
Fairy blue dress

...from where did you get that ?'' all of them asked.

''Found it!'' Harry answered. A sense of mischief glowed in his eyes while his mouth curved into a huge grin.

''Don't tell me you went out again '' Rion lowered his voice just in case

Harry plopped on to the sofa again saying '' I kind of did '' .

''Well there were two of those , what about the other one ?'' Laurenzo asked.

''uh about the other one.. I am not sure about the whereabouts , To be more honest I don't know where it is '' Harry's face turned serious again but for some reason his expression was not anything worried or concerned.

''If it's is wrong hands , it will cause a huge nuisance '' He added.

But he knew that it is not in wrong hands, at least for now.


''Haaa~ I am still alive and It's a beautiful day ... so far '' Luana muffled. Tossing the pillow she was hugging up against her away, she closed her eyes allowing the carousel to return into her mind again. The exact same moment, the exact same voices , the exact same nightmare which haunted Luana every night, for the past 11 years.

She opened her eyes to see soft molten gold light threads of the Sun pouring into her room through the window illuminating her room in a soft glow slice by slice. She took a glance at the bottle of hypnotics which was placed on her bedside table, which was not closed properly.

''I guess you didn't help either '' She mumbled as removed the coverlets and made her way towards the bathroom. She stared at herself , her own reflection on the bathroom mirror . A pair of puffy jeweled brown eyes stared back at her . Luana wondered about her own self, her own life ,everything she has been through and.. everything she going to go through. She sighed and wiped her eyes and turned on the tap and her sink filled with gleaming crystal clear water.

Luana splashed her face with refreshing cold water and stared at her own reflection one last time before leaving the bathroom.

''Luana ! why aren't you dressed yet? '' Marianne shouted making Luana jump in surprise.

Marianne was sitting on Luana's bed,her cheeks were rosy red and her eyes glistened with excitement.

'' Seriously ?'' Luana frowned a little. She never liked morning greetings and unexpected visits especially in the morning. Barely getting any sleep was one the closest reason for that

''Oh come on , dress up , Your lovey -dovey grand father is waiting for his sweet little grand daughter'' marianne said, she basically sang the whole sentence and pushed Luana into the dressing room .

''You are turning eighteen today Lune, oh -

Marianne stopped her own sentence halfway. Luana knew from her experiences that something ludicrous was on the way. She turned back to take a look at her Aunt with her cheeks becoming rosy with excitement .

''Oh god ,please not another one of your very funny jokes'' Luana prayed the god loudly to annoy Marianne.

Marianne couldn't hold back '' Perhaps do you want me to dress you up ?'' With that Marianne Laughed like a maniac and looked at Luana , indirectly telling her to laugh as well. Luana looked at her Aunt who was laughing over a stupid joke.

''What the - please you should research more about jokes ''Luana mocked Marianne about her jokes.

''Whaat , come on Lune that was a good one wasn't it ?'' Marianne asked while making puppy eyes.

''No that was definitely not , It was not a joke more like a ridiculously ridiculous statement'' Luana said as she pushed her Aunt away from her dressing room closed the door.

''You are just jealous Lune , All of my knights laugh at my jokes , they even consider my jokes as their happy pills and they even said that they can't spent a single day without my jokes!'' Marianne shouted from the other side the door so Luana could hear her.

''Happy pills ? my foot ! AHAHAHAHAHA'' Luana shouted her reply from the dressing room and laughed loudly to annoy Marianne even more .

''I feel bad for your knights '' Luana and Marianne loved to tease , roast and annoy each other so much , to the point they couldn't spend a single day without any roasting. Marianne never fails to light up Luana's face , She was the dream aunt someone could ever ask for.

She laughed and looked at her her dressing table.

She saw the gift package which was sent by his Grand father just for her on the dressing table, She checked the package for any kind of messages or notes. There were none .

''Ha! Grandpa you are taking lessons from the wrong person'' She laughed at her Grand father's cute behaviour.

Duke Phillip is secretly taking lessons from Marianne about Jokes and cheeky things. Luana eye- witnessed those two practising dumb jokes. They were so focused on the lesson and could not even sense that Luana was watching them.

She smiled and opened the package, It was a dress , carefully handpicked by the Duke Phillip himself , Made with the finest comfortable silk fabric , adorned with the finest hand made silk lace patterns.

Luana started dressing up, silky fabrics twirled down into hints of fairy blue brushing against her flawless skin , dashes of heavenly silver amongst the folds and the silk lace bow at the back everything perfectly suited her.

She slid the sleek, elegant pair of shoes that came with the dress which completed the look. Luana decided to go with something smooth and elegant with her soft wavy hair, she tucked one side under her ear clipped it with a jewelled hair clip.

She took a good look at herself from the mirror.

''I look kinda pretty right? '' She chuckled and turned to go .

''Dear Adulting here I come !'' She said with another soft chuckle and went searching for her Grand father and her Aunt. She walked gracefully and swiftly through the mansion and maids greeted her and said many beautiful compliments like,

''Lady Luana you look pretty as ever !''

''M'lady you look gorgeous!''

''My God lady Luana you look so beautiful. may your sweetest smile never disappear !''

Luana smiled and politely said thanks . She remembered how her parents used to compliment her when she wore a beautiful dress , especially on her birthday. A flashback of memories flooded her mind.

'~'Luney, you look gorgeous as ever!'' Catherine scooped Luana up and swinged her while giggling and being a fan of her daughter's cuteness.

''I know right ? my daughter definitely inherited my beauty, right my princess ? you inherited your papa's beauty right? !'' Saying that Marcus took Luana from Catherine's hands into her Father Marcus's hands. He held Luana close and looked at Catherine triumphantly .

''Oh please , Lune definitely inherited her mama's beauty '' Catherine flipped her hair.

''How can our daughter be this cute Cath? '' Marcus tossed Luana up in the air and catched her again carefully.

Luana just giggled watched them playfully fighting over their own daughter's beauty and her overdosed cuteness at that time.~

Her heart wrenched , recalling the memories urged her to cry but she plastered a smile on her face because everyone at the mansion cared a lot about her. She did not want to make others worry about her .She smiled at everyone sweetly and finally reached the ball room.