


He ran, pushing himself on and on, fuelled by energy pulsating through his body. Occasionally, a sense of heaviness settled on him only to dissipate. He had heard of things like this, at least while he still was at Ijinle Orun.

It was said that this usually came up when a soul was about to experience futher baptism in the Aspectual law of his/her patron Orisha. And in his case, Light Energy, which was the Aspect of reality that King Obatala, was based on.

The more one was baptized in the law, the more he or she evolved up into higher classes and the more powerful the soul grew. A strong soul meant he could withstand the effect of using Law imbued attack.

And that was his aim. Despite the feeling of strength he had on him, he knew deep down that it still wasn't enough.

'I need to get stronger. Too weak.'


'Stronger...' He mused, his feets in a patter along the street.

Soon, he arrived a junction and stopped short. His eyes widening with excitement, as his body trembled, phsyical exhaustion from all that had happened reinforced on him.

He felt like resting but now was not the time. Now,..

Now was time for shopping. Sunday grinned, as he observed the open market and tapped at his ring, a sense of security seeping in.

He walked into the adjoining street stepping feet into the open market, his mind going ablaze on what to get. He needed to get stronger.

But depending only on essence for the time being as going to limit him in so many ways, since Elites were really nothing so special on the power chart.

What made them hold out however was the fact that Elites were naturally inclined to move in large groups. Added to that , their resilience.

This two factors made the Elite class the safest, most populated Class of Irunmole. There were even instance of people refusing to advance down the classes and content with just Elite Class. After all, advancing classes was not something so easily attainable.

Sunday walked through a bustling crowd. He shoved in-between two Irunmoles who seemed to be having a discussion as they carried their luggage. Dashing off to the other side of the road, he almost got hit by a caravan of Pegasus, the Irunmole Coach yelling at him to watch where he was going.

He smiled.

Not that that mattered.

But because he had seen just what he was looking for. A 'Specials' Shop. One that specialised in selling artefacts to others.

Who said he had to depend solely on essence to get strong? Whoever did surely had not seen of artefacts.

He walked into the shop ignoring the strange stares he got from passerbys. He wasn't going to let anyone judge him by his age. After all, he wasn't so young.

Stepping in, the glass like doors vanished allowing him access . Until he stepped in, did the doors appear. Standing a while, he marvelled before starting into the shop and observing some items on sale.

Noting a sickle like weapon, another glass box revealing a set of soft glowing orbs on a wooden shelf to the wall on his left. A little apart from that was a pair of rather large golden gloves.

The shop seemed quite narrow like it was carved out of a corridor, having two to three long shelves on the sides of the wall, having an attendant counter of cream at the opposite end to the door.

'Uh... Who can have bighands like that.' Sunday scowled.

"Yes, Ewo lo fe(1)?" The shop attendant spoke , noting the disapproval on his face. "That is a Gregarious Guantlet. A gauntlet that let's you absorb energy from each hit you get and then rechannels it to boosts whatever attack you make. So far , the original impact had landed on the gauntlet.'

"Hmm..." Sunday thought for awhile. "But why would have to have to wait to be attacked first before I can use it's potential?" He asked, hand on chin as he studied the rather flashy artefact.

"Well, you can try Obsidian Bow if you are looking to deal damage first. And it's not expensive either. Affordable." The attendant spoke, patting his fila as he stood, pointing to the Obsidian Bow.

"Hmm... " Sunday sighed, looking warily at the attendant.

"You do realize that high Classed Irunmoles actually don't need artefacts, you know?"

"Well, what's your choice sir? Obsidian Bow or Gregarious Gauntlet?"

"Ah ah..." Sunday lower jaw dropped. " I haven't even made my mind yet and you are trying to force my choice."

"Look, mister, make your choice..I have other customers in here that I must attend to." He added impatiently.

Sunday heaved.

"Okay okay. Do you have masks?..." Sunday chirped in.

" What... Is this some opera shop or theater? Didn't you read the sign on my shop. It says SPECIALS... NOT THEATER MATERIALS!!!..." The attendant blurted out, coming into view from behind the counter.

"Well, I was just trying to politely tell you that I am not buying your..."

"GET OUT... YOU!!... " He screamed, pointing his hands to the exit.

"You really should be nicer to your customers, you know." Sunday replied, unpertubed, hands crossed on his chest.


"Ino Agbara: DISTURBING LIGHT..." The attendant yelled.

Immediately, a small ball of light appeared in his raised right hand, floating just above it.


The ball of light suddenly began chaotic, spirals of light spreading around like tendrils.


THe ball was hurled towards Sunday. It blurred as it came to him, tendrils condensed behind it to form a blazing propeller of white light.

He simply sidestepped.

It was going to take simply more than just that to get him out of this shop without his own volition.

Or maybe not!

Sundays eyes widened as the impetuous burst of energy sailed past him.

The wisping ball of chaotic light that shivered past him suddenly attached tendrils to his arms and legs and tugged. Jerking him forcefully off the ground towards the outside of the shop , moving on an impetus of violent energy as it crackled.

Sunday suddenly felt weightless, his own body betraying him as he swept off, after the disappearing chaotic light ball.

'Damnit, how am I supposed to strike a badass pose in front of this rude attendant if a simple move like this can kick me out.


Need to think fast.'

His hands flaied in the air, grabbing onto two pillars that supported the shop. Withstanding the force of the light ball move while it dissipated.

Whilst Disappearing light wasn't a powerful move but yet, when unleashed on surprise, even Primes could be banished to wherever the Irunmole wanted. The only side effect was that it tended to dissipate and lose it's impetus as it flew farther from it's origin. Meaning a person could buy time simply by withstanding the chaotic ball of light for just some time and then watch it diminish and dissipate.

However the shop attendant was not going to take that lying low.

Smart Ass you are,Sunday!

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