand?!"

Ren Suo turned his head sharply and noticed that there were several people watching behind him, and it was one of the teenagers who was amazed by the words.

He didn't wear headphones, and the Jian Kee noodle shop was very noisy on the side of the road, so in order to hear Li Le speak clearly, he naturally turned on the volume of his mobile phone to the maximum.

As a result, the other diners heard the video, and Ren Suo had no idea when they were standing behind.

The diners didn't care when they saw Ren Suo, but stared at the screen.

"Optimistic about ——!"

Li Le's copper scales were like grabbing cardboard boxes, completely crushing the steel body of the motorcycle!

In the next second, his hands rushed into the oil pipe and oil cylinder, and with a hard lift, he directly split the motorcycle in half!

Li Le slowly straightened his waist and raised his hands flat, his oil-stained copper scales shining in the sun.

Then he plunged one hand into the ground and crumpled the concrete floor into powder like digging sand!

"I'm still exploring this ability." Li Le looked at the camera and said lightly: "Of course, superpowers give me more than just destructive power. After I woke up, my body gradually improved. "

"According to the latest physical examination report, although I have not recovered my health yet, my condition has been suppressed and has begun to improve."

"And this is all brought about by superpowers; And the superpower was obtained by me using the Heaven Thief Awakening Method. "

"The Heaven Thief Awakening Method, in addition to practicing on the edge of the rooftop, there must be many other methods, such as mountaineering, such as swimming... Anyway, the core is four words, the line between life and death! "

"As long as you stay in this state, it is possible to awaken your superpowers!"

Li Le spread out the copper scales and said: "I posted my summary of experience on the Internet, not because of how compassionate I am, nor because I want to be famous. If nothing else, I was no longer in China when you saw this video. "

"I learned this method from Ren Naiser's "Go to 10,000 Meters", and Ren Naiser is willing to use a special method to permanently keep this video on the Internet for everyone to see, which shows that Ren Naiser hopes that more people will see, understand, and learn."

"I, Li Le, will repay my kindness, and since I have been reborn because of Ren Naiser, I will naturally repay me. But there is no trace of Ren Nether, not to mention that he must be a great power with great ability, and it is not rare for a pawn like me to be rewarded. "

"So, I followed Ren Neise's practice and publicized the cheats I got from the video. That's the only way I can do it. "

Li Le suddenly bent down and bowed to the camera: "Although I don't know who you are, although I don't know what your purpose is, but ... Thank you, Ren Neisse. "

End of video.

Ren Suo turned off his phone, and someone in the onlookers behind him asked, "Brother, where did you find this video?" Why can't I find it? "

Ren Suo took the last noodle into his mouth, took out a tissue and wiped his mouth, and said casually: "This video must have been blocked, don't think about it." "

He left the noodle shop with a calm expression, as if nothing had happened.

It wasn't until Ren Suo got home and closed the door that he leaned against the wall and covered his chest.

He felt his pounding heart, licked his lips, and let out a strange laugh like a glue guy who saw the Ancestor Gundam, a virgin holding his girlfriend, and a poor ghost holding a winning lotto jackpot.

"Hey, hey, hey... Am I so great!? "