

The Dragon, ascended to Godhood. Alone on enemy ground, no allies in sight, or so it seems. The Phoenix, reborn in glory. Confused by the actions of Gods, but grateful nonetheless. The Wolf, transcending beyond all limits. Trapped in a land hidden from all, familiar faces lurking nearby. The gates between dimensions quiver and shatter, return of a long-forgotten race. A threeway war, the massacre of deities. Days, months, years...conflict never ends. Life and Death, a sacred cycle defiled. Rebirth, the anomaly resulting from it. Old grudges, transversing worlds, galaxies even. And brotherhood, an unbreakable bond even in death. The Dragon King, his will affecting the universe itself. The King of gods, daunting everything in existence. A path of pain and misery, but at the end lies the paradise he always wished for. ________________________ Book 3 of Fayden Leywin Saga.

Erebus512 · Derivados de obras
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16 Chs


Nathan Ambers POV :

The feeling of death was far from anything I have ever experienced.

As my 'soul' left my body, I was allowed a few moments to see the repercussions of my death.

Fayden Leywin, one of my closest friends, sat there, cradling my corpse. His eyes staring off to space.

Wait, weren't his eyes blue? Why are they red?

I would get my answer soon, as he placed my body down gently before getting up and walking calmly to Lucas Wykes…my killer.

As he walked, Fayden began changing.

His hair turned pitch black, red markings traced down his arms and torso, though not for long as they began squirming and eventually escaped from his body, floating around him.

A black, inky substance coalesced around his arms and legs, transforming them.

His hands had grown into claws, the black substance covering all of it, and a blade-like construct formed from his elbows, long enough to reach his shoulders.

His legs became something similar, only more beastly. His ankles grew spikes like his elbows, extending up to his thigh as he stood on his tiptoes.

Is…that his beast will?

There was a black puddle between his legs, which soon exploded into a dome.

And what I saw next could be classified as something out of a nightmare.

The way he killed Lucas was…brutal. I have no other word to describe it.

Seconds after that I began moving without my consent.

"Whoa!" I exclaimed but no sound came out.

My body, er soul? Let's go with soul.

Anyways my soul rose up so much that I could see all of Xyrus, before my vision began spinning.

When I could see clearly again, I was in a totally different area.

It was hard to say where since I was in an enclosed room.

Apart from me there was someone else, and he seemed to be unconscious.

His hair was...unique, which I guess would be a good term to describe it.

He had shoulder length orange-red hair that seemed like it was on fire, and metallic strands of gold.

He was wearing a rather lavish outfit of the same color scheme.

The outfit was…nothing like the ones I have ever seen.

In a word, it could be said to be...regal, with a red and gold color scheme.

The gold parts seemed to be metallic, could it be actual gold?

That's when I heard 2 voices speak, a male and a female.

"Are you sure about this? Your successor won't appreciate you doing this to his friend," the female voice spoke first, her voice itself held power and I felt like bowing.

"The pros outweigh the cons here, Pharos. He might be angry at first, but he will have to accept it. Besides, who wouldn't like it if someone they thought was dead, turned out to be alive?" the male replied, now his voice was different. It was scary, and I wanted nothing more than to cower away.

"Well, technically if said person was someone they hated, they wouldn't appreciate it." she said, with a hint of playfulness.

"You know what I mean."

A faint chuckling could be heard, along with a weary sigh.

"We should get this over with before we start bickering," the male spoke.


What the hell is happening…

The person in front of me began emitting red and gold mana and opened his crimson eyes.

But…those eyes had no light in them. They were like my own eyes when I died.

Weren't they talking about resurrection? Could they be meaning to bring this man, whoever he was, back to life?

During my thought process I never noticed the string of mana tethering me to the body.

Whoa! What now?!

I tried to move away, but my movements were too sluggish, it was as if I was walking through tar…

Why do I feel so…weak?

I could feel the strength sapping away from me as my vision dimmed.

Is this what true death is?

Am I finally passing on?

Those were my last thoughts and I thought no further…


3rd Person POV:

Somewhere in the dimension of Losvillion.

Space itself swirled on itself as a mass of blackness formed, something similar to a black hole, but not nearly as deadly.

For one, it did not suck in all the matter near it, rather it began shaping itself to something akin to a humanoid body.

An ethereal form inched closer to it, seemingly unconscious. Soon color returned to the body, revealing its features.

The boy seemed to be in his late teens to early twenties. He had wild black hair falling down his face in multiple bangs and a healthy complexion.

The boy curled up in a fetal position, be it voluntary or not, and floated up, a shell of black forming around him.

This boy would stay in this state for a few weeks to come.

But when he awakens, even gods would tremble in fear…


Reynolds Leywin POV :

When I came to, I didn't recognize where I was. I expected to be in the medical tents, or dead, but this room was nothing like the pungent smelling tents.

I pushed myself up, resting on my elbow and glanced around. This…is a pretty barren room. There was nothing here, not a single accessory.

My eyes flickered down to my hands, and I almost screamed out loud. Whose gauntlets are those?!

They looked like they were made of obsidian, and porcelain, extending to my elbows. They even had claws!

Ahem! You're a grown man Reynolds! Act like one. But claws!

I raised my arm, and poked at my leather vest. It tore right through. Holy shit, that's sharp!

Calm down Reynolds, take stock of your surroundings. I shook my head, almost slapping my face out of habit. That would have ended badly.

Getting up to my feet I noticed something I hadn't before, one of the walls had a rectangle etched onto it, almost as if there was a door.

Out of curiosity, I walked closer. Once I was directly in front of me, I placed my hand on the cold hard surface.

I jumped back when a glowing imprint of my arm appeared on it. But it hadn't harmed me. I placed my palm over it again, and it pulsed red.

Crap, was I not supposed to do that?!

When nothing happened for a few minutes, I breathed out in relief. What did I do wrong?

I kept staring at the imprint, and then it clicked. It was the imprint of a naked palm, not gauntleted. But how do I take this off?

As if responding to my thoughts, my right gauntlet crawled open, like it was a swarm of bugs. I made a face at that comparison.

The bulky gauntlet had condensed into a pentagonal chip on the back of my hand, leaving my palm free.

With nothing blocking me, I placed my palm over the blue symbol, and was almost blinded when light seeped in through the seams of the slowly opening door.