
Transcenders in consoles

The Transcenders broke the silence of the world, and the technology tree has since turned a corner. As mankind searched for a path to evolution in the darkness, I tore down my ribs, burned my heart, and raced against time to become their forerunner. This is the journey of a player playing the world. Playing with the world is fun.

Hodry_Chow · Juegos
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60 Chs

"I Am the Weakling"

After eating noodles and going home, the wonderful heartbeat finally dissipated, and Ren Suo calmed down to understand what had just happened.

If Ren Suo guessed correctly, it should be because of the "key search system", when he is outside, the person who gives him this kind of excitement should be the existence that can obtain the key.

Ren Suo still doesn't know exactly who will produce the key, but based on the two examples of Mo Zhaolong and Li Dan, he knows that the person who can produce the key is at least better than him, an ordinary college student who is not diligent in his limbs - this shows that the road of 'armed seizure' is basically unworkable.

Unless he can get some better rewards in the game.

Therefore, Ren Suo didn't take this matter to heart, but continued to attack the game "If you are strong, you will go 10,000 meters". After reaching the record point of 2048 meters, Ren Suo found that his speed had increased a lot, and he used to rise at most 2 meters in one minute, but now he can rise 2 meters in half a minute.

The premise is that the seeker is always on the move.

At this stage, the platform in the picture is not as dense as the first two kilometers, Ren Suo has already tried to die once - he used too little force, the seeker did not jump to the corresponding platform, and there was no platform below, and then the seeker fell directly to the bottom of the screen, died directly, and had to start over from the recording point.

Another time, Ren Suo controlled the seeker's jump, but this time he jumped his head too hard, and just as the seeker was about to fly out and fall for some reason, the stickman seeker suddenly turned around and grabbed the edge of the platform.

Ren Suo then remembered that the female seeker had a setting of "women: can respond quickly when encountering a crisis", but he watched the stickman for dozens of hours, and he had long forgotten that the role he controlled was a woman...

As the seeker climbed to about 3,000 meters, Ren Suo discovered a hidden message: certain white markers on the altitude bar would turn gray out as the seeker moved in different directions.

When the seeker jumps to the left, the 5,896-meter record strip is grayed out; When the seeker jumps to the right, the 6,853-meter record strip will be grayed out.

In other words, there are two forks in the road: the record point going to the left is completely different from the record point going right, and once you have selected one road, you cannot activate the record point of the other road unless you go back to the record point of 2048 meters.

Ren Suo chose a random path, and when he reached 4,000 meters, his speed increased again, and if he moved at full speed, he could increase his altitude by 5 meters in a minute.

However, the journey is getting harder and harder, and Ren Suo encounters a 'trap' for the first time.

It was a gray platform that was not as dark as the other platforms, and when the seeker jumped over, this platform suddenly cracked, and Ren Suo subconsciously pressed the jump again, and then the seeker jumped up, just in time to touch the edge of the other platform, and narrowly survived.

Ren Suo gasped, if he fell, then he would have played for nothing for ten hours...

Ten hours!?

Ren Suo looked up and found that it was almost early in the morning, so he quickly took out his mobile phone to order takeout and continue to play - anyway, he only woke up in the afternoon, and now he is very energetic.

When he reached 4,500 meters, Ren Suo saw the others.

Other stickmen.

Instead of jumping directly on the platform like the seeker, these stickmen walk along another path that is not shown on the screen, walking up at a slow pace.

The seekers also intersected with them, but when the seekers intersected with them, the stickmen stopped.

"It's a well-equipped team, and they're talking about you."

The game pops up such a strange message.

Ren Suo paused for a moment and found that they were not moving, so he chose to continue jumping up.

Although the latter road also has the trap of the gray platform, it is not particularly difficult to deal with. On the contrary, when he reached 4800 meters, he saw a group of stickmen coming from behind, but unlike the previous stickman team, this group of stickmen was very fast, flying next to the seeker in a smoke.

Ren Suo saw that the group of stickmen seemed to be sitting on a vehicle, as if it were a vehicle...

"Meow meow?" Ren Suo was stunned: "There is still this kind of operation?" "

Just when Ren Suo thought that he had missed some place and didn't get this kind of transportation, the group of stickmen drove back.

"Need help?" The stickman pops up a dialog box.

Then there is the dialogue option that Ren Suo likes to see:

(1) "No, you don't have to."




"What the is this option called!" Ren Suo complained frantically, "It's all about refusal!" "

However, Ren Suo found that he didn't execute it immediately after selecting a dialogue option, and had to press [OK], at which time he could also choose another dialogue option.

Then the seeker said, "No, thanks."

The stickman convoy was still parked, but as Ren Suo controlled the seekers to move forward, they left with them.

Finally at 4 o'clock in the morning, Ren Suo finally controlled the seeker and came to the 5896-meter record point!

When he reaches a record point, Ren Suo wants to complete a big goal at a stage of life, and his whole body relaxes.

Interestingly, the 5,896-meter recording point is not the same as the 2,048-meter one, and the large platform on which the recording point is located — the platform of the recording point spans the entire screen and does not fall at all — there are many other stickmen.

This point of record has its own name: Base Camp.

The stickmen seemed to be surprised when they saw the seeker, and they kept popping up a dialogue bubble, but the dialogue bubble quickly appeared and disappeared, and Ren Suo couldn't see what it was at all.

Ren Suo put down the handle and went to sleep, and didn't get up until 11 o'clock the next day, and he felt so hungry that he could eat himself, so he hurriedly went down to a bowl of noodles to cure his stomach. The aunt downstairs saw him and said directly: "Two bowls of big beef brisket fried sauce and noodles, right?" "

Ren Suo is also a little strange about how his stomach can eat so much recently, you must know that although he is a little house, he is not a fat house, and his appetite is not big, and he has doubled recently.

went home and continued to challenge "If the Strong Are 10,000 Meters", Ren Suo found that on the 5,896-meter record point platform, those stickmen did not continue to surround the seekers.

After playing for two days, Ren Suo found that this game seems to have a unique magic, although the seeker can only jump, but he is particular about how hard to jump and where to jump.

For example, before Ren Suo came to the 5896-meter record point platform, he encountered a gray platform that would break and was on the way to pass, if he wanted to rise safely, he had to go a little detour to the unknown place on the right, but Ren Suo chose to challenge the gray platform directly, and he asked the seeker to jump immediately before the platform was broken when he jumped to the gray platform, so as to achieve the consequences of the double jump!

The stamina gauge is almost insufficient, but this challenge is really exciting!

Now that he is more than half of the way through, and he can now almost raise the altitude by one meter with every jump, Ren Suo is very excited:

"Okay, I'm going to play this game today!"