
Just Cousins?

Justin's P.O.V

When I heard the door close, I opened my eyes. I saw myself floating about 30 centimeters above the ceiling with 6 bullets levitating below me.

I was in shock and I was also in luck. I didn't intend to use any my powers and I was sure I didn't use them. I had just lay down on the dusty floor of the ceiling and hoped not to be killed.

I was so happy that my powers came to my rescue when I truly needed them though I didn't want to use them... and that they didn't leave any dead bodies behind.

I heard someone say; "Who could that man be?" It was a frail voice, the voice of an elderly person. But something in that voice was familiar to me. I was certain I knew the owner of the voice and after some seconds of thinking, I realized that it was my maternal grandfather's.

I was very acquainted with him. He was a man in his early eighties. He had chestnut brown eyes and once black hair, which is now a mixture of black and white. He and his wife lived not too far from our house and I visited him frequently during holidays.

He was a very fun and lively man and I always did look forward to visiting him. But now, instead of liveliness, I could imagine the grief and sadness on his face; his only surviving child and her husband were both dead. His son had died about ten years ago due to a plane crash. And now... his daughter?

If I had thought of all these when I had the chance to kill John seconds ago, I would have done it without having any regrets. Right now, I was just filled with pure anger. I felt bad for him and my grand mom; both of them had buried their own children. It was unarguably one of the worst feelings anyone could go through. And they were going through all these because of the greed and stupidity of two men. I had just realized that I was not the only one affected by this tragedy.

I kept floating until I heard him close the door behind him. The bullets fell clumsily and I landed on them. I got up from the ceiling and came down through the hole I used to come in.

My clothes were totally ruined by the dust I lay on. I began dusting off the dirt on them. When I was done, they were barely visible... because I was wearing a black outfit.

I walked out of the lavatory, trying to put on the straightest face I could. I didn't want to show any emotions.


Lisa's P.O.V

I was sure that Justin needed truckload of emotional support because it was evident in the way he behaved this afternoon that he did. And also, he looked very distraught at table when we were having dinner. In fact, no one talked at table this evening, which was very rare. The atmosphere was just very uncomfortable.

It was 10:00 pm and I had just finished my art project so I decided that it will be nice if I visited him.

I got into the room and I knocked thrice. When he didn't answer, I got in. He wasn't there!

His room was in a state of disarray; clothes on the floor, some of his books were scattered on his table too and his bed was also scattered. I wondered where on earth he could be. 'Maybe he could be with my dad or something,' I thought and shrugged.

I was turning back, about to leave the room when I saw his window wide open. My heart immediately flew into my mouth. I was scared he did the unthinkable; suicide.

I went to the window and checked the veranda to see if he was there but he wasn't. My heart began to beat speedily.

I had come late! If I had come earlier, maybe I could've saved him but I was too busy with my dumb project that I didn't even give a second to check on him.

I sat on the bed with teary eyes and started crying. It was hard to believe he could be stupid enough to leave everything else he had, behind and take his own life. I didn't even think I could cry because of someone's death... I thought I was strong enough but here I was, crying for someone I barely knew.

After crying for a straight ten minutes, I stood up to check outside for his dead body... I knew I was going to cry again when I saw it but I just had to, so I'll be sure and will then go and break the bad news to mom and dad.

I climbed through the window to the balcony. I looked down to check for him and then I caught sight of someone sitting down at the edge of the flat cemented roof of the middle school that was beside our house, staring blankly into the night sky.

I heaved a sigh of relief as my brain registered that the person was Justin. I laughed in my mind... 'I cried so much for him and he wasn't even dead' I thought. I was so happy when I saw him, I wasn't going to see my parents or any other person cry.

I didn't know why I even felt that Justin could be crazy enough to commit suicide... For the few weeks I've known him, I knew that he was emotionally strong.

The roof of the school was some meters lower than his balcony and wasn't so far from it so it was very possible that he jumped to it... plus, he's got telekinesis.

'I was going to jump to the middle school's roof too' I said in my mind. I didn't even think much about it because I knew I could do it... so took some steps backwards and then ran forward, landed one of my feet on the railings and jumped as far as I could into the air.


I landed on the floor and rolled simultaneously... something I learned from judo classes.

I was surprised that he didn't notice when I landed. Anyway, I walked towards him and sat beside him. And still he didn't notice. He was still staring at the stars.

"Hey," I said as he looked at me weirdly, like he just got out of a trance.

"Hello," He replied plainly.

"How are you?" I inquired.

"I'm fine"

He looked back into the sky, I sensed that he didn't want to say anything, so I didn't bother him. At least I was there so he wasn't going to kill himself on my watch.

He seemed at peace looking at the beautiful night sky.

I had been staring into the sky with an endless boredom... 'How could Justin do this for all this while?' I asked myself.

Just when I thought I was going to get up and walk away, I felt his warm, soft hands grasp mine. I can't explain how I felt but it was as if there were caterpillars in my guts for so long and they just matured into butterflies.

He was probably just holding me the way a brother holds a sister which wasn't something to feel so amazing about. But I was proven wrong when he leaned forward and kissed me.

I was greatly astonished by his actions. I was the one who normally gave surprise kisses... nevertheless, I kissed him back. It felt like a decade of joy and happiness for me and like those butterflies were flying all over the place.

He suddenly stopped and looked away. "I'm sorry." He uttered, embarrassed.

"It's okay..." I said, but I couldn't hide the red color on my cheeks that sold me out.

I was sure that my attraction towards him had multiplied by like a hundred times and there was no doubt that he liked me too

Right then, what the world was going to say about a girl dating her cousin didn't matter to me. They could say all the cared to but I wouldn't care less. I just wanted to be with him all my life.

And no matter what hurdles we were going to face, we were going to cross over them together and tenaciously.


Justin's P.O.V

'Why the fuck did you do that, man!!??'