
Train of Time to the road and destiny

There are many road to the other world. However, as the road is long and harsh, a train was used to bring them to their destination. Kidnapped by the train with either friends and strangers, would there be a fate that be interwined in their journey? Every road will have their own end destination, but, just how many stop can they passed. "I will forge our destiny, everybody will live until we get back home" a voice of enthusiasm resound. "We will take the victory, you just have to follow my lead" a valiant figure stood tall amidst a thousand figures. "There is no such thing as a total clean happy ending, love" said the brown eyes full of sadness and love. The past, the present and the future, can we lead our own story to the plan ending.

Jojies · Fantasía
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1 Chs

1 : A woobly wake up morning

The sound of metal clashing can be heard constantly in a fixed rhythm as the faint breath of snore can be heard along with it. A ray of warmth sunshine fall along the 70 inches width corridor with several identical doors separate uniformly.

"durn dang de deng den" aegaen sea (Huawei) alarm song can be heard in one of the door, third from the last right row. Inside the door, one single bed can be seen with a silhouette of small stature with average height facing downwards in her beds. With her black silky hair scattered accross the pillow and her hand split apart from side to side. Although her stature look earily awful, the warmth sunshine slip from door and windows soothe the room.

"What song is it.." a mumbling voice can be heard, as it echoes from the pillow,

" I kinda know this song, durn dang den deng den... Hurmmmm.... Oh... It is my alarm. Hahaha. I want a vacation, I don't want to go to work!" she start hitting the bed with both hand and leg alternately.

"Arghhhhhhhh...." a small groaning sound produced while she's stretching her body with a motion of her face start facing upwards, and a half open eyelids start blinking around constantly. A yawning can be heard as her mouth open widely with the full stretch of her face skin, and, as she start sitting down on her bed, a sense on realization can be seen on her face.

" Heck"

A deep breath can be heard in the quiet room.

"Am I being kidnapped?.. . Or... I'm so sleepy yesterday that I follow my friend to her vacation that she hasn't even mention before?" she start putting a contemplative gesture as she is talking.

"Have I been hit by truck and transmigrate? The furniture has an antiques European feeling to it" she start walking and going to the mirror. "Yeah, nothing change, I still look like myself, thank god" a breath of relief was heard as she stared at herself.

Suddenly, a noisy sound of several exclamation and panic movement can be heard constantly.

"Seems like something is going on." she pause in front of the mirror while tried to listen to the conversation outside. "Something like we should call the police and who bring us here is been discuss, ok, it wasn't just me who is being kidnapped." she sigh with relief.

" Then, first thing first, let's take a bath and changed to a suitable cloth. Thank god that the kidnapper seems kind enough to bring our cloth, phone, charger, skincare and bath product." she mumble as she look through the item available in her room, "the only thing different is, the room is inside a moving train, with one bed, wardrobe, a mirror and a toilet, with an ancient European style. Dang it, I shouldn't waste my time, I need to take a bath and join the discussion outside. "

She move quickly and start taking her bath cleanly and efficiently." For safety sake, I should choose cloth with trousers that suitable for running, a white t-shirt with black sport pants. Yeah, still cute enough. " as she look at herself in the mirror. A 165 cm tall slender girl, with a face looks like Asian and western can be seen. A healthy complexian, ruddy face and a large green eyes can be seen in the mirror as she appreciate the cloth that she is wearing.

" Now, let's go out and search for answers" as she open the door to go outside, she can smell a wiff of mint in a fleeting moment. The outside light is in higher intensity which make her need to blink more to get used to it.

"Wow" she exclaimed slowly with a small voice as she seems to be in trance looking at the man in front of her. "This is what Wattpad and webnovel mean by Greek God it seems" she thought very hard while looking at him.

"Nasha, oh my god, you are here too!!" a girl of the same height jolted her awake.

"Andria!! Omg, you are here too. But, you are a thousand miles away from me, how can they kidnapped a person so far from each other together?" Nasha start feeling weird seeing her former university classmate here while feeling happy. A complex feeling of relief and curiousity are blended together forming her blank face.

" Yeah right, it was weird for me too, my elder brother and I should be on a vacation with my family, but we are the only one here." as Andria pointed towards her brother, which is also the Greek God being stared by Nasha before.

"wow, your brother is so handsome." Nasha start compliment her brother in whisper to Andria.

"You know, right, that we are being KIDNAPPED!! And the worst part is, we are miles away, but, we are being move together without knowledge and no memories of it, and here you are simping for my brother!! " Andria look at Nasha with a sympathy. " You've been single too long Nasha." she's continued.

"I have never been in a relationship to be clear" Nasha said with her cute face and big eyes blinking at her friend.

"Do you wish to get smack" Andria said while slapping Nasha back.

" hahaha, I'm sorry, sorry. Don't slap me, it's hurt." as Nasha tried to evade Andria agile hand.

" We shouldn't do this you know, the sun gonna change to purple moon in another 5 minutes, and we should start preparing to discuss the strategy to fight the shadow looking creature in another 5 hours as the purple moon start changing again to red." Nasha talk carelessly.

" Are you gonna be like this , I'm gonna smack you more " Andria feel funny, but at the same time annoyed with her friend.

" Andria, no, don't beat people to much. Your friend gonna be bruised if you do that. " Andria was stop by her Greek God brother.

"Aiden, she should be beaten by me, it used to stop her from start talking nonsense again, and making things came true. She always got the words that comes from her mouth to happen in real life later. I should stop my stupid friend." Andria talk as she laughed looking at Nasha.

" it's okay brother Aiden, we are always like this " Nasha laugh along with Andria while defending her.

" As long as nobody dies" Aiden said while making a surrender face.

" But, yeah, why do I feel that it is deja vu right now" Nasha said while looking at Andria. " No way, right?" she start feeling uneasy.

"Don't make me feel scared with your serious face" Andria said to Nasha.

"It's really gonna be turning to purple isn't it" Nasha said while looking outside the windows that situated in between the connecting part of the train, a very wide window .

At the same times, the cloud that move beautifully start moving very slowly which can be seen in naked eyes, and even the wind can be seen in a wavy pattern along the train movement. As the time outside seems to be slowly move in a ticking second, it looks like the surrounding was in suction by a vortex, the colors start changing to darkish environment, and the sun change to purple moon. Then, as in que, the time restore back to normal, with the new purple moon.

"Heck, what just happen" Aiden said while looking at the changes and start looking shocked at Nasha together with Andria.

" Really!! You and your usual future precognition!!" Andria give a small shriek to Nasha, which making all the others to start looking at them too.

"Yeah...." Nasha start talking slowly, "For this one time, I think I really have seen it before" Nasha said with rigid muscles on her face as she look at their face. "We gotta talk fast with everyone." she said while looking at them with a face trying to sort out her thought along the way.